Hot Toys - Artist Collection - AVP: Samurai Predator 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I still don't quite get the concept-related hate towards this figure. Predators always collect trophies, including weapons from alien species. Maybe one predator had snap in his brain and went overboard and decided to adopt some of the armor designs from the samurai. As for the difference in the mandibles and color of the predator, well there are several species and maybe even hybrids so what is not possible.

In my personal opinion, the only viable criticism is coming from those that are die-hard loyal to P1 and the original design (and hence pretty much dislike anything non P1 because they think deviation from it is "bastardizing" the predator). I accept that, but this isn't P1, its just some random one-off predator design, so don't compare it to the P1.

edit: oh and maybe criticism on the price point is valid too!
To those people i suggest they read this quote from Stan Winston himself...

"Broad concept's the same. The difference is, this is a different individual. A different individual of the same species. As is a snake is a snake, but different snakes are different. Their colorings are different, different parts of their characteristics, their facial structures, subtle differences."
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To those people i suggest they read this qute from Stan Winston himself...

"Broad concept's the same. The difference is, this is a different individual. A different individual of the same species. As is a snake is a snake, but different snakes are different. Their colorings are different, different parts of their characteristics, their facial structures, subtle differences."

:goodpost::goodpost: Nice quote!
Some new pics, nothing different, but new pics nontheless.



Thanks for posting these MxBxM, this'll be in my Detolf some time this year :yess:
I still don't quite get the concept-related hate towards this figure. Predators always collect trophies, including weapons from alien species. Maybe one predator had snap in his brain and went overboard and decided to adopt some of the armor designs from the samurai. As for the difference in the mandibles and color of the predator, well there are several species and maybe even hybrids so what is not possible.

In my personal opinion, the only viable criticism is coming from those that are die-hard loyal to P1 and the original design (and hence pretty much dislike anything non P1 because they think deviation from it is "bastardizing" the predator). I accept that, but this isn't P1, its just some random one-off predator design, so don't compare it to the P1.

edit: oh and maybe criticism on the price point is valid too!

They already have a back story for this. This clan of Predators were the ones that started the Samurai culture. That is why it is considered part of the AVP series, since in the first AVP film, they show that the Preds were the ones that taught humans how to build and all that and used them as hosts for them to hunt the Aliens.
"considered a god", as in..the Humans looked to him/them as a god, like in AvP.

Not saying he actually was a god.
They already have a back story for this. This clan of Predators were the ones that started the Samurai culture. That is why it is considered part of the AVP series, since in the first AVP film, they show that the Preds were the ones that taught humans how to build and all that and used them as hosts for them to hunt the Aliens.

Ah yes, I remember reading that. I guess I just meant if we had to explain it even without a real storyline of some sorts, we could simply say, "this random alien, different from P1's direct species, came to fuedal japan and decided to use some of their armor and weapons", and that alone should be enough to shut down the haters. Since this isn't P1, P2, AVP, AVPR, don't compare it to any of them, just treat it as a one-off predator design and don't come up with random hater excuses that its not "predator-like".

"considered a god", as in..the Humans looked to him/them as a god, like in AvP.

Not saying he actually was a god.

Yah, probably something like that. The fuedal japanese couldn't defeat him so probably just revered/hated/felt forced to submit to it. Or maybe samurai predator wasn't too bad to them...who knows right. Its just a random story.
samurai predator...bushido...code of conduct and honor until death...Samurai Pred may have introduced bushido to the Japanese.

Machiko Noguchi was not in the movies but in the comics, and she's accepted in the figures...

why can't the Samurai Predator be the same, even though hundreds of years apart? i dunno. in either case, the more i see the pics, the more i see it in my small predator collection...

so, maybe tomorrow, i'll join the ranks.
They already have a back story for this. This clan of Predators were the ones that started the Samurai culture. That is why it is considered part of the AVP series, since in the first AVP film, they show that the Preds were the ones that taught humans how to build and all that and used them as hosts for them to hunt the Aliens.

pyramids were first built 4500+ years ago during the bronze age so the avp movie where preds taught human were believable as sci fi. But the japanese samurai culture didnt begin until the mid 600s which is just 1400 year ago by then human civilization was well developed and documented, so this is laughable.

The real backstory is hot toys is desperate to cash in more $. This figure makes absolutely no sense, it not only cheapens the predator and avp franchise but also all the movie accurate preds they already produced as collectors.

And MxBxM, just because someone has a different opinion or expressing their disagreement with the way hot toys is trying to cash in doesnt make them a troll.

