I’ll Start... How Far Can We Go? You Decide!

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So . . . you got your reward and you're just leaving then?

That's right. Yeah. Got some old debts to pay off with this stuff. Even if I didn't, don't think I'd be fool enough to stick around here, do ya?
Why don't you come with us. You're pretty good in a fight. We could use you.

Oh come on. Why don't you take a look around. You know what's about to happen. What they're up against. They could use a good pilot like you. You're turning your back on them.

What good's a reward if you ain't around to use it? Besides, attacking that battle station isn't my idea of courage. More like . . . suicide.
What’s wrong?

Oh, it’s Han… I don’t know, I really thought he’d change his mind.

He’s got to follow his own path, no one can choose it for him.

I only wish………Ben were here.

*Open main launch tubes*

*Main launch tubes opening, sir*

Biggs: Hey, Luke!

Luke: BIGGS!

Biggs: I don’t believe it, how are ya!?

Luke: Heeeeyyyyy! Great!

Biggs: How’d you get here? You coming up with us?

Luke: I’ll be right there with you, and have I got stories to tell you!

Red Leader: Are you...Luke Skywalker? Have you been checked out on the Incom T-sixty-five?

Biggs: Sir, Luke is the best bush pilot in the outer rim territories.

Red Leader: I met your father once when I was just a boy, he was a great pilot. You'll do all right. If you've got half of your father's
skill, you'll do better than all right.

Luke: Thank you sir, I’ll try.

Red Leader: I met your father once when I was just a boy, he was a great pilot. You'll do all right. If you've got half of your father's skill, you'll do better than all right.
How many versions are there? I know the Red Leader, Biggs & Luke scene was restored
But was this line ever actually used in any cut of the film? Or just released as an out-take.


Also never noticed till now, how much R2 jumps cause of that slick cut

Continued: (One of the best deleted scenes I'm glad was restored.)

Biggs: I got to get aboard, I'll hear all your stories when we get back, alright. (sadly he never does)
Luke: Hey Biggs, I told you I'de make it some day.
Biggs: It'll be like old times Luke They'll never stop us.
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Wow! I was looking everywhere for that top clip and never found it. Thanks!

The version I used was from the original 1976 script (1977 release) because I couldn’t find the clip.

I saw the original 1977 release in the theater six times way back then and I know for sure the line about “meeting your father once when I was just o boy” was in the theatrical release as well as the “if you have half his skill” part. But as for the “you’ll do better than alright”, my mind says yes, that was also there, but 45 years later, it’s hard to distinguish between actual memory of the movie and what I read in the novelization (which I also read numerous times in the 70s and 80s) and/or the comics, etc….

In other words, I’m such a hopeless Star Wars saturated junkie, that I have no idea what’s real anymore!
I saw the original 1977 release in the theater six times way back then and I know for sure the line about “meeting your father once when I was just o boy” was in the theatrical release as well as the “if you have half his skill” part.

*Vader voice* Your memory is poor.

The above Biggs scene was never in the original theatrical release. I saw Star Wars 30 times in 1977. I also made an audio recording of one on my theatrical experiences. That scene was added back in many, many years later.

I think it may have been in the book of the movie and other places where people may have envisioned it over time as actually being in the film. I do remember hearing about the scene as well as the opening scene with Biggs and friends that was also cut.

Unless of course you went to one of the early screenings.
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*Vader voice* Your memory is poor.

The above Biggs scene was never in the original theatrical release. I saw Star Wars 30 times in 1977. I also made an audio recording of one on my theatrical experiences. That scene was added back in many, many years later.

I think it may have been in the book of the movie and other places where people may have envisioned it over time as actually being in the film. I do remember hearing about the scene as well as the opening scene with Biggs and friends that was also cut.

Unless of course you went to one of the early screenings.
Very hard to argue based on a 45 year old memory from a child’s perspective because , as I mentioned above, at this point there’s no way to separate the memory from all the other media I consumed in that era and since, but my story seems to go like this:

1977, all us old fogeys go see Star Wars (no mention of hope required). Then, just before the release of ESB in 1980, 20th Century Fox re-releases the original to theaters in anticipation of the new movie. I distinctly remember (or seem to) that the Red Leader scene is conspicuously absent. All my friends notice and talk about it. Then we see ESB and begin to put together the theory that RL’s line about meeting Luke’s father must have been seen as problematic to Lucas’ ESB narrative.

So maybe my imagination is stronger than my memory, but that’s how it plays in my head. I’d love to hear your tapes!

And so onward!
I’d love to hear your tapes!
I haven't heard them myself in probably 40+ years. I taped it at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. The best part is hearing the 1977 audience reactions.

There were some differences between that theater and the theater I watched most showings in, like the dialogue of 3PO's being missing while explaining the tractor beam -- at the Chinese theater, that sequence was silent of dialogue (no "the tractor beam is coupled to main reactor at several locations...").

But I never heard of any theater showing the missing Biggs scene with Red Leader. Perhaps it was on the album "The Story of Star Wars"? Or something that played in imaginations and got conflated as if it was the actual film?
Yeah I don't remember it in the original theatrical release, or any edition either, hence pleasantly surprised when it was quoted here.
It was however used in the 77 Marvel comic. (which also had the Biggs Tattoine scenes, and weird Jabba stand-in scene). Even further he straight acknowledges Luke as a "Son of the Original Jedi Knights" :wink1:

You wouldn't want my life to become boring, would you?

X-Wings begin take off.

Ben's voice: Luke, the Force will be with you.
*Luke looks around is confused)
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