1/6 Hot Toys - MMS297 - Star Wars: Episode IV - Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure

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I put mine near the front so from the outside view it will look better but I found myself having to move the figures closer to the front of the detolf rather than right in the middle for better lighting. Maybe test one out and decide what works best for you.

I often do that as well as I like the shadowing this creates on most of the figures. Can sometimes look a bit too flat otherwise so that's good advice (trying different locations). I think I end up liking the figures toward the front too so they don't get blocked too much by the figures/stands above them.
You think that's Hamill?

You need a new pair of glasses, pal.

Recognition of likeness is entirely subjective, so I've given up trying to argue people into changing their minds in this regard. So....if you like the character and want him represented in your collection, order him up and see what your eyes tell you when you have him in hand, and return him if the sculpt doesn't work for you. For me, he's 95% to 98% there, and the JC Hong painted proto was as close to 100% as I've ever seen in a figure.

But....I firmly believe that if we all transported back to 1977 and Mark Hamill walked into the room, half of us wouldn't recognize him. That's how personal and subjective facial recognition is. Now, translate that to a 1/6 representation? The Wild West...

Agreed, you can't please everyone.

I'd be willing to wager that if HT made a figure of Pete Mitchell from Top Gun and they used this exact sculpt with Tom Cruise's hairstyle from the film, people would probably complain/say that the face looks more like Mark Hamill from ANH than it does Tom Cruise.

Like you said, likeness is entirely subjective and everyone has their own interpretations how a sculpt should look to make it accurate to the person portraying the intended character. Personally, I think the likeness is there on this figure.
I often do that as well as I like the shadowing this creates on most of the figures. Can sometimes look a bit too flat otherwise so that's good advice (trying different locations). I think I end up liking the figures toward the front too so they don't get blocked too much by the figures/stands above them.
Right....some figures looks best w/ more light while others require little light. Due to the glass it's hader to see all the details put into a figure when they're further back.
That's what I did, I think it provides enough light and looks great. I've considering adding a second but didn't want to add too much wiring, plus it really is enough light to really highlight the figures but not overwhelm the room, and allows for some shadowing depending on how far back you put the figures. Ran the wires into a wire hiding tube that runs along one of the shelf supports. Here's one of the shelves.

Thanks for the info guys...and your display looks great TonTon; I notice your not using stands, I'm not sure if I could pull that off and feel safe.
We just had a quake the other day... there's no way I'd trust my figures to stay upright without a stand in anything over a 3.0 :lol
Thanks for the info guys...and your display looks great TonTon; I notice your not using stands, I'm not sure if I could pull that off and feel safe.

Yeah, just did that for the photo. I'm like you, need the stands for peace of mind--plus i have the Tama 3PO that could smash through the glass if it toppled so with that on the stand I like the more consistent look of the other figures with the stands too.
That's what I did, I think it provides enough light and looks great. I've considering adding a second but didn't want to add too much wiring, plus it really is enough light to really highlight the figures but not overwhelm the room, and allows for some shadowing depending on how far back you put the figures. Ran the wires into a wire hiding tube that runs along one of the shelf supports. Here's one of the shelves.


Forget the stormies, that Chewie is sublime.......I am sure I must have seen that before, but not sure. Amazing. You used pastels?
I just got my Luke today!
Is anyone else bummed that we got the empire light saber instead of the Star Wars one? image.jpeg
So been busy not paying attention to my flex orders and i guess i have Old ben shipping out next week.I thought was next month for him. I guess i'll pay off Luke also and get these 2 at same time just like han n chewy stoked thought would've had 2 pay off my Fassbender Magneto. Thankfull 4 flexpay to get both at same time. Stoked!:yess:
I got Luke yesterday. He's fantastic. Probably the best figure in my collection, mostly due to the accessories, likeness, and importance of that character. He has now joined the shelves with Han, Ben, Chewie, Vader, 3PO, R2, Stormtrooper, and Sandtrooper. Now all I need is Leia, and I'll finally be done with Hot Toys Star Wars.

.....until prototype pics of old Han from TFA show up, tempting me to collect the TFA line.