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Oh man..:rotfl

Crows probably wears tinfoil hats to stop the space aliens from reading his mind. And has a big shrine dedicated to Grace with flowers and everything. :lol

aliens... pffffff
aliens arent real& like in the movies. the 6devil might not be real 6either. these people# DO think they are &real and thats why they do those rituals, $google bohemian) grove rituals.... (there are celebrities@ that have tried to talk about this but they get blacklisted. (why do you think Chappelle ran to africa to hide? )
crows please never stop posting. Please never leave this forum.

Your posts are better than 80% of the entertainment out there. :lol

mmmmm.....trying to deflect because im talking about your bosses arent you..... im onto you and your wicked ways lol
Just hit play on Molly. :yess:

Never heard of it like I haven’t with all the other micro budget stuff posted on here but Molly is directed by Eduardo from Blair Witch fame.

Did you get a chance to finish Lovely Molly?

It's not for everyone and more subtle then all the other Possession films. . I remember enjoying it but its been however long its been since it came out that I originally saw it.

Put me on the list of those that like Hereditary more then The Witch.

Fr the record... I have only watched The Witch once... Was going to watch it this past Halloween on my blu ray disc of it but never got around to it.. Saving it for this Halloween.
mmmmm.....trying to deflect because im talking about your bosses arent you..... im onto you and your wicked ways lol

crows in his british accent be like: “is that all you got, is that it?”


jye responds with:


Did you get a chance to finish Lovely Molly?

It's not for everyone and more subtle then all the other Possession films. . I remember enjoying it but its been however long its been since it came out that I originally saw it.

Put me on the list of those that like Hereditary more then The Witch.

Fr the record... I have only watched The Witch once... Was going to watch it this past Halloween on my blu ray disc of it but never got around to it.. Saving it for this Halloween.

I did wife and I watched it.

I liked it very subdued yet effective.

Creepy in the sense of where the actual evil was coming from yikes and yuck onto both sisters no less.

She actually was pretty sexy when coming out of the house naked lol

The invisible assault on her was something new that I never seen quite like that.

But her walking out to him at the end was a tad silly.

Decent, not a turd but definately no Hereditary.

We also watched Deborah Logan, hmmm also some creepy stuff but as a whole the evil entity didn’t really capture me.

Fyi the Witch held up wonderfully on my 2nd viewing.

But Hereditary is truly an instant classic in the genre because by treating the material in the manner it did with such high levels of meticulous detail and sophistication it in turn treated the audience with great respect by showing that a horror movie can have just as many quality layers of realistic drama than a regular movie can and in the case of Hereditary more so than most dramatic oscar worthy movies just look at the car accident scene and aftermath or dinner table scene as proof of that. That’s just to name a few in a movie loaded with family drama and tension!

Hereditary has a few extra layers of polish than The Witch in the sense that the drama was presented in a more organic and natural manner vs the gradual bumpy flow from Witch.

The setting definitely favors Hereditary over Witch.


Where is Rushmore! :gah:

Where is Junkion! :gah:

This can’t just be the jye JAWS show lol
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So all it takes to be free is to avoid high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, nitrates and yellow # 5. :lol

Abomination does look like processed food lol

avoid facebook, avoid bad tv. clean your room, read books or interesting stuff online. dont listen to modern music, modern music and tv are full of subliminal messages. avoid social media, dont watch any commercials when watching anything. Mute your tv if you have to.
People still think 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina were done by Jews. When in reality it was done by secret reptilian overlords and Smurfs working together trying to control our governments. Cumberbatch and Will Smith are their leaders.

Jye I'm telling ya they exist and live among us. KK is one of them. :lecture
I did wife and I watched it.

I liked it very subdued yet effective.

Creepy in the sense of where the actual evil was coming from yikes and yuck onto both sisters no less.

She actually was pretty sexy when coming out of the house naked lol

The invisible assault on her was something new that I never seen quite like that.

But her walking out to him at the end was a tad silly.

Decent, not a turd but definately no Hereditary.

Yeah not even close to Hereditary.. Just a small film that I remembered because of the subject matter of the thread. I thought she was sexy a few times in the movie. :)

We also watched Deborah Logan, hmmm also some creepy stuff but as a whole the evil entity didn’t really capture me.

Yeah.. I liked the one part with the Swallowing like a snake.. But I latterly remember nothing more.

Fyi the Witch held up wonderfully on my 2nd viewing.

But Hereditary is truly an instant classic in the genre because by treating the material in the manner it did with such high levels of meticulous detail and sophistication it in turn treated the audience with great respect by showing that a horror movie can have just as many quality layers of realistic drama than a regular movie can and in the case of Hereditary more so than most dramatic oscar worthy movies just look at the car accident scene and aftermath or dinner table scene as proof of that. That’s just to name a few in a movie loaded with family drama and tension!

Hereditary has a few extra layers of polish than The Witch in the sense that the drama was presented in a more organic and natural manner vs the gradual bumpy flow from Witch.

The setting definitely favors Hereditary over Witch.

I can't agree more with the above statement. Nothing really to add except you hit the nail on the head.


Where is Rushmore! :gah:

Where is Junkion! :gah:

This can’t just be the jye JAWS show lol

I know right... No excuse at all for this laziness. :lol
Thanks for the recommendation my wife had her friends over so we made it a horror night although when her gossiping friends are over it was already a horror night for me before the movie even went on. :hi5:

I do think though that the crow picking at the breast scene in The Witch is just as disturbing as anything from Hereditary.
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They should play this before every movie to stop people making noise in the cinema. It would be 100% success rate. :lol

Jye, if you can't get Khev to see this then you will be banished from the cult worse than Homer Simpson was from the Stonecutters! :lecture

okay what if he watches it and HATES it? what then ah? what if he thinks it was garbage?
what would you rather have? an absent Khev in this thread that didnt watch it? or a khev that watched it and wants to destroy it ?
I I I can’t live in a world where Khev hates Hereditary.....

I will run into JAWS arms seeking comfort and reassurance that all will be ok..


Please crows show some compassion...please don’t even contemplate such a thought please have mercy on my soul..

I I I can’t live in a world where Khev hates Hereditary.....

I will run into JAWS arms seeking comfort and reassurance that all will be ok..


Please crows show some compassion...please don’t even contemplate such a thought please have mercy on my soul..


now i want khev to see it even more. I want the chaos of seeing you two lovers fight over it :lol:rotfl

Hey Yo, Khev I heard this movie as really boring and gross bro. Hey YO Khev, I heard that this movie is super blasphemous.
it deals with satanic stuff and gory ugly stuff and it is really dark in a bad way. it isnt a fun horror movie but i heard it was more like a really dark realistic horror that will mess you up.

i heard it was terrible khev. go watch it :lol
I don’t know how much of a hardcore christian Khev is but I have my fingers crossed just incase lol

Hey my son sings in a church choir, supervised of course i’m not leaving him alone with any priest, and I loved Hereditary. :lol