Battlestar Galactica Episode Thread *SPOILERS*

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Now this is some funny stuffy... while I'm reading all of these comments and about to type, what should come around on shuffle; All Along the Watchtower :lol Admittedly its the Hendrix version, but still funny nonetheless.

I really enjoyed the finale, I think so many things were explored and wrapped-up, but also left very open to interpretation. Kara's ending did seem abrupt, but was still fitting. I would assume she was some kind of angel and once her purpose was fulfilled (even though she died once before realizing it)she was able to slip back into the universe.

Many final scenes were very powerful like Adama/Rosalin and Caprica/Baltar. All in all, it seemed like a very good ending to a fantastic series. Although one I want to watch again to see what I might have missed.
There's something I either missed, or didn't quite catch, so hopefully someone here can help me out.

That skeleton that was pictured in the magazine that Baltar and Six were reading 150,000 years in the future, that was supposed to be Hera, right? But if so, then how could she be the "Eve" of the new human race, since they clearly stated that it was the skeleton of a child? It seems to me that you'd need to hit puberty before you can become a progenitor of a new race.

I have watched the finale 3 times now and I haven't heard it implied once that Hera died as a child.
I have watched the finale 3 times now and I haven't heard it implied once that Hera died as a child.

Didn't Six read aloud about the skeleton of a child believed to be over 150,000 years old being discovered, and then Baltar chimes in about her having a human father and cylon mother? Again, I probably missed something at some point, but I could have sworn they said the skeleton was that of a child. And since the final image of Hera in the field faded into the picture of the skeleton, I just made the leap. I probably just misheard that last bit.
They stated it was a young woman.

Of course it could be Hera, but it could also be the a woman that was born from either a human & new human person.

Or because the Galactica humans were slightly different from the "humans" on Earth, it could just be one of them that died.
I'm glad so many enjoyed it, but I found the series rather uneven and a bit overrated.

I agree. BSG was amazing at its peak, but it suffered from far too many pointless episodes in its final seasons. Wildly uneven - you could easily cut 20 episodes and miss nothing of interest.
Out of every episode only one pointless episode comes to mind: the one where Lee has his adopted whore family on some other ship and gets ruffed up by the space mob.

Every single episode besides that one where ones I enjoyed.
Out of every episode only one pointless episode comes to mind: the one where Lee has his adopted whore family on some other ship and gets ruffed up by the space mob.

Every single episode besides that one where ones I enjoyed.

Do you mean the one were the Pegasus XO gets his throat slit? I didn't mind that episode, thought it was valuable in showing how people resorted to the black market (which comes up again later) to get their needs met.
The flashback scene showing Adama undergoing a lie detector test has me
confused. Didn't the interrogator say asking something like "are you a cylon?"
at one point? Why would anyone ask that question at that time,
before the Cylons nuked Caprica, i.e. before the colonials had figured
out that the cylons "look like us"?
I believe there was intelligence prior to the attack on Capirca that the Cylons were working on Skin Jobs (Adama himself witnessed the laboratories when he was younger at the close of the first Cylon war).
The flashback scene showing Adama undergoing a lie detector test has me
confused. Didn't the interrogator say asking something like "are you a cylon?"
at one point? Why would anyone ask that question at that time,
before the Cylons nuked Caprica, i.e. before the colonials had figured
out that the cylons "look like us"?

They might not have known about the Human-form Cylons at the time, obviously everyone would answer No to that question, it was a control question so that they have something to reference.
They might not have known about the Human-form Cylons at the time, obviously everyone would answer No to that question, it was a control question so that they have something to reference.

That's what I got out of it. They need a question that is an obvious YES and NO. Since he couldn't be a cylon that was the NO question.

The ones they give in the real world, they ask you "have you ever climbed mount everest?" Which is an obvious NO and something like "are you sitting down?" which is a YES.

As for the job, it was probably some cushy admiral administrative job that would be the way out to retirement.
I'm still processing the finale. There were moments I loved and moments I hated - I'm trying to reconcile the two. I'm not a huge fan of Season 4 as a whole. There were some great episodes in Seasons 1 and 3, but I think Season 2 was best.

