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Kind of sad that Green Lantern gets a sequel while Superman Returns didn't.........I liked Routh in the Supes role MUCH more then Reynolds in the GL role.

Well GL doesn't have a sequel yet but the main reason why WB would give it another go while they were content with scrapping Superman Returns is because of Marvel Studios.

Back then in 2006 when Superman Returns flopped there wasn't an official Marvel Studios onslaughting the box office. Fast forward to now where Sony has a new Spider-Man franchise in the works, 20th Century Fox has a new Daredevil and Fantastic Four franchise rebooting, Ghost Rider continuing, X-Men restructuring and Marvel Studios with 10 different projects in the works (The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Captain America 2, Incredible Hulk "revisit", Thor 2, Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, Runaways, Namor, The Punisher) not to mention the ones that aren't announced yet, DC/WB is finding themselves in a bunch of ____. They have Man of Steel in the works, a Batman reboot planned after The Dark Knight Rises...they are finding themselves desperate right now. If this was the current environment in 2006, Superman Returns would have probably be given another go.

If GL doesn't perform well in DVD sales though, they'll scrap and reboot. There are already rumors that the cast has 5 year contractual times and that by waiting it out they can focus on Batman and Superman as well as The Flash which is still in preproduction and then hit GL again.
Is the X-Men restructuring a continuation of First Class? Has a sequel or something already been announced?

I love that they are doing a Dr. Strange movie, I'm very excited about that.

I don't get why reboots are so popular, is it really so difficult to fix a problem and move forward with what they already established? Or was it really the cast that was the problem with the movie? I'm looking forward to anther Green Lantern movie, but if its a reboot that feels the need to retell the origin story I'll be annoyed. It pisses me off that we have to see Spidey's origin again.
Yeah, the restructuring of X-Men is moving forward with First Class. Recently there have been talks of whether to simply use First Class as the ground level or to continue forward with the original plan to do X-Men 4 concurrently with whatever FC sequel hits (the original plan was to do a trilogy of FC that would connect into X-Men 1) but I think that X-Men 4 has been shelved temporarily.

As for the reboot thing, it has become commonplace for people to hate everything about a film, director, cast, storyline when it doesn't work. Tossing out the cast and moving forward with a clean slate is a way to cleanse the pallet of the movie going public.

I read somewhere that the target audience for Superhero films is 13-24 mainly due to disposable income mixed with common attendance, etc. So in 5 years, those who were 13 for GL will still be within that demographic but for Spider-Man the film came out in 2002, those who were 13 then are right on the tailend of the demographic so it makes sense that they would revisit an origin instead of asking a new group of viewer to refer back.

We will watch the film because we are fanboys, they know that. They want the general public and before someone rides in on the "How could you not know....?" It happens. I went to a conference a year ago and wore my Captain America shirt to a casual gettogether. A teacher from another county down in LA asked me what it meant and if I was wearing a 4th of July shirt early. When I responded she had no clue who Captain America is, as I prodded further she had no clue anything about Spider-Man or most major heroes other than what they looked like and had never seen a film even the old Christopher Reeve Supermans. She wasn't the only one, in a group of 25, there were 10 who had no clue about anything Comic related and another 5 who vaguely knew stuff based on the actors in them.

That is who the reboots are going for, these weren't head in the clouds snobs, they were within the tailend of the demographic for the most part. On a related note, that original teacher saw Captain America and loved it, she also emailed that she saw that they were making a Spider-Man film with the kid from The Social Network and the girl from Easy A and couldn't wait to see it. She was glad they were finally making a new one since she never saw and didn't care to see the old because she didn't like Tobey Maguire.
What does that have to do with the Marvel Studios vs. Warner Bros situation?
Thanks for the info, Mike. I think I'd most like to see a trilogy bridging first class and the original X-Men. I would love to see more Beast and the introduction of Jean, Cyclops, etc. to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
The only reason I didnt outright hate GL, was that it wasn't dark...but I guess that's going out the window....meh.
Sucks that this probably wont get a sequel. Really wanted to see Lively turn into Star Sapphire.

Hope she finds another comic book film to be a part of.
Agree, She was stunning but a movie with her as Star would have me worried.

Seriously this whole summer has felt like movies with Tv actresses who are in it just for been hot, Good acting has not been a requirement
Given the role that Carol had in the actual film which was nothing more than to move Hal's story along I think she did fine. Nothing that Lively was required to do in the first would translate to Star Sapphire in an actual film other than character reference.

Also depending on how a sequel is played out I would imagine that they'd go for the biggest bang for their buck and focus on Sinestro versus Hal in any capacity (not necessarily Green versus Yellow even with the after the credits) so I would imagine she would still be side story.

It was recently reported that Warner Bros hired "Gangster Squad" writer Will Beall to work on a "Justice League of America" movie. But we now have a bit more information about Warner Bros' superhero strategy.

Since the studio can no longer count on the billions of dollars coming from the "Harry Potter" franchise, Warners is desperate to launch new franchises and is looking to DC Comics for help. It turns out that Beall was actually hired a year ago and the script will likely be handed in soon.

It's unclear who will direct, but after the success of Joss Whedon's "The Avengers," the goal now is to hire people who understand the material. Warners is hoping to keep Christopher Nolan beyond "The Dark Knight Rises" and "Man of Steel," but there's no word if he would like to return for any more superhero flicks.

But if he wanted to continue producing or directing, there are plenty properties to choose from. Variety has confirmed that Warners is also developing "The Flash," "Wonder Woman," "Green Lantern 2," "Aquaman," "Green Arrow," "Lobo," "Shazam" and "Suicide Squad." Regarding "Green Lantern 2," the studio has yet to decide whether Ryan Reynolds will be brought back or whether the character will be relaunched in a new way.

Source: Variety

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As far as WB is concerned it'll be a sequel to the first film but I guess Reynolds is in question to be Hal and some are saying that it'll ignore everything from the first save Hal becoming the Lantern. So basically Sinestro may or may not have had the yellow ring, Parallax may or may not be dead, he may or may not be dating Carol. WB is quickly though trying to get this run first since they have a lot of the work done when the studio thought it'd be a hit and wasn't.
Honestly i say bring reynolds back. The problem with his performance int he 1st film was they didnt let him be Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordon. He seemed reserved and didnt get to be his usual a-hole persona LOL.

people give him such a bad wrap but i think if he just let loose and be himself he would make a pretty good Hal Jordon.