After talking with Sideshow...QC

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Super Freak
Oct 30, 2010
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I know this is the place for asking questions, but I really don't know where else to put this. So, I hope the mods will allow this slight breech of protocol in sharing this here, even if they choose to lock it.

I've had some issues with several Sideshow pieces lately, and compiled pictures of all the factory issues/defects for several recent purchases, detailing the problems and emailed that all to Sideshow with a candid yet respectful message about my disappointment over their quality control. I think quite a few of us here can relate quite well to my frustrations. Rather quickly my message ended up in the hands of Mike Tolentino (customer service manager) who has been compassionately addressing my complaints, for which I am thankful to him. He told me anything he has said to me during our discussions, is welcome to be shared here, with you all. To those ends, I suspect this update may be of interest to folks here.

It turns out Sideshow is very aware of quality control issues in recent months over many of their pieces. To quote Mike, he told me they've had "a real eye opener the last couple of months" in particular on a few items. To address the issues, they have sent representatives to their overseas factories to walk the factory floor and work with the manufacturer to improve quality to Sideshow's standards. He also told me the pictures we are asked to send them when returning the item are used to show the factory the sort of defects that are getting through, in the expectation they will address them. It's not hard to imagine the expense Sideshow incurs to exchange/return these items, and they document these plus inventory expenses, and regularly send the factory reports on the cost of quality issues that make it through quality control. So, if you were not aware of it, it appears Sideshow is closely monitoring quality issues and using our feedback to minimize them. So, we need to make sure we report quality issues, I'd say even if we elect to forgo the exchange process. It will only help them give us the level of quality the cost of these pieces demands.

Mike also said while pieces that are currently shipping or will be shipping will not reflect any factory changes, anything currently in production should ship to us with the benefit of any manufacturing changes currently being implemented.

While none of this changes the time and frustration I've spent over a number of Sideshow items, my customer service experience with Sideshow has been pretty positive. Here's hoping their efforts overseas pay off and we can put many of these issues behind us.

I hope this was somewhat informative to you all! Thanks ahead of time to Darklord Dave for not "Expelliarmus" (cause of his avatar ya know) me for the non question post.
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I'll believe it when I see it. I recommended stationing a source inspector at the Chinese plants years ago and quality has only gotten worse. My business with them reflects my dissatisfaction if you compare how much I used to order through them to what I do now.

But as always, customer service has been fantastic.

I do appreciate you passing on your story though.
I'll believe it when I see it. I recommended stationing a source inspector at the Chinese plants years ago and quality has only gotten worse. My business with them reflects my dissatisfaction if you compare how much I used to order through them to what I do now.

But as always, customer service has been fantastic.

I do appreciate you passing on your story though.

No problem. I'm just relating what I was told. :hi5:
Thats the great thing about SS they do their best to try and improve. I do truly believe them they're working harder than ever with the factory to make things better for us.

Thank you for the report.
I can attest to them requesting pictures. My Ex. 1:6 Yoda had screwed up eyes, and they wanted pictures. I've never had them ask that before.
sorry but i think sideshow gave you a typical "what you want to hear" response.

They probably do or will send employees to the factories to inspect how production is going along, but think about it...with literally tens of thousands of products being pumped out of these factories with no sign of letting up, how can they really clamp down on QC?

Paint issues are going to always be there especially with high numbered runs. The only way to counteract paint problems IMO is lowering the edition sizes significantly enough so that the inspectors can glance over each one.

Also, keep in mind that what some of us view as bad paint apps, 90% of the consumers out there couldn't care less or are ignorant to them.

The damages during shipping is the only thing that I can see that may be fixable directly. just using generous enough shipping containers with decent engineering to hold the products securely.
sorry but i think sideshow gave you a typical "what you want to hear" response.

They probably do or will send employees to the factories to inspect how production is going along, but think about it...with literally tens of thousands of products being pumped out of these factories with no sign of letting up, how can they really clamp down on QC?

Paint issues are going to always be there especially with high numbered runs. The only way to counteract paint problems IMO is lowering the edition sizes significantly enough so that the inspectors can glance over each one.

Also, keep in mind that what some of us view as bad paint apps, 90% of the consumers out there couldn't care less or are ignorant to them.

The damages during shipping is the only thing that I can see that may be fixable directly. just using generous enough shipping containers with decent engineering to hold the products securely.

