Hot Toys Bruce Wayne/Batman (2011 Toy Con Ex) review + pics

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That looks fantastic! :clap

:lol I know!

And, yup, it should be the lens distortion thing, as everybody has the same head but somehow I have managed to make it look stupid. :( Need to really learn a trick or two about photography. Will do some more research on the subject. Guess its got to do with either one has the knack of taking pics or doesn't. Right now I have this one, but have seen people take pretty classy shots using it:


That's what I imagined. And, the clips do not look that bad Steven. The pics have come out pretty good too. :)

One easy tip to remember to avoid lens distortion is backing up from the figure and zooming in, increasing the focal length. :) Just try it out and mess with it a bit, and compare photos afterwards.

Yep. Exactly what I was gonna say. :lecture

@BB&WSF: If you do that one thing (Back up and zoom in) you wont believe the difference it makes. :)

Once you've done that, you can start experimenting with lighting, ISO, using a tripod, shutter speed (if your camera lets you) if you want. But, for just cataloging your collection to share with us, backing up and zooming in alone will make you much happier with your results.
here's another protip ;)
before spending any money on a tripod, just prop your camera
up on something, set the timer, and take shots that way.
especially if you're in low light. you won't be trying to hold the camera still while it takes a long exposure.
this way you can avoid using the built in flash.
thanks Maglor.
If I could develop my eye for composition and come up with some more dynamic poses and angles I'd be in bid'ness. I feel like I'm pretty good with lighting. I had aspirations of being a cinematographer in my previous life....
I need a new camera bad. I really miss taking pic of my figures, it's part of the fun. When I eventually do I'm gonna have to hit up all the old threads of the figures I wasnt able to take pics of when my camera was broken. :lol
I was wondering if anyone has an extra belt for sale? I need the belt with all the pouches and stuff but I dont want to pay the $50 that they are going for on ebay. Someone PM me please!
here's another protip ;)
before spending any money on a tripod, just prop your camera
up on something, set the timer, and take shots that way.
especially if you're in low light. you won't be trying to hold the camera still while it takes a long exposure.
this way you can avoid using the built in flash.

Hey, that's a great idea. Even with a tripod that's a great idea.
I wish I could claim it as my own.
Anything you can do to minimize your physical contact with the camera (SLR or point 'n shoot) is going to help get clearer images, especially with long exposures and low light situations.

Another helpful thing to know is the minimal focal distance for your camera or lens. If you are too close to your subject, sometimes the lens simply will not be able to focus.

Since I pretty much fail at composition, I am obsessed with detail. Hence all the macro-like photos that I take.

Hey, that's a great idea. Even with a tripod that's a great idea.
here's another protip ;)
before spending any money on a tripod, just prop your camera
up on something, set the timer, and take shots that way.
especially if you're in low light. you won't be trying to hold the camera still while it takes a long exposure.
this way you can avoid using the built in flash.

Thanks zipflint, will surely try that out! :)
I know in the movie, Batman cannot turn his head in this suit
But I saw that this figure could in the proto pics

After I have it, I tried to turn his head but the head keep falling off everytime I do so :slap
Does everyone have the same problems?
Noticed one of my Bats was leaning. Went to fix him and his right boot fell off. The socket in the boot is broken :monkey2 any suggestions to fix it?
Noticed one of my Bats was leaning. Went to fix him and his right boot fell off. The socket in the boot is broken :monkey2 any suggestions to fix it?

I have the same problem SSC replace and was broken the end I buy a pair in EBAY for $60.00 :(:mad:
is there anywhere to get a new batsuit for this figure? Mines collar is all f-ed up and he has the dent in his abdomen.
is there anywhere to get a new batsuit for this figure? Mines collar is all f-ed up and he has the dent in his abdomen.

i went on ebay and just bought another body. lucky for me the one i got off ebay didnt have the dented abs or a broken boot. i paid $150 for it :/