Am I the only one who thought ALIENS kinda sucked?

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
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Before I get lynched, let me explain. I first saw ALIENS on TCM a few years ago, and it was the first Alien film I had ever seen. I originally found the film too long and pretty boring, with all of the good stuff saved for the very end. As a fan of the Predator and Terminator films, I was expecting another fun balls-to-the-wall 80's action flick. Sure it had a couple of neat scenes, but as an overall film, it was really dissapointing.

Flash foward to a few weeks ago. I finally saw Ridley Scott's original ALIEN. It is without a doubt one of the scariest films I've ever seen, and a genuinely suspensful thriller. Sure it was a bit slow at parts, and it probably wouldn't hurt if 10-15 minutes were cut throughout the film to pick up the pacing. Still, I'm not complaining. I was in awe of the special effects, art direction and set design. This is one of those sci-fi flicks like the original STAR WARS, where the film's look has a timeless quality, and the EFX blow the CGI crap of today out of the water. Overall, it's probably one of my all time favorite sci-fi or monster movies.

So tonight, I had a little double feature thatnks to Cinemax. I got to watch my beloved ALIEN, and saw that it was followed by the Cameron-helmed sequel. I decided that maybe ALIENS would be alot better the second time around, since I had seen the original.

I'm sorry to say that it wasn't. My GOD, is ALIENS a boring film, and people say the same about the original. Aside from Hicks and Bishop, most of the characters weren't as likeable as those in the original. Some like Hudson were downright annoying. The set design was alot less Giger-inspired than the sets in the original, and seemed more TERMINATOR than ALIEN (well, whaddaya expect with Cameron directing?) The first hour seemed to drag forever, and in the end most of it was unnessescary. However, the few action scenes in the film were well done and exciting, but never made me jump like the ones in the original. The only part of the film I genuinely liked was the last half hour (which in essence, mirrored the climax of the original.)

Even the Aliens suffered. I liked how the Alien in the original was intelligent and manipulative. We also had no idea what it was. Now, it's just a giant mindless insect. At least the Queen creature was neat.

The thing is, ALIENS had so much potential. The marines were pretty bad-ass, and the idea of using more aliens in an action flick is a great one, I just don't think Cameron did a good job of executing it. I think if he had tightened up the script, shortening the first half of the film, and collaborated with H.R. Giger for the film's look, it would have been a much better film.
It is obvious that Cameron wanted to pick up where Scott left off and wanted to do his own thing with it. He suceeded, but in my opinion, the finished film wasn't as good as Scott's.

But hey, that's just me. What do I know?

I agree with you totally, but disagree at the same time. I think Alien was better, design-wise, Giger's Alien design was much better/creepier. And I did think Aliens did drag in sections (I watched with my Girlfriend, just after the honeymoon period of the start of the relationship ended and she'd started getting confident enough to tell me she was bored and to turn it off, which we did :eek:) but I do love the movie! and I liked Hudson. I like it because we got more information about the Alien & it's society. But it does have that T2, Abyss blue coloured feel about it...

By the way you're in for a flaming!
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Ohhhh my, the utter Blasphemy!!

Darklord Dave, I must commend you on your quick foresight!
Is that a joke or does that abomination exist?


Oh it exists and I have heard that every October it magically creeps out of it's grave to offer us one more chance at owning this piece of art.

In SPOOKTACULAR 2056 the last Van Helsing will finally be sold but you can still try your luck on the wait list- it really works!
Man, this really is a dangerous thread topic :lol I do prefer the original to the sequel. But only just slightly and what I think is great about Aliens is its not just a rehash sequel, but a very different take on a great idea.

So sorry Dr. Miracle, you really are the only one who thinks that :lol
People debate about which is better, Alien or Aliens, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone say Aliens was boring. But you don't have to like it just because most other people do. Just don't expect to change our minds.
Well I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why this movie is SOOOO above criticism. I like ALIEN, and I like James Cameron (I think the Terminator films, and Titanic are some of the greatest movies, ever made,) yet I didn't care for ALIENS. People can talk **** about sequels like PREDATOR 2 all day and night, so what makes ALIENS so untouchable?

Hell, I remember PREDATOR 2 was more entertaining than ALIENS.
People debate about which is better, Alien or Aliens, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone say Aliens was boring. But you don't have to like it just because most other people do. Just don't expect to change our minds.

I'm not expecting you to, I just don't understand all the praise it gets. Sure it definitely has some great qualities, but I just didn't care for the overall result.
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