Super Freak
Hey CJB,IMO i think that they made a drastic improvement in the body department!The problems that plagued the older RM's are almost entirely eliminated.As a matter of fact Wookster had a review of the latest body.Here is the link for that:https://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW_093011b.htmI'm torn on this, I think it looks great, but my Enterbay Mr Bean, while nice, was disappointing in the body and clothes. Have they unloved since that figure in terms of body and tailoring?
As for the clothing and accessories it's really a hit or miss.At times the clothing are aces but the accessories are a crap shoot and vice,versa.They seem to be doing things a little bit differently now since they had all them problems with the GOD set they recently released.Either way,i really like how there figures look so I'm definitely picking this one up for sure!