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well the WWI custom is pretty much packed up and ready to go, which will free up a lot of time. I've sent my Obi-Wan head off to be cast... which will ALSO free up a lot of time. (and get the heads to people quicker)

I've got all my repaints lined up conveyor belt fashion, ready to be painted.... (13 Ani's, 3 Obi's, 2 Aragorns, 5 Leggies, 2 Faramirs..... etc) and the Arnie head is pretty much ready and done. I just need to paint it, but annoyingly I've got to mold it first (I just wanna paint it NOW)

I've got 2 Padme statues/busts that have been sent to me for resculpting, I've got a Buffy Premium Format that'll be coming to me as soon as I can accommodate it, there's 2 custom wedding cake toppers I have to sculpt in a cartoon style of a lovely couple getting married, and a few more custom heads from photographs.... all before christmas

all in all... quite a bit to get through then :rotfl

But Arnie just needs molding and casting then I can paint it. Hopefully I've got enough silicone/resin left to make a mold and single cast before I send it away, depending on if it turns out people want it or not.

anyway... leave me alone. Don't you know I've got work to do? :google :lol
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You know what they say Darren, if you want something done give it to a busy man! Thanks for the updates on the Obi Wan, I guess that it won't be long now before Ani and Obi Wan show up at my door!! Wooo! Hooo!

Regarding the custom WWI figure, I've always been bit curious about that, is that something that you can show us or would your customer be upset?
Darthrazz....... your Anakin is already wrapped up ready to go, and as SOON as the Obi-s get here yours will be in the first batch.... i promise

and not forgetting my Hudson ;)

oops.... yeah I missed off a few things...... Hudson resculpt... Ripley resculpt.... Boromir resculpt/paint...... lol

they're all here though... on my desk... about 18 inches to my left, lol Looking at them now... lol
But Arnie just needs molding and casting then I can paint it. Hopefully I've got enough silicone/resin left to make a mold and single cast before I send it away, depending on if it turns out people want it or not.

Oh I'm sure people will want him. You should weak him to look like the long hair and the spiked hair no eybrow version from the first movie and people will be all over him. Hell, or just off a bald version.

And yea, Frontline offers them, but I would like all my Arnie faces to match.
I'm just going to bump this back up. The Obis look fantastic. Any idea when you'll be getting to the Aragorns?

I can't wait to see how mine looks when you're done with it.
ok Wolverine finished. Annoyingly these pics don't show the shiny eyes too much, but they're there obviously. I'll probably take another one with a light shining on his eyes or something... anyway, here's a few pics.




and one how it looks lit up by my display shelf LED lights...


next pics up will be..... young Padawan Obi-Wan (which'll please a couple of people, lol)

Man that is a excellent repaint!! Makes me want mine done!! How much????
superdoug - all my Aragorn heads I've been sent are being lined up on sticks today, once I've done a photo shoot on the completed World War One commission I was doing. I'll also be lining up the first batch of Anakin heads to be painted (16 in all!), then it'll be onto Leggy's, Faramirs, Obis (they should have arrived by then) and then hopefully the Hudson and Ripleys will be completed and ready to paint... followed by the PF buffy I'm being sent, and ..... and..... and.... and........... :eek:

DarthNeil - he looks great on that body. I'm so glad he got there in one piece (I always panic when I've spent a week or more painting something to trust it to somebody else to deliver it :lol and.... glad you like it sir :eek: :bow thanks

EVILFACE - I've got the Arnie head in silicone as we speak so I can make myself a single copy to paint... and if it looks good and people are interested, I may send it away. I know I certainly think giving it a completely new neck has made it look so much more like Arnie.... but that doesn't mean everyone will agree. But hey, I'll just be happy to have a really cool custom ;)

I'll definitely be going for a T1 Arnie as well though... different hair, slightly more weight to the cheeks. Plus a battle damaged version (or several). Not to mention any other Arnie films.... lots of potential customs from a decent Arnie head.

DarthRazz - I completely missed your question about the World War One commission I've been working on. It'll be getting shown soon. I know the customer wants to do a post about it, and to include some other photos as well in the thread. I'm doing a photo shoot of the figure today. Basically... I was sent some old black and white WWI photos of a soldier, who is the customers Grandfather. And I was asked to sculpt and paint a portrait to go on a military figure (1918 uniform) so he could give it as a gift to his father... such a wonderful idea for a gift, and something I am genuinely proud to have been asked to do.

Also.... its my best work yet (I've certainly spent my longest time on a figure working on it.

It will be shown very soon now :)

anyway.... back to other things. I'm off to do some photos of said WWI figure, then clean my work desk.... and get on with some painting! :rock

thanks for all your comments fellas.... I always look forward to coming back here :bow:bow:bow
EVILFACE - I've got the Arnie head in silicone as we speak so I can make myself a single copy to paint... and if it looks good and people are interested, I may send it away. I know I certainly think giving it a completely new neck has made it look so much more like Arnie.... but that doesn't mean everyone will agree. But hey, I'll just be happy to have a really cool custom ;)

I'll definitely be going for a T1 Arnie as well though... different hair, slightly more weight to the cheeks. Plus a battle damaged version (or several). Not to mention any other Arnie films.... lots of potential customs from a decent Arnie head.

You do that and I think I'll have to get them all! :lol
Great news on the Arnold front! I can't wait to see how nice it turned out, I know it will be awesome and you will get a lot of offers for sure. At least one from me.. :D

Keep it up man, I... as always... look forward to your work eagerly. :rock
Great news regarding the Arnold redux... I'll get that one off you if you produce it... This time I mean it. Him and Anakin! Can't wait to see the paint apps on it!
Hello darren i got the wolverine yesterday but due to it being a last day with a special lady b4 she gos to uni i only just got to take pics and say THANK YOU SO MUCH ITS AMAZING
Now 4 some pics in his outfit

Here is a test pic of the head on a hot toys body. It fills out the outfit a bit more and is more mustley like the real Hugh Jackman but let me know what u guys think??

Here it is on the norm medicom body but still looks great

Darren this figure is great i love it and i dont mean just love it mean im IN LOVE with it. As in i stair in to its sparkly brown eyes for hours and tell it i love it.
Thank you very much i cant w8 4 obi and aragorn.
yay Pete it got there! I'm so glad you like it (at least that's the impression I think I got from your post) :lol

Right no long post for me this time, I've been working up here all day and Jane just yelled up to me "dinner will be ready in 5 minutes". Which basically means to get my arse downstairs and stop whatever I'm doing up here lol

It's finished.... it's finally finished. The big custom I've been working on for what seems a lifetime now was just posted off today. I've done a full write up with a ton of photos over on my blog.... I know the customer wanted to do his own post but he never got the time to get it done, no doubt he'll join in here once he gets a few spare minutes.

Click on the image below for the full story and pics.....

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WOW Darren! I remember that guy asking me about it, and I was unsure if I could get to it, and you just got in there and knocked that one right out of the park! That will be a treasure in that guy's family for ages!A classic!
Well done! Just super work!