Destiny (Bungie's new title)

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Thanks for sharing!
I never even knew this existed. Very interesting to see all the stats.
For some reason, my Titan is a Commander, Warlock is a Captain, and my Hunter gets the title of Untouchable.

My Titan:

My Hunter:

My Warlock(Very surprised at the nearly 4000 kills with my Plan C. I never realised i used that thing so much!):

Here's mine for my main character. Pretty cool.
That's pretty cool what they did for this video. On my video it picked hard light even tho I hardly ever used it.

Aha. So, the stats are made up then?

Since it came out, though I haven't been playing much lately, when i was playing it was pretty much just the weekends.

I only started playing the week before the House Of wolves, but i am really enjoying it.
The new stuff is pretty good--the story is way better, we actually learn some stuff about the characters

I have no idea, lol.
I ordered the collectors edition to get the book and the coin, only to have it arrive and be written in the most illegible chicken scratch cursive font i have ever seen and practically unreadable...
Then, popped the game disc in and redeemed the codes for the new content only for my Xbox to ask if i owned a copy of the game. It kept directing me to the live store to purchase TTK. After i refused to pay for it again, it took me to the trial version of the game that allows me to stay in orbit, or go to the tower, not play any missions...
So i find myself £80 poorer, and unable to even play the game as it was yesterday...
That's very weird--I'm not sure how the physical disc version is supposed to work, maybe check the official Destiny forums and see if other people are having the same issue. Maybe it's the wrong region or something.
Well 2.0 got me back - first time since Year 1 week 3 started lol - so far, I like the changes in how you level up - MP still feels kinda generic, but the rest is pretty nice
I like the new stuff. Not sure why it has me receiving Eris' class items again and wanting me to do the House of wolves quests again but o well.
It's very impressive until you finish the story missions.
Then you realise that it's a massive grind, unlike any we have seen before!! Good fun. But I can see people tiring of it quickly.
And I've been playing for two years now. The levelling system is pointless, I got two characters to 40 yesterday and didn't play the other yet.
The juggernaught is a head**** of chests and keys, which may or may not be fun, haven't decided yet.

It is as usual completely addictive though.. :lol
It is as usual completely addictive though.. :lol

I reckon they are more clever than they get credit for, that they came up with so addictive a game even for people who can be so critical about it.
I play with people on a regular basis who seem to live and loathe it in equal measure, lol. But they can't stop playing.