Hot Toys: MMS 139 Resident Evil: Afterlife: 1/6th scale Alice Collectible Figure

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Yep that was me! I ended up doing a deal out of ebay as some guy was asking me whats the absolute lowest id take, and i told him the lowest id take was my ebay price but then offered to do it out of ebay and knock ebay's final value fee off the price. Theres so many things out now that i want to buy but i cant, but then i look at my shelves and i have a ton of money tied up in figures already! I like to thin once in a while

Also just had her out!


It just looks awesome mate, best purchase i ever made. I prefer the hair sculpt like you have there in the pics. it shows off more of her face & i think it looks more like milla than the full forward sweeped hair. The only thing i wish was better was them boots, i wish HT has made them out of leather look material & used proper laces the boots are big enough to do that detail, might get some made one day. Just buy a 2nd pair of boots & cut them up for the accurate shape to transfer onto leather :)

You got anything else pre-ordered or planning on getting this year? Im hoping they do go ahead & make Back To The Future, i want a deLorean in 1/6 wow imagine the detail inside that car & the suicide doors
The boots are my main gripe with the figure too, its meant to be 3 different items of clothing but HT just casted them as a solid 1 piece boot in 1 colour. Id also of like more realistic looking hair and that artic roll of weapons she showed when she was in the prison with all the throwing stars and stuff

I dont have pre-orders on anything, i will never pre order again after loosing £250 on ebay a few years ago. But there is certain buys i will be doing. DX11 Joker & DX13 T-800 are pretty much guaranteed buy's for me. I will be getting 2 Ada wongs (as i will be making a custom with the 2nd). I really want the new Predator city hunter which is why ive been having a little sale here and there, and i am getting Scar.

Out side of thoes i am considering allowing myself to be more "open" in what i buy. I used to buy all kinds of collectibles, now it just seems to be 1:6 figures. And there is tons of stuff id like but i dont allow myself to get.

We will see :-/

I dont think i buy anything BTTF though. I didnt enjoy them!
yeah i think your right, ive found myself recently just concentrating or obsessing on one license etc... Star wars has always been taking over with me.I had ignored the dark knight stuff i think that was due to being annoyed that HT only seemed to care about releasing more Ironman or Batman & it made the hobby boring for me, but i woke up 1 day & thought what the hell & ordered The DX12 & the Batpod for a change as i enjoyed TDKR movie. I looked at the Sucker Punch girls from the moment they were announced & even thought they looked cool but i would not split any funds i had at the time for them. Where as now Im quite interested in getting them. I will never ever Buy Ironman stuff i hate it & the movies are a bit naff.
Im sitting here now like a little kid waiting for the DHL guy to deliver my HT Bat Pod today. Im so impatient lol

I dont like to pre-order either but i was left with no choice for the DX12 as everywhere had sold out & i could only get it at this shop for £190 i left it too late really to decide on getting him. I bet there will be other shops get him in before the shop i ordered him from thats another reason i dont like pre-orders as you could miss out with early stock in another shop
The postman is like father christmas for us. Because me, my brother and mother buy things off ebay. And you wake up wondering " has he been?!" So i will come down in the morning and see a little stack of goodies
haha thats so true, its the only time i give a hell about the snow when im waiting for goodies in the post, any other time the country can come to stand still for all i care ;)
Actually, it might not be that bad, they're in Ontario.

They're great to deal with, I got an SSC Henry Jones from them, long after others had sold out.
I just got this figure last weekend, for $130. It was among the HT figures on discount sale from a local shop and I'm happy I picked it up. It's my first female 1/6 figure, and it proved my previous thought --that female HTs look too doll-ish-- wrong (I guess I just don't dig the ones with rooted hair). It looks great fully-armed, and paired with the latest Soldier Story FBI figure that kind of looks like those Umbrella soldiers from the movie :)
I wished so much that there was a physical store I could walk in and shop for Hot Toys figures around my area, sadly if it were I would probably be more broke then I already am.
My Alice arrived today. (Thank you, TotalDominAsian!)

She is my first Hot Toys figure, and while finances may assure that she will forever be my only Hot Toys figure, I gotta say what you lot already know: damn, these are some wicked friggin' toys.

I will photograph her tomorrow. I like to think the results will be epic.