1/6th Scale Sideshow Boba Fett Figure

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I just got my Fett, and besides the color, and chest piece, my biggest complaint is this craptastic body Sideshow used.

This thing feels cheap as hell, and the legs don't even have a thigh swivel. (I take that back, but it seems the right leg is stuck) This is ridiculous.

I'm getting a slim ASAP. Any ways to make the figure shorter? I saw that the jumpsuit looks like highwaters on a slim body.
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I just got my Fett, and besides the color, and chest piece, my biggest complaint is this craptastic body Sideshow used.

This thing feels cheap as hell, and the legs don't even have a thigh swivel. (I take that back, but it seems the right leg is stuck) This is ridiculous.

I'm getting a slim ASAP. Any ways to make the figure shorter? I saw that the jumpsuit looks like highwaters on a slim body.

I have had same issue with right leg on Zartan / Boba / 4 of 6 Cantina band guys... the 1.2 body - the right leg thigh is frozen.
My unmodded Boba:


I tried changing the body with the slim African American body, it looks wayyy better. But I switched it back to the SS body, as I'm trying to find a slim caucasian body. I know the body isnt visible, but I just dont like the thought of having an inaccurate inner body :duh

You know since Boba is like a clone of Jango and that guy is a Maori and has kinda dark skin so I think an AA slim works just fine. :lol
I just got my Fett, and besides the color, and chest piece, my biggest complaint is this craptastic body Sideshow used.

This thing feels cheap as hell, and the legs don't even have a thigh swivel. (I take that back, but it seems the right leg is stuck) This is ridiculous.

I'm getting a slim ASAP. Any ways to make the figure shorter? I saw that the jumpsuit looks like highwaters on a slim body.

Those pictures deceived you, the slim is shorter than the ssc body by about 1/4 - half a cm! the jump suit wedgy is a problem of futzing


I just recieved my Boba. Numerous small inaccuracies aside, it's probably the most impressive looking 1/6 SW figure from Sideshow to date.

I have a question about swapping the body. What is the main reason to go for the True Type? Is it about the quality of the joints, or better looks? Couse to be honest, I don't see a significant difference when looking at pictures of those who swapped Sideshow's body for a TT. Is the armour and outfit, supposed to fit more naturally on a True Type?
From the pics I've seen, the TT is capable of much more natural looking poses. I've noticed a distinct improvement in how the figure looks between the stock Pro and the TT, personally. Still not sure if I'll just live with it stock or go through the trouble of switching him over, though.


I just recieved my Boba. Numerous small inaccuracies aside, it's probably the most impressive looking 1/6 SW figure from Sideshow to date.

I have a question about swapping the body. What is the main reason to go for the True Type? Is it about the quality of the joints, or better looks? Couse to be honest, I don't see a significant difference when looking at pictures of those who swapped Sideshow's body for a TT. Is the armour and outfit, supposed to fit more naturally on a True Type?

Great pictures!

Honestly for me the body swap comes down to quality of the joints. I really can't stand this base body.
In some pictures with poses at certain angles its hard to see, but the TT slim has much more realistic proportions to begin with, and is also slimmer like boba was in the films too. the problems with the ssc body are numerous, the arms are too short by about a cm, the joints are bad, they have child bearing hips, and can't stand up in a lot of poses without a stand

Its a bit like the difference between a random guy in a fett costume at a convention, and the real actor in the suit in the film appearance wise. With the ssc body it doesn't look like the real boba to me

crappy pics:

arm length comparison




and also for the joints, we all know how dodgy the sandtroopers can be without a stand? this reliably stands like this on a tt slim lol -


I really need to take some better pics sometime, but its a great great improvement in hand
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I have a question about swapping the body. What is the main reason to go for the True Type? Is it about the quality of the joints, or better looks? Couse to be honest, I don't see a significant difference when looking at pictures of those who swapped Sideshow's body for a TT. Is the armour and outfit, supposed to fit more naturally on a True Type?

