Hot Toys Announces PREDATORS Movie License

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Sounds like at least four new Pred figures likely with this license, with or without any human characters. From the brief glimpses of a couple of the Preds from the teaser, it looks like these are gonna be nice additions to the lineup of Preds HT has already done. I'm down for at least one of each Pred, but will have to wait and see if they offer any of the humans and decide then.
Ya know, aside from MOTU and the odd Conan item, I've decided to sell of most of my other stuff.
Getting too old and classy now for things like Marvel legends and Spawn! :D

Only last week I put 90% of my stuff in storage, aside from a few McF things that were too cool to put away its all Hot Toys from here on!

I'll be getting at least one Pred from this since I missed all the others :banghead:banghead:banghead
I was a sucker for all the AVP figures when they came out even though I hated the movie. Same with AVP-R. But now I've sold off just about all of them but P1, P2 Elder, and my custom Scar for Machiko. This movie has to really surprise the hell out of me to get me to drop mad cash on these new Predator designs. I hope I'm unexpectedly impressed with the movie, but my bank hopes it's what I expect.
I think everyones got their doubts about the movie, surely it can't be as bad as AvP! I'm a big fan of Rodriquez though so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now
People are mentioning human characters - where does it say anything about that?

I'm going to try to be patient on this license. I don't want to buy based on hype again like the AvP:R figures. If this film isn't good then the P1 and P2 Predators, Dutch and Billy will remain the only truly important figures for me.
Yeah I would like some concrete info that they are gonna make at least Royce...Brody looks like a badass in this.
I hope they don't go the normal route and just do the Preds...a lot of fans will be wanting human figures after seeing it if you'll all excuse me - I'm off to find me lucky charms. Begorrah.
I hope they don't go the normal route and just do the Preds...a lot of fans will be wanting human figures after seeing it if you'll all excuse me - I'm off to find me lucky charms. Begorrah.

personally, i'm only in it for the PREDATORS and nothing else.

but with this type of franchise, they can also entice and attract "modern warfare/military" kitbashers and collectors. those guys have been waiting long enough for a fix from the HT military line.

so, here's to hoping they'll milk the franchise the way they did iron man, batman and terminator salvation did.:peace
Milk YES, but re-release a better figure only months after the first version sells out, NO. Oh wait, that's milking right? Then NO.
Anyone else expecting pictures of these before we see their Avatar offerings?


Can't say I'll buy any of it, but I'll be waiting to see what characters they do.