1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 279 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Darth Vader

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"I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan."


probably my favorite varder of the three ive owned in 1/sith scale. Im using the sideshow vader 2.0 gloves on him. just need to cut the length of the pegs down a smidge and they plug in the arm just fine.
Can this figure cross his arms like at the end of ROTS? Or does his suit limit the articulation too much?
I'm not talking about quality, and it's a fine looking Vader (except those awful girl hands) - I'm just saying the HT Vader doesn't look like ANH Vader out of the box is all.

With a fair amount of modding, it can be MADE to look like ANH Vader (WTC's and JazzInc's modded HT Vaders are superb,) but I just wish you could pull a Vader out of the box and it looked just like he stepped off the screen. SSC ROTJ didn't. HT ANH didn't.

All Vaders come with a Vader helmet and armor and suit, so YES, it's never in dispute that you're looking at Vader figure, and I'm sure that's good enough for many maybe even most, I'm just saying I wish these companies would take it to the next level. We've had so many 1/6 Vaders over the years - time for a company to hit it out of the park.

I agree. However there is probably one of two things happening.
1. They know it's not perfect, but want us to keep buying...I don't think they're that good.
Like when people say they are purposely doing stylized sculpts...I believe artists all have their biases and are largely unaware how it shows up in their own work, until a third party points them out...it's a process after all.

2. Every time they think they hit it out of the park, the do not realize that fans, collectively, have their visual cues as to what makes a specific Vader.
While they concentrate on getting the shape of something right, they are forgetting how it fits perhaps, or by getting a color details, like the nose,N they font realize that the plug itself becomes a point of contention because it creates a seam or awkward shallowness where it should have depth.
Fans have their sepcific important cues that makes a specific Vader, some want all, some want most, others only want a couple.
For some, it's HW the cape drapes over the greaves, for another, it's that little divot inside the new bridge, for another it's that tiny flat part of the temple, or the uneven back edge of the dome, or the c scar, or, a multitude of anything which , even if they wanted to make the perfect Vader, wouldn't be able to find all the markers that belong on Vader ...
Now, that said, they can at the very least make a good shaped face and properly set dome, minus all the surface markers.
A properly painted set of armour, minus tiny marks that's are considered definitive, make correctly fitted outfit and silhouette of hands and gives,b overall stature and ability to replicate at least a casual Vader pose, arms folded or on belt. For me that may actually be enough