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Get a sense of humor buddy. This whole thread is ridunculous... Hence my post.
If you take offense at my post it more than likely a guilty part of your concious is speaking out..

I figured you were joking given you yourself conveniently joined in....2007 :lol

But anyone who took that seriously and is agreeing - really??! :slap
Or maybe he just changed his mind and in doing so hasn't check the for sale thread.
My opinion, I think this post was premature and although it wasn't exactly cool what the guy did, he didn't rip off the tc.

How many people here have tried to sell before and got a PM of someone promising to hold the item as they want to buy it and then never hear from them?
I'm sure a lot, but does it warrant posting a negative post about the person since they didn't buy it?
Almost the same thing.
I know when I tried to sell, I got the same crap from people here and some of them are older members.

I agree its not exactly cool to just ignore the message, but he didn't take your money and run.

WTF? Why did you quote me? Nothing you just said has anything to do with my post. :cuckoo:
I'm not involved in this deal, all I did was comment that hes been on the board after someone said he dropped off the face of the Earth. I never inferred he took my money.
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I honestly think this thread is wrong,no one got beat out of a figure or money.if it were me and you said you wanted me to ship my item first,the first thought that would go through my mind is you are trying to scam.I'm not saying you are,that's just what I woul think.and after that why would I pm you back,as far as I'm concerened the deal would be over and I just avoided being scammed.that's just how I would react if I were in that situation but that's just me.give the guy a break and before you start a thread acusing him of being a rat maybe you should have looked at the situation from his point of view.how would you feel if he started a thread about you saying we had a deal then all of the sudden he wanted me to ship first,I smell a rat! I'm not trying to say either of you guys are dishonest but maybe this was a misunderstanding and the guy might be a good guy who now might loose business or a trade because he didn't email you back.half the members on this board would prob ly be guilty of thiks at one point or another.so maybe we should close this thread until we get both sides of the story.what's next a I emailed this guy an hour ago about wanting to buy this and he hasn't gotten back to me yet,I smell rat! Cmon man.
Ha. Ha. What a ridiculous thread. No harm, no foul. I wouldn't wait for the tc to receive my figure before him shipping me mine on the trade either. You swap phone numbers and addresses and ship them out. If you don't feel good about the trade, don't do it.
WTF? Why did you quote me? Nothing you just said has anything to do with my post. :cuckoo:
I'm not involved in this deal, all I did was comment that hes been on the board after someone said he dropped off the face of the Earth. I never inferred he took my money.

Relax man,
You posted ..."Hes been on the boards and posting the last couple days, apparently hes either ignoring this thread or no ones given him the heads up that its here"

And I basically just added that maybe although he's been posting, since he changed his mind, he may also possibly just hasn't checked the for sale thread. And then I stated my opinion about the thread.

I should have just quoted just that one section of your comment.
I think the point of this thread has been made.

Is the other trader a scammer, not that can be determined. Are they not very good at corresponding, perhaps. When dealing you correspond between each other until something is finalised. If the communication breaks down from either party then the deal breaks, that's not necessarily a bad thing or mean the person not responding is shady, imo it just means they may lack a few manners. Online 'nettiquette' or just just simple manners go a long way in my book so it would have been nice if he notified the other party if he changed his mind (if that's what happened), but I understand some peeps do not see that like I do so they may not consider a simple message as important when they want to back out/change a deal.

Thankfully in this case no money was exchanged, no-one has lost out here so I'm closing this thread.

Thanks for the heads up but this thread is done.
x :peace
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