Commander Bly Phase One

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Super Freak
Sep 24, 2010
Reaction score
On the Moon...with Steve
Ok so here is my start on my Commander Bly Phase one. Thanks to Mark and Speedyweezle! I had a plane clone just hanging around and thought hay what the heck lets make him a commander! still have to put on his commander stuff pistol holsters and pistols, Kama, paulderon, and visor, Those are coming by way of the Snow corporation. (Thanks Mate):wave And I still have to dirty him up and chip his paint and such. More pics later!!
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Great start! I like the clean lines on this figure, personally I would leave him "clean" (I'm sure I'm in the minority on that issue though). I can't wait to see the finished version!
Excellent Andre and I think I agree with Greg, maybe keep him clean... I made Mary's really DIRTY thats the way she likes em!!!

Ow Greg your stuff is in the post to mate... can wait to see it on the boards :)
hahahah no Mary is the dirtiest on here!!! I like the extremes.... either spotless..... or dirtier than the cheapest lady of the night coooorrrr..... nurse!!!
LOL! Nice! I think I'm going to dirty him up or at least scrape his paint a bit his Kama is already dirty so I have to do something dirty....... so to speak.
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Yeah love it Andre, its soooooo much fun playing with your dollies isnt it???? I love the BD getting a good seeing to. I think you are right your Bly has got to be dirty if he is gonna be givin what fro to some droids.... While your waiting for the parts for Bly maybe paint your BD up....

My fav shot is the BUTT IN YOUR FACE shot..... hummm no comments please.....
Thanks Mark! Yea hes going to get nice and dirty in the next couple days. As for my BD I need to get some primer and break out the ol dremil and add the ball joints. I have all I need to do so its just been so cold out in the garage to go cut him up. Stupid winter.
He does I agree Cbob. Soon he will look like a Soldier of the republic army. I will probably start that process tonight. I was going to work on my BD get him all cut up and ball jointed but I dont know if I want to freeze my arse off lol
OK so here is Bly with all his bits and bobs to make him a commander. From Mr. Mark THANKS MATE!! And I cant wait to get A head for my Indy Body. Thanks again Mark!
Now I still need to dirty him up. But he will get scuffed and weathered I think I am going to go for the clone wars cartoon weathering its not too dirty but dirty enough to look like he has been in a few battles. So how does he look so far guys???