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Yeah, this is the first show in a long time where I will actually be disappointed if it gets cancelled with only one season.

The only problem with this show is that I can't see it running for more than 2 or 3 seasons before starting to become repetitive or bordering on silly. I would be happy for it to end after a shorter run, with a concise, well told story.

End Season 1 revealing to viewers what Lector is actually capable of doing.
End Season 2 with Graham starting to suspect Lector.
End Season 3 with Lector's capture.

DS: Hugh Dancy mentioned that you've planned out multiple seasons of Hannibal, with Red Dragon being the basis for a fourth season?
"Right. In Red Dragon, there's just a few pages of backstory and one of the things we had to figure out was... where are we on the timeline? We know that Red Dragon takes place 5 years after Hobbs [is involved in] the 'Minnesota Shrike' - then a year after he marries Molly...

"Our show is about the bromance between Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal is so unique in his crazy and Will is so unique in his crazy, and these two crazy men need each other to understand themselves.

"It felt like we were delivering on the promise of that line in Red Dragon, where Hannibal says, 'You caught me because you're more like me than you're willing to admit'. That's the series, that's the story and that's the relationship between these two men.

"In the books, Will Graham met Hannibal Lecter twice - they didn't really know each other or have a relationship. Will Graham was so traumatised by the Minnesota Shrike that he goes into therapy and is committed to a mental institution. In our show, he's not in therapy with any old psychiatrist, he's in therapy with Hannibal Lecter!

"That's the main deviation from the source material. As a fan of the books, I wanted to be true to the novels and yet be able to go to new and different places with the characters. But you have to honor the source material, you have to respect it, because… it's great! If it's not broken, don't fix it!"

I certainly hope it does make it to 4 seasons.
Hannibal Absent From NBC’s Fall Schedule, But It Hasn’t Been Cancelled Either
Posted on May 12, 2013 by Brendon Connelly

There’s been no formal cancellation notice for Hannibal, but it’s still absent from NBC’s fall schedules. Officially, the show’s fate has yet to be decided by the network.

I do like this one and I hope we get more. It’s certainly not a question of finding out how Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter’s relationship turns out, of course. This being a prequel to Thomas Harris’ Red Dragon, it’s all been about the journey for these characters, not the destination. Thankfully, Bryan Fuller has been taking us on a rather scenic route.

This year’s run of Hannibal was a half-scale, mid-season starter, and NBC could be considering the same again. Or they may be convinced to to pull it out of cold storage earlier, should any of their fall premieres falter and need replacing.

In any case, tuning in and supporting the show now will stand it in better stead. Yes, the show has so far escaped cancellation, but it’s also, up til now, escaped renewal.

Is there any chance it falls into the hands of AMC? Can you imagine?!

Isn't Hannibal part of NBC's spring line up? Maybe that's the reason it isn't on the fall schedule? :pray:

Anyway just caught yesterday's episode, and man NBC needs to get their heads out of their a*** and renew this already! Dr. Lecter maybe the personification of evil as well as the world's biggest troll, but the show is so well written that I actually felt genuinely concerned about him. The final 15 minutes was insane! :thud:
Is there any chance it falls into the hands of AMC? Can you imagine?!

I can imagine them replacing the showrunner. :monkey4

I've liked every episode of Hannibal minus the missing episode I recently watched. That thing was so butchered and edited it doesn't even make sense.

I didn't bother with those "webisodes". I downloaded the full episode of Oeuf after they aired it overseas.
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I finally got caught up, and this is a really compelling show, I hope it manages a second season. I am surprised at the level of graphic stuff they're allowed to show. Even compared to something like Walking Dead, the imagery can be pretty shocking.
Or they may be convinced to to pull it out of cold storage earlier, should any of their fall premieres falter and need replacing.

Oh, ok then, nothing to worry about ;)
I read that if NBC doesnt renew it there is a cable network interested. Ill look for the link.

Yeah, I read that too. Amazon is also interested.

The Human Totem Pole was awesome.

That was one of the most twisted things I've seen on a TV show. The surprise guest actor was a nice touch, too.

This series has been getting better with each episode, and the reveal
Spoiler Spoiler:

Oh, and how does Dana Scully get hotter with age!?!?!?! :thud:
I was thinking the same thing about Scully - nice!!!!

Yeah, I read that too. Amazon is also interested.

That was one of the most twisted things I've seen on a TV show. The surprise guest actor was a nice touch, too.