You may be right. I find it encouraging that he made the "eye opener" remark. Then, went on to site the upcoming Optimus Prime piece, and how that has to go out without the recent issues, due to the expense of the piece and size. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt for now.
Yep, you've been fed the standard company jargon there mate. I admire you have gone to this length to try to do something about it but I fear it will barely register with them....
For the most part I have to send a pic when I have an issue. I don't mind though. if that what it takes to get a replacement then so be it... I have had more QC issues lately also. Hmmm..
The only other time I had an issue was with lint in the paint on the head of an Ex. Asajj Ventress PF. All they did was send me a new head. Didn't even ask for me to send the old one back to them.
We will see. They have said that they were tightening QC and sending their people over before and look how well that has worked.
I believe them. But I also know a little about the realities about having cheap labor.

A few years ago I worked at a design department of a big bank company and they outsourced their design production to India. The stuff we got back would be riddled with mistakes and ultimately it would take more time (and in essence, money) to have the workers in India. I would have to check the work thoroughly (my time), then send it back (more India time) then check it again (more my time) and possibly another round in India (even more India time). The people I worked with were extremely eager to please, and they worked incredibly hard. But they really were just labor, trained simply in the design application with no real design background which would have helped them be more careful and know to look for certain things that would constantly be missed (like alignments, spacing, etc.).

My point is that I believe the factory workers they have now work very hard, but there is just so much you can teach someone that doesn't have a talent or passion for the job. After all, most people probably just see "toys" when they see your collections. It's not til they see a Sideshow product next to a Hasbro product that people can really see the difference in quality. At least that's how it is with my friends and family. So even though they workers are trying, they probably don't notice the wonky eyes or the paint bleeds that drive us crazy.

SS probably has a lot invested in the group they have now (with training and getting their team running efficiently), so I believe SS is constantly getting them to improve their people. They could threaten to find another factory, but I think it's more worth it to fine tune who they have now, or at least try and find a few better supervisors that can guide the workers better. If they did change factories, they'd have to invest a lot more time and money to get them to the level they're at with their current one, and we'd see a huge step backwards for a while. Their best option is probably to poach some of the people working at HT's factory!
Jim, you speak a lot of truth about the realities of going with inexpensive overseas labor. I've not been at this hobby for years as some here have, and we're seeing the veterans relay a "been there done that" response to what Mike told me on the phone. I hope their skepticism is unfounded, but even if it is, it speaks volumes about peoples feelings on Sideshow quality. It's the sour taste people have, which has changed otherwise loyal customers into ones that are looking elsewhere, like Hot Toys. I have to admit, I'm about there myself. And, perhaps it'll take me gaining the experience of seeing nothing change in quality control going forward to admit what everyone else may know already, that Sideshow has become their own worst enemy due to quality control.

If this were Hasbro, they'd just junk one figure and give you a new one from the thousands of units of inventory they have. But, when you make only 500 of something, your margin for error is really tight. Many of the issues I've had, were on defects I know the factory worker had to have seen when painting it. Can they not say, "this is defective" and take it to a supervisor to junk rather than send it on to the next line to be shipped to me? If they don't care or have been told to ignore these things for the sake of a quota or deadline, that's a management issue and Sideshow needs to be protecting their reputation by enforcing it's better to have it right and a little late that wrong and on time (IMO that is). Blizzard makes excellent video games, and they're rarely on deadline (usually not even close) because their games ship when they're ready. And their quality is unparalleled in the gaming industry for it. People are willing to wait for quality.

One thing is for certain, and that is eventually, all companies face a reckoning not for the issues they have come up, but for the ones they choose to ignore.
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I don't expect major change, and it is somewhat troubling that it is just now an "eye opener" but I will give kudos to Mike; he has been more than helpful towards me in the past.

I don't order anywhere near as much as I used too; one because I am severely limited on space and two because of QC issues.
Thanks for posting. I am also new to statue collecting specifically, and so I don't feel the level of cynicism that others here apparently do. But, I do hope some changes are made soon. I already feel that I have to order directly from Sideshow instead of an outside retailer, as I have little faith that I will get a great piece the first time around.
curious how much is acceptable loss. not very productive to have employee fix mistake and hold up rest of production. more cost effective to send down the line with error and write off for replacement parts if end customer not satisfied with mistake. dont like at all, but its sad reality.
It's positive but as others have stated actions speak louder than words. Thankfully I have never had any issues with SS but i have seen enough on here and elsewhere to convince me that there is a serious QC problem which needs to be addressed and taken very seriously.

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