I understand why everything happened - I just don't know if I LIKE it. I almost wish they had all just gone out in a blaze of glory. When Racetrack's dead body let off those nukes I thought that was it, and I wasn't sad. It would have been okay to end it there. But then we got a bunch of weird stuff that didn't make much sense. For instance, how on earth did anyone convince 38,000 people to give up their modern conveniences without a fight? (sorry, that really bugs me) And wasn't the OTHER earth supposed to be OUR earth? (I could have sworn I saw Florida - on the bombed-out earth I mean) And please, Starbuck just disappearing like that? Lame. (I UNDERSTAND but doesn't mean I like it)

It's almost like the last 20 minutes were just a big group hug. I'm pretty 'meh' on the last 2 episodes. I'd rather have seen glorious space battles and cylon/human drama than even more back story that was completely unnecessary. Why did I need to see Roslin being a cougar and sleeping with one of her students? Changed NOTHING for me. (Yeah, I get that that's a story of how she decided to be a politician, but seriously - did we really need to know WHY she got there?) Why did I need to see Adama puking in an alley and going to a strip club? So weird.

Eh, I am looking forward to The Plan, but not so much to Caprica. Caprica seems like it's going to be overly dramatic :dunno

I'm happy for the greatness that we did get, and I'm excited to watch my favorite episodes over and over. But I think there were so many more things that could have been explored better... I can't wait to see what The Cylon Plan was for all the women that they were 'harvesting' back on the planets they nuked, etc.
I understand why everything happened - I just don't know if I LIKE it. I almost wish they had all just gone out in a blaze of glory. When Racetrack's dead body let off those nukes I thought that was it, and I wasn't sad. It would have been okay to end it there. But then we got a bunch of weird stuff that didn't make much sense. For instance, how on earth did anyone convince 38,000 people to give up their modern conveniences without a fight? (sorry, that really bugs me) And wasn't the OTHER earth supposed to be OUR earth? (I could have sworn I saw Florida - on the bombed-out earth I mean) And please, Starbuck just disappearing like that? Lame. (I UNDERSTAND but doesn't mean I like it)

It's almost like the last 20 minutes were just a big group hug. I'm pretty 'meh' on the last 2 episodes. I'd rather have seen glorious space battles and cylon/human drama than even more back story that was completely unnecessary. Why did I need to see Roslin being a cougar and sleeping with one of her students? Changed NOTHING for me. (Yeah, I get that that's a story of how she decided to be a politician, but seriously - did we really need to know WHY she got there?) Why did I need to see Adama puking in an alley and going to a strip club? So weird.

Yeah, I found the finale to be problematic in places as well. For me it was the opera house having no purpose other than some sort of collective deja vu. Big dud. Ten out of ten for style but goose egg for substance.

The first Earth wasn't us. We were supposed to think it was ours for the reversal in the finale. In the '78 series it was called Terra.

Our Earth was only seen in the last episode and glimpsed at the end of season 3.

I too thought that the Starbuck payoff was a weak choice -- but then any time there's something like angles involved it turns me off. I think it was riffing off the classic BSG episode where Count Iblis kills Starbuck and the weirdos in the crystal ship bring him back to life.

And yeah, I kept thinking that the heroes are in for generations of hardship and pain if they give up their technology and that kept tugging at me. I would have liked it if they could have figured out a smoother way to get the characters where they needed to end up, but it was one way to go.
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I like to think the flashbacks of Adama and Roslin were on the same night.
Both kinda hitting the bottom of a rutterless life then contrasting with the "present" where theyd both found love and purpose and been part of an epic journey.
Kinda like Moses in Exodus. You see him as an egyptian committing murder then fleeing and being in exile for many years.
Gets tapped by Elohim for the big leagues, then dies within sight of the promised land.

The dvd is supposed to be 30-40 min longer I here.
Moore explained about the Earths in that interview posted a few pages back. The first "earth" wasn't earth and they never showed distinctive continents of our earth. But when Kara got to earth in her viper she actually was at the final, real earth. But when she got back to the fleet she just took them to the Cylon earth first.