This series has been getting better with each episode, and the reveal
Spoiler Spoiler:

Oh, and how does Dana Scully get hotter with age!?!?!?! :thud:
This is one of the best shows on TV, which means it will be cancelled. lol The acting, the look, the script--they all make it look like mini-feature films. I was a big fan of shows like "Twin Peaks" and "The X-Files" and this is clearly something along the same lines that will have a core audience, not a broad one. Hopefully the core is big enough to sustain the shown. As a fan of the movies and books, this is great stuff. I wasn't a fan of the "buddy movie" approach with Lecter and Graham, but it's working. I am glad they have toned down the three buddy thing with Crawford, Lecter and Graham. That was getting a little odd.
I was a big fan of shows like "Twin Peaks" and "The X-Files" and this is clearly something along the same lines that will have a core audience, not a broad one. Hopefully the core is big enough to sustain the shown.

The problem with that comparison is, shows like Twin Peaks and The X-Files both had stronger premieres (Twin Peaks had over 30 million viewers) and they both maintained bigger audiences throughout their first seasons i.e. even at their lowest points both shows still had like 4x more viewers. So they had a history of success before the casuals were weeded out and the core/dedicated audience became the mainstay.

And even then, that "core audience" was WAY bigger than what Hannibal is currently getting (only 2 million viewers ATM). X-Files usually averaged 16-18 Million viewers per episode up until its ninth and final season. And Twin Peaks averaged 10 million plus per episode for both of its seasons.

Hannibal has been struggling since its debut. Probably the best comparison would be a show from the same network that's also fairly recent; Awake. It had almost the same exact numbers as Hannibal (almost the exact same numbers/drop off) and NBC ended up canceling it during its first season.

That was another show I liked. :lol
I didn't bother with those "webisodes". I downloaded the full episode of Oeuf after they aired it overseas.

Where can you even find the webisodes? I didn't even know they hadn't aired "Oeuf" here in the States until I saw this thread,:horror no wonder I was a little confused. Now I can't seem to find the webisodes anywhere.:gah: You would think that the episode would be available with all the others on NBC.com but it's not:slap and that is very disappointing. As a completely broke unemployed person I can't go around paying for episodes that were aired for free, or were supposed to be.
The problem with that comparison is, shows like Twin Peaks and The X-Files both had stronger premieres (Twin Peaks had over 30 million viewers) and they both maintained bigger audiences throughout their first seasons i.e. even at their lowest points both shows still had like 4x more viewers. So they had a history of success before the casuals were weeded out and the core/dedicated audience became the mainstay.

And even then, that "core audience" was WAY bigger than what Hannibal is currently getting (only 2 million viewers ATM). X-Files usually averaged 16-18 Million viewers per episode up until its ninth and final season. And Twin Peaks averaged 10 million plus per episode for both of its seasons.

Hannibal has been struggling since its debut. Probably the best comparison would be a show from the same network that's also fairly recent; Awake. It had almost the same exact numbers as Hannibal (almost the exact same numbers/drop off) and NBC ended up canceling it during its first season.

That was another show I liked. :lol

Good points. Also, in 1990 and 1993 (and even the later 90's) there wasn't the same bulk of TV shows that are all on these days. I mean you got 25 CSI's, 30 Law & Orders, 10 NCIS's, etc. Not to mention a billion reality shows that did not exist in the 90's. Too much competition. Too many good shows, huge budgets and production values that would have owned the 80's and 90's get lost in all this. Some may disagree, but I felt Alcatraz was a fine show. CANCELLED. Flashforward was an interesting one. CANCELLED. Not to mention many more than ended in first season with no resolution. Maybe they can all start Kickstarter campaigns like the creator of Veronica Mars did. It just gets frustrating to see a well cast, well-written, well-acted, well-produced show like "Hannibal" walking on the thinning ice, knowing that Desperate House Whores of Timbuktu will at least last 3-5 seasons on Mindnumb Channel.
Where can you even find the webisodes? I didn't even know they hadn't aired "Oeuf" here in the States until I saw this thread,:horror no wonder I was a little confused. Now I can't seem to find the webisodes anywhere.:gah: You would think that the episode would be available with all the others on NBC.com but it's not:slap and that is very disappointing. As a completely broke unemployed person I can't go around paying for episodes that were aired for free, or were supposed to be.

No real official way outside of file shares to be honest. Really a bad choice on a show in its infancy trying to establish itself. I can appreciate the feeling of the creator as apparently the episode had some killing of kids or something and the show was shot prior to Sandy Hook massacre, so he didn't want it aired in full. But honestly, if I didn't belong to a forum or two, where was the marketing to get people to watch the webisodes? It was almost non-existent. And when you do watch, as others mention, it's a jumbled mess. Like you are in the editing room and they are just throwing scenes up in no particular order.