Holy ____!! Galactus!!...Link to Buy in 1st Post!.

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you don't know what means "tips"?

Travelling Into Powder System

Look! There're a lot of spots around him,must be the tips system!!!! :panic:


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Well the statue gods weren't on my side this time around :(
Really disappointed minus the defects, I'm not a weight junky
But damn his hollow. Now my misery $845 for this ?







Sorry to see that krueger187,it´s hard to believe :(

and thanks for putting pictures at close range ,not everybody dares
Mine has a little bit of the same action around the top of the boots like Krueger's...I don't know why, but doesn't bother me so much.

I am thinking that I am going to ask SS for a new silver surfer, though. I tried fixing the board with a little bit of heat...I did remove the bend in the board, but now it is sort of wrinkled...so it's straight, but not flat (if that makes any sense). I have lots of "before" pics, so I should be ok.

Maybe I will mention the glue issue around the boots and see what they offer about that.
Went to the gym, asked wife to watch for UPS guy, get home and there's a missed delivery note on the door....arrggghhhh!

So do you guys think it's safe for me to hold of buying him for about a month?

:rotfl yes I believe you have plenty of time. I'm buying this in a year or two. Besides let the kinks get solved first.
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I have contacted SS about my bent surfboard, and I also pointed out the glue smears on the leg. Not looking for a replacement because of the glue, just want to see what they'll do on that front. I am hoping for a replacement surfer.
Finally got mine in- Fortunately no major issues. No broken pieces, no hugely annoying glue smears or paint app issues- and all the LEDs are working as they should.
Beautiful, epic piece. A bit surprised to find that while it's larger by a good bit than anything else I own, it's not as monstrously huge as I'd envisioned it. It easily fits on the top of the filing cabinet that I use to swap out all my SS pieces on.

A few other thoughts/observations
- much heavier and more substantial feeling than I was expecting. I don't own the early SS pieces (hulk, Thor, etc) that are more solid and heavier, but I was fully expecting very light ABS. Very happy with the impression left from handling it.
- the grit on the 'rusty' base seems to coming off on my fingers whenever i touch it. Since this will get packed away and hauled out more than a few times over the next few years, that may have some impact. OTOH, it is just the base and it probably won't make a whole lot of difference in my appreciation of the piece as a whole.
I do think the base is very well done as far as paint/texture/weathering right out of the box.
- LOVE the LED effect. I realize that people have had problems with this kind of stuff lasting over the long haul, but while they are working, they kick up- what is already a near 10/10 piece- a whole 'nother level. This one goes to "11".
- my surfer board has the bends too. it would be nice if it were more rigid, but I guess I should have expected that given how slight the attachment nub to the arm is. Rigid would have meant a fraction more weight which would have impacted the security of the attachment. I do plan to repaint the trail black and purple with stars, and possibly change the tail of the trail with a little Aves to something that looks less like the blunt end of a spoon.

All in all, a great piece and one that's not taking me any time to warm up to (as it usually does when I weigh how much I've spent on something that ultimately just sits there and collects dust). Far and away the most I've spent on something like this, but at the same time I feel like I've fully got my money's worth. ES be damned! I'm fully satisfied with this transaction.
This sits alongside The Prize, and probably Ivy, as one of the last things I would ever consider selling off.
Well the statue gods weren't on my side this time around :(
Really disappointed minus the defects, I'm not a weight junky
But damn his hollow. Now my misery $845 for this ?



Mine has the same issues around the top of the boot. I will live it since everything else seems fine.
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Mine has the same issues around the top of the booth. I will live it since everything else seems fine.

That's crazy you're gonna accept that for a statue with an open ES...:cuckoo:

I could understand a little better for a statue with an ES that has been sold out, but this one...mind blowing!

Maybe I'd buy this one in the future if you sold for about $400 off. I'd like that...:)
Gotta agree with ironlung shouldn't except any subpar statue but with this price tag and being open ES shouldn't be a reason too. I could understand if it was sold out and no replacements.
Talked to SSC today. I have a replacement angry face, left "ear" piece and a $75.00 credit for my fingerprint along with keeping all my rewards points. Im perfectly happy with the outcome. 99 out of 100 people would never see the tiny fingerprint unless they were looking for it anyways. But since mine stands on the base perfectly with no tilt there is no way im risking a replacement when that would bother me much more than anything else