HBO's Game of Thrones

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Tywin was established, Dany started with nothing. And I have no idea of the history, I'm only talking about what I know from the show.
They make reference to it in the show--I've never read the books, so all I know is from the show, as well. But taking a quick glance at the Wikipedia entry again makes it seem like Tywin was certainly responsible for their current situation:

Tywin Lannister is the current head of the family. His father Tytos Lannister presided over a period of decline for the house. He frittered away much of their fortune on poor investments and allowed himself to be mocked at court creating a perception of weakness. Their vassals House Reyne of Castamere rebelled against Lord Tytos. Tywin put down the rebellion personally, extinguishing their house and re-establishing the fearsome reputation of House Lannister. His ruthlessness gave darker meaning to the common phrase "A Lannister always pays his debts" and was immortalized in the song "The Rains of Castamere".

He may be an unlikable son of a *****, but he's damn good at obtaining and maintaining power.
I don't question Tywin's accomplishments but I'm going to stick with Dany. Since we don't have any details on Tywin's rise to power who's to say he didn't have to work very hard to obtain the trust he got?
I would say that Tywin has done the most by far, going back to well before the series ever started, helping to oust the insane king, marrying his daughter to Robert Baratheon, constantly working to keep expanding his sphere of influence and his allies in check, etc. But then again, he just wants his family in charge and not himself. Dany didn't even have an interest in the throne until very recently, and though she had a few rough patches, has had pretty smooth sailing following her run-in with the magician guy in season 2.

I'm not so sure he would have turned down the throne given the chance. But Robert lead the rebellion, so even though Jamie killed the Mad King, Robert became king, not Jamie or Tywin. But Tywin definitely wanted his family to share the power so he gave Cerci to Robert and therefore his grandchildren would inherit the throne (the whole issue in this series really).

But I see him as being on whatever side is going to win. Had Robert's rebellion failed, he would have positioned himself loyal all along. He wants the power, but its really willing to risk EVERYTHING to get it. He gives himself enough plausible deniability to keep himself alive no matter the outcome. Very crafty. He'd make a great lawyer. He is really the combination of Jamie and Tyrion. He's got the brains of Tyrion and the ability to fight for what he wants like Jamie. So both of his sons are very much like him in different ways.

I can't say Dany has played the game was well as Tywin. She's all in. Sure the prize is greater, but so is the risk. As Cerci said, "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." Tywin is the only one smart enough to find that middle ground so far.
Ned doesnt Like Tywin bc he waited until the end of the rebellion to choose Roberts side. Smart move to see who was going to win. Unnoticed by almost all except Ned. He also wanted Jaime moved to the wall for becoming the Kingslayer.

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Ned's biggest flaw was his high moral standards. Not that that should be considered a flaw in general, but in this political world they live it, it is. He wasn't willing to compromise his morals under any circumstances other than at the end to (he had hoped) save his family. Other than that he wouldn't budge, and I have a great deal of respect for him for that. It cost him his head, but he was always true and steady.
How Would You Die In “Game Of Thrones?”

You got: You’d be decapitated!

You’re well-intentioned and loyal to a fault. All you really want is to see justice in the world, but you find that others don’t quite understand you. You work very hard, but unfortunately your efforts never seem to get the attention they deserve. Sadly, this means you’d be killed by a backwards system of justice.
How Would You Die In “Game Of Thrones?”

You got: You’d die by dragon fire!
You’re a true Machiavellian — cunning, manipulative, and power-hungry. Friends would say you’re the most outgoing of the group, and you consider yourself the leader. Unluckily for you, most people despise your manipulative nature. And doubly unluckily for you, a dragon will burn you to a crisp.

Nothing like me. :lol
I just caught up after watching the season 3 Blu Ray. What a great show. Miles and miles better than Walking Dead...
Have to say it's a pet peeve of mine when people put Walking Dead in the same league as Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, True Detective, etc. If you like the zombie premise, it's decent and there's some enjoyable episodes/imagery (probably my favourite of the whole series was the Governor standing on the lake pier, looking down at the anchored zombie below the surface), but that's it.

Can't wait for season 4 of this series. Still gotta get around to buying the first three on blu.
Have to say it's a pet peeve of mine when people put Walking Dead in the same league as Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, True Detective, etc. If you like the zombie premise, it's decent and there's some enjoyable episodes/imagery (probably my favourite of the whole series was the Governor standing on the lake pier, looking down at the anchored zombie below the surface), but that's it.

Can't wait for season 4 of this series. Still gotta get around to buying the first three on blu.

Im a huge fan of TWD but I agree its not on the same level as GOT, BB or even Arrow at this point IMO.

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