9/11 In Memoriam

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Jedah Kalm

Super Freak
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Best wishes to those affected by the events on that tragic day ten years ago.

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I was 11 when this happened, i remember the sick feeling I got when watching the morning news... it made me feel unsafe and that nothing in life is forsure.... my condolences to the families affected by this.


My thought and prayers for all who lost there lives that day, and to all affected still to this day,

Thinking of you all my fellow Freaks across the Atlantic on this day especially those who have served and are still serving to keep us safe around the world Thank you :1-1:

Kindest regards from the UK

# Edit, I am stunned at what my post count reads after posting this as it's purely coincidental, R.I.P New York's finest #
I will not post again today to leave that number there.


Kindest regards from the UK
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Terrible day,may all afflicted find peace.Nothing but my very best wishes and love to all.


My thought and prayers for all who lost there lives that day, and to all affected still to this day,

Thinking of you all my fellow Freaks across the Atlantic on this day especially those who have served and are still serving to keep us safe around the world Thank you :1-1:

Kindest regards from the UK

# Edit, I am stunned at what my post count reads after posting this as it's purely coincidental, R.I.P New York's finest #
I will not post again today to leave that number there.


Kindest regards from the UK

Quite a coincidense to be sure. Leaving the post count for the day is a nice touch.

I remember that I had flown in to Denver for a job 3 days prior to this. I was on the second shift and woke up in the early afternoon to find this on TV. I wondered for a few minutes at how morbid the "movie" (so I thought at the time) was. But when I changed the channel to see it on the very next one as well...I caught on immediately then and I was floored.

I know that there are many people who see our military's continuing presence abroad as being futile and a waste of time and American lives...

I am not one of those. And although my thoughts are no less for those who were killed or who lost loved ones during this attack, my thoughts go equally now to those still in the conflict and I wish them success and a safe return their homes.
A day that everybodys' life is affected, which ever part of the world we belong to.

Well wishes to the survivors.
I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.
~Leo Buscaglia

Hope time and patience has helped in healing the wounds. My heart goes out to all those who suffered and were affected by this astronomical tragedy...
Its still difficult for me to watch the specials about it. I saw one the other day that showed people falling out of the windows and I couldn't watch it. Watching those specials still makes me very sad and pissed at the same time. I can't imagine what anyone directly involved with that day was going through and I hope to god I never have to find out.

September 11th is a day that will forever be remembered. This day should be a reminder that although this world is filled with evil its also filled with plenty of good. The real heros of that dark day should always be honored.