In the real world, people have different views. Grow up.
Dying to see him in some other pose. So far all we've seen is the same old pose, sometimes with a head tilt or an arm swiveled a couple degrees.
On a board where a bunch of grownups are obsessed with super heros and nonexistent monsters, not sure who should really care anymore about what is real or right or possible anymore. It's all fantasy. He merely stated what HT said. As for HT wanting to make money, that is pretty obvious. A troll isn't someone who disagrees, a troll is someone that spams sarcastic, mocking statesments without properly explaining his legit reasons. You and I may have completely different perspectives about this figure, but I'd never consider you a troll just because you have q different opinion. If you had merely came in and mocked him for "buying" this figure and HT's bull____ without explaining your discontent with the concept of samurai predator then you are a troll.

pyramids were first built 4500+ years ago during the bronze age so the avp movie where preds taught human were believable as sci fi. But the japanese samurai culture didnt begin until the mid 600s which is just 1400 year ago by then human civilization was well developed and documented, so this is laughable.

The real backstory is hot toys is desperate to cash in more $. This figure makes absolutely no sense, it not only cheapens the predator and avp franchise but also all the movie accurate preds they already produced as collectors.

And MxBxM, just because someone has a different opinion or expressing their disagreement with the way hot toys is trying to cash in doesnt make them a troll.

In the real world, people have different views. Grow up.
pyramids were first built 4500+ years ago during the bronze age so the avp movie where preds taught human were believable as sci fi. But the japanese samurai culture didnt begin until the mid 600s which is just 1400 year ago by then human civilization was well developed and documented, so this is laughable.
Why is it laughable? I think Samurai Predators are stupid, but that idea is totally believeable. We already know the Predators can visit Earth in modern times, and keep their race hidden very, 1400 years ago with no cellphones, internet, planes, cars, guns, etc...
Seems like it would be much easier for them.

Although it's one of the main things I hated about AvP, and Predators should NOT have played such a big role in our history (and in my head, they don't. Only small, isolated events), it's believeable.

The real backstory is hot toys is desperate to cash in more $. This figure makes absolutely no sense, it not only cheapens the predator and avp franchise but also all the movie accurate preds they already produced as collectors.
It actually does make sense. The company who makes these figures is in Asia...they are asian.. Samurais are..asian. And different characters from different genres have had a series of figures made of them, but from specific groups in different time periods...Didn't they do that with Hulk? Gladiator or somthing..
Why is it laughable? I think Samurai Predators are stupid, but that idea is totally believeable. We already know the Predators can visit Earth in modern times, and keep their race hidden very, 1400 years ago with no cellphones, internet, planes, cars, guns, etc...
Seems like it would be much easier for them.

Although it's one of the main things I hated about AvP, and Predators should NOT have played such a big role in our history (and in my head, they don't. Only small, isolated events), it's believeable.

It actually does make sense. The company who makes these figures is in Asia...they are asian.. Samurais are..asian. And different characters from different genres have had a series of figures made of them, but from specific groups in different time periods...Didn't they do that with Hulk? Gladiator or somthing..

planet hulk is from the comic/anime franchise not something invented by sideshow.

and by this logic, next should be a rockstar predator or a nfl predator, because gosh a predator clan came to earth and taught us those things too...
That's extreme, sumurai may be bad but it's not at that extreme. As you said ppl have diff perspectives. You think samurai predators are as bad as NFL predators. I think that samurai predators are more acceptable than NFL predators. Said and done. Don't see any conflict.
This is P2 teaching the Mayans how to go out for a pass. He told them to look at the ball and not the defender.
pyramids were first built 4500+ years ago during the bronze age so the avp movie where preds taught human were believable as sci fi. But the japanese samurai culture didnt begin until the mid 600s which is just 1400 year ago by then human civilization was well developed and documented, so this is laughable.

The real backstory is hot toys is desperate to cash in more $. This figure makes absolutely no sense, it not only cheapens the predator and avp franchise but also all the movie accurate preds they already produced as collectors.

And MxBxM, just because someone has a different opinion or expressing their disagreement with the way hot toys is trying to cash in doesnt make them a troll.

In the real world, people have different views. Grow up.

In the make believe world of the aliens that we know as Predators, they have been coming to earth to hunt for a very long time. They MAY have been coming in all the different stages of human civilization. Even if this did not have a backstory and the real story was that Hot Toys wants more money, I would still get it. I like the figure, the armor, the base, the colors, the swords, the mask, etc.

I am ok with people expressing their opinions, like you just did, many have come here and expressed their dislike and since they do not like, they seem to not come back and if they do, they at least don't keep posting their dislike or you know what, they have even turned around and started to like the figure.

So if you don't like it, and keep coming here posting the same negative comment over and over, while the ones who like it are maybe having a positive discussion about the figure and the negative posts just keep popping by the same person, then it is not ok. I believe that would be trolling.

If you consider this figure is stupid, does not deserve to be considered a Predator, find it ofensive, hurts your feelings, or whatever you see wrong with it, then the best you can do is ignore it and try to forget about it because no one is making you come here or forcing you to buy it.
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