Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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I like this figure for the most part and it's a nice alternative depending on which you like more of the two Aragorn offerings, but I'm quite satisfied with the ACI and feel I've made the correct purchase.

Good job though Asmus, keep up the good work :duff
Can't speek your mind on this board any more with out getting carried off by the Goons.
Honestly, I don't think that's true or a fair criticism. There's a number of posts in just the last day citing major concerns with the figure but they're constructive, as opposed to just trolling posts designed to run down Asmus. Personally I don't miss the trolling/rude/ignorant comments one bit and good riddance to them.
Hair frustrations.

To me, this is their best try, but still off. I feel the nose is not wide enough, and the mustache is too thick. The hair is the main problem but as Keegan posted, it is a bit better with a darker color and less "drybrush highlights" effect. The ACI sculpt seems more accurate to me.
The tailoring looks great, I hope they will choose quality materials. Not sure when I see the rollbag...
At this point I'm not sold.
quickly did this in photoshop,
widened the nose, space out the eye slightly, brightened up the eye and cheeks, and a few other little touches

man i want to love this aragorn. i commend asmus for working so dilligently on this. truly we can see you guys are trying to please the fans. but i agree with most and what they have seen as weak spots. i agree he needs to be a bit more chiseled in the cheeks, and defineately from the forehead up is just off. one thing i really noticed was the top of his head looks like its angled UP instead of back. so he looks like hes looking down and straight forward at the same time. this is a crude photoshop to show cutting off the top of his cone head would alone start to look less elongated. and getting viggos bright blue eyes a tad bigger and seperated improves the overall balance. i know he looks like a zombie lol but again just a couple things that have always stood out to me
its not too late, not like they have too rush and produce the figure straight away, sure they can fix a few little things
its not too late, not like they have too rush and produce the figure straight away, sure they can fix a few little things

It has a release date, schedules have been made, retailers have taken preorders, the factory has been booked, etc. I'd say it's too late.

Don't worry, just wait for the next Aragorn (Elessar version).
Its never going to be 100% accurate or please everyone. Someone will always find a small fault. ACI's aragorn is fantastic, people complained a lot about some details. This aragorn is looking good too, but some people will always criticize. I think its now miles better than the original prototype, and the final product will deliver. Even awesome customizers can't get everything perfect. Sometimes, even the best artists will only be able to deliver an interpretation. I support some companies for their willingness to participate and listen, they're trying to improve and make the figures people want.
I have to agree with Wor-Gar, the tweaks being suggested dont really make sense, sorry guys. I think we are beyond reasonable suggestions to help, if anything watching the movies again makes me appreciate asmus work even more.
I really think Asmus has gone above and beyond to listen to (and implement) a LOT of our critiques for this figure. And I really want to thank them for that. Seriously.

It may not be 100% perfect (what figure ever is), but I, for one, am very happy with the results. If the production figure looks like this proto, I'll be very pleased to have him in my LOTR collection.
See, to me that looks too much like some boxer. Nose is too big and round.

Thats what I was trying to say. I agree with Wor-gar
Lots of those suggestions, to me, look nothing like Viggo. Sometimes its just a matter of point of view and perception, personal taste .
That photoshop edit , to me, is someone else entirely