Hot Toys MMS243 - 1/6th scale Captain America & Steve Rogers

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I mean I made sure the seam of the bottom part of the headsculpt is flush like the one in Hyatts photo with the body he shows in his pic so hopefully it's the right gap distance
That's the million dollar question, we can get an idea from looking at these pics.


After modding the Avengers Cap chest, time to mod the Stealth Suit....

Had a hard time zipping up the suit, so the chest cannot be puffed up a lot....

Ok boys I pulled the trigger and did the Reeves body on the Cap mod. Dark Av as I promised here are the photos. I'm gonna tell you right not it isssss a absolute Bizzzzzzaaaaachhh to get it done. But with patience endurance and slow careful timing it can be done.

Yeah I am thinking about caving and modding the Reeve's body, I really can't stand the shape of the torso and I am yet to find another way of getting that V shape.

I have a few more tweaks to do in my opinion the shoulders are fine they do not need Tamiya putty if you cut the rubber undershirt right I used Hyatts mod as a template.

I have to disagree with you there man, the shoulder's need to be bulked up but not by much. I didn't use putty though to bulk up mine.

BTW the rubber undershirt mod has nothing to do with bulking up the shoulder's it is about freeing them from restriction so you can do more poses.

I removed the vest also removed the shield logo on right arm cause it just looks flat out stupid but I got it off good!

Put the strike suit cap arms on the reeves body,
Cut and trimmed the neck area like Hyatt as well. Freaking guy is dweeb I have asked him several times to explain head mod. Opinion we one if you think head sits to low on neck.

Here ya go!!!

Perfect V shape Dark V!!!

Sorry I don't get this sentence, are you saying that when you removed the vest it removed the shield logo and you are happy with that? Also it looks like the suit is not fitting tightly against the body so I am assuming you removed the fat suit? Nevertheless, it is a big improvement over the stock figure's torso. :clap

Does my head sit to low in the pic I mean it's just the neck seem meeting the base of the bottom peg on the sup body where the rubber was removed on Hyatts body

Yeah it looks too low, which is one reason I was afraid to do that mod. You could possibly fix that though by making the peg sit up higher.
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So is the consensus that removing the fat suit or any portion of the fat suit does nothing? So confusing. I can't wait to get mine finally but not sure which approach to take when it comes to modding.
Thanks to all.
So is the consensus that removing the fat suit or any portion of the fat suit does nothing? So confusing. I can't wait to get mine finally but not sure which approach to take when it comes to modding.
Thanks to all.

If you read the previous replies, it was stated that removing the fat suit does nothing to the articulation of the figure. The inner shirt is the one that's causing the articulation due to its hard rubber middle.

The fat suit is preventing the formation of the chest due to its singular construction all the way to the abs.
So is the consensus that removing the fat suit or any portion of the fat suit does nothing? So confusing. I can't wait to get mine finally but not sure which approach to take when it comes to modding.
Thanks to all.

Removing the fat suit is a double edge sword.


Torso now has a natural shape and not straight like a ruler and flat as a board.


Outfit can no longer fit tightly against the body and thus, looks baggy and too big for the body.

So if have to decide if you want to sacrifice a tight fitting suit in order to have a torso that has a natural looking shape. Personally I prefer the latter because you can pull back on the waist of the suit (pic below) so the suit looks tight from front on, at least (second pic).

In this case I just removed the lower portion and kept the top part so the lower abs would sink in and the chest would stick out.
I guess it looks like this figure turned out to be quite a mess. Shame. I have no interest in taking the costume off and heavily modifying the body underneath. I don't have the skills, confidence, or patience to do so. Hopefully I'm happy with it when it arrives, but I suppose I need to have a think about the possibility of just moving this figure along when I receive it and putting the money towards another version of Cap. It's too bad because the prototype looked so good.
If you read the previous replies, it was stated that removing the fat suit does nothing to the articulation of the figure. The inner shirt is the one that's causing the articulation due to its hard rubber middle.

That is true but people who have removed the fat suit like clipper king can now do many poses without cutting the rubber portion of the shirt for some reason.

The fat suit is preventing the formation of the chest due to its singular construction all the way to the abs.

Awesome thank you! What are you using to pull back the lower part of the suit?
thank you

Well I pull back on it with my fingers and then use a clothes line peg or alligator clip to maintain that shape. However, since the suit is quite rigid it maintains that shape once you remove the clothes line peg.

Will removing the front ab portion of the fat suit make a difference ? ( leaving complete back part)

Possibly, but the idea of removing the lower portion was to create more of a V shape on the torso because it makes the waist narrower and upper part broader (to an extent). If you just remove the back part, the waist will not be as narrow and thus, there will be less of a V shape, however, the torso will probably have natural shape and the suit will most likely have a tighter fit, so it might be worth a try.
It´s not a consensus at all.

I have the figure in hands and it doesn´t have ANY issue. All the mods I see until now or a) don´t present any visible modification after mod or b) the figure looks worst after the mod.

The thing I see is that some "collectors" NEED to point problems on Hot Toys and NEED to make some mod to prove to themselves and to everyone how brillant and how better than HT they are.

Some really skilled guys like Hyatt really managed to let the figure better - but not so different from the figure straight out of the box, with a little fuzzing.

But some other mods just ruined the all figure, letting Cap without a neck, for example.

Just get the damm figure and let it breath outside the box. This is all you really need.