The answer to all your questions, in short, is "yes." The Truetype IMHO is simply the best mass-produced 1/6 scale body these days. The figure better mimics the look & proportions of the human body than the stock Pro. The sturdier joints also make holding this guy into a pose nearly effortless, making use for a stand almost unnecessary. Sadly, the same can't be said for most stock versions of Sideshow's 12" figures.
The answer to all your questions, in short, is "yes." The Truetype IMHO is simply the best mass-produced 1/6 scale body these days. The figure better mimics the look & proportions of the human body than the stock Pro. The sturdier joints also make holding this guy into a pose nearly effortless, making use for a stand almost unnecessary. Sadly, the same can't be said for most stock versions of Sideshow's 12" figures.

This is truth right here. The joints are just so awkward on the pro. I can barely get this guy to stand, much less in a crouched pose,and I'm not use to that. Posing figures is one of my favorite parts of collecting. It's a good thing this guy has an awesome base because I don't mind displaying Boba on it...but I HATE having to rely on it unless he's standing straight up. Thor is the only other figure I have to display with his stand due to the weight of Mjolnir.

A few questions I have, are:

Does switching to the TT Slim increase ankle movement? What kind of modification does it take to use the Pro joints in conjunction with the Slim?

Lastly, where can I purchase a TT Slim for a descent price? Feebay prices are ridiculous.
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It's a shame the upcoming Bespin Luke appears to be on a standard TT instead of a TT Slim. There are tons of Bespin Luke bodies still available at Toy Anxiety ($29.99), but not sure how much bulkier they are and whether I should pick-up a couple for stuff down the road.
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has anyone ever used a KUMIK 1/6th Slim body before?

I've never used a body from this company but for the price it seems like an option I would consider.

I can't find a TT Slim for less than $70.
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It's a shame the upcoming Bespin Luke appears to be on a standard TT instead of a TT Slim. There are tons of Bespin Luke bodies still available at Toy Anxiety ($29.99), but not sure how much bulkier they are and whether I should pick-up a couple for stuff down the road.

I have to imagine HT will create a modified body for this release. For example, Red Skull was a Slim TT with Narrow arms. Once Luke arrives in hand, and people find out what body he actually is, they won't be sitting anymore.
The trick with tt slims are to keep an eye on what figure releases use it - like before, when jack sparrow came out, they were everywhere for affordable prices as people parted the figure out. Atm the figure using it is Red Skull, but his arms are that of a TT narrow so the forearms will need sanding for the boba gauntlets.

When you know the figure name that uses it, its easier to type that in on ebay or stores to find it for part-out prices more than supply/demand inflated prices.

I think maybe spiderman looks like the next one? I'm not that up to speed with HT.

As for the ankle pegs, they just slot right in the holes with a bit of a push, and the ankles do have better poseability due to the double ball joints they use instead of the swivel and cut joint the ssc body uses.

The hard part is getting the ssc pegs out of the feet, prepare a hair dryer and some narrow pliers :lol

If purchasing a TT, don't forget to check if you need the ankle joints. The extra long ones arent mandatory, mine looks like with the normal ones and not stumpy.
Thanks for the info, SwedishHeat and mortifactor. Didn't realize that HT actually customized the bodies like that (just assumed it was like the Pro bodies -- i.e., 1.1 is slim, 1.2 is normal, 1.3 is bulky, etc.) for specific characters, though it does make a lot of sense. Any idea why HT doesn't just sell the bodies individually so collectors wouldn't have to go to the secondary market? I mean, not that they care about that, but just seems they're leaving a lot of money on the table.
Thanks to PJB-1138 I removed the lower HT TT leg section. I used black electrical tape to the knee peg to make it thicker and attached the SS lower leg to the upper HT TT body.

I believe someone else did this as well. I think the whole figure looks better. However I am extra careful with the legs not to pose it too much. I will try to post my novice pics sometime soon.