1/6 Plo Koon Petition

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Super Freak
Jan 27, 2006
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I know Sideshow watches the forum to see what we are all buzzing about. So I thought why not start a petition for a figure. I'm really hoping the next alien, non-main jedi character we see will be Plo Koon. Hasbro made him but most of us missed out due to early cancellation. He sells for big $$$ on ebay. His ship still fetches a decent price as well on the bay. Looks to me like he is one that fans want. Come on Sideshow give us a 1/6 Plo Koon!!!
I concur! A 1/6 Plo Koon would be a fantastic addition--aside from Obi-Wan, he's my favorite Jedi! I support this petition and add my name to your list!
Even though Hasbro made a really cool one that was one of their best ever, I would like to see what Sideshow could do with him.
Well I want him because:

A. I want alotta Jedi.
B. Of the minor Jedi he has a really cool design like Kit Fisto and Shaak Ti.
C. I want alotta Jedi.
Yes, sign me up for a Plo Koon. I want Ki Adi-Mundi as well and Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar to complete the Mace group.
I've never really cared about who is or isn't important to the story. I only care about who looks interesting or has a defining personality. That includes nearly all of the main characters, but also some minor ones that appeal to our imaginations and draw us into the story in a unique way. A minor character might have a look that really interests one person, while another might excite somebody else in a totally different way. I love some minor characters as much as the major ones--for example, Captain Antilles gets throttled by Vader, but his costume and character are my favorites in the saga! I'm all for the minor characters--let's hear it for Plo Koon!!!
Well Plo is one of the most important Jedi on the council. Hes way up there in the Jedi hierarchy. He was one of the 5 life time members of the council. He was also seated at the right of Mace which made him along with Ki-Adi-Mundi who sat to the left of Yoda very visable on screen. I actually wouldnt mind seeing him along with Ki-Adi Mundi and Saesee Tinn soon. I do hope they do Saesee first though.
Is he the big forehead guy? Or the one with the horn thingies and the breath mask?

Personally Kit Fisto may be an insignificant character but he's my favorite figure so far....aliens are cool! heh heh heh
This is Plo Koon

This is Saesee Tiin

and this is Ki-Adi-Mundi
Plo is the one with the mask. Ki Adi-Mundi is the long forehead and Sascee is the horned guy (not like Maul, but he was the one that went with Mace to see Palpatine).
All of the above, please. :D But my money is more on Ki-Adi-Mundi. He's my personal fave, after Kit Fisto.

That look of betrayal on his face, right before the clones killed him? That levelled me. :monkey2
Why I like Plo Koon is he has a very distinct and imaginative look. So many of the characters can breath oxygen just fine but he wears the mask because it is poisonous to him (if I remember correctly). In the game jedi power battles he's the strongest character to play. I think the yellow lightsaber was pretty cool, of course now he's been given mace's Ep I saber and a blue blade.
("the good guys have blue or green") for Lucas being so creative he seemed very closed minded about light saber colors. Anyway he's awesome. In design, story, even his starfighter looks cool, and he doesn't have much out there to collect. We need a 1/6 figure. Bring it on Sideshow!!!!!:chew
Well i know people want Plo and Ki-Adi now but I really want a Saesee he was never done by Hasbro and they actually did those two very very well if not great. I think if we would have got more like those Hasbro could still be making 12" today.
Ki-Adi-Mundi is pretty awesome too...I'd say that Plo is my favorite, followed by Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and then Ki-Adi. In fact all of the Jedi are awesome--make them all Sideshow!