The Amazing Spider Man 2 (2014)

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There is no best, but for favourites out of those with different versions.

  • Amazing Spider-Man for Spider-Man (til i see this suit in action that is)
  • The Yellow/Blue flight suits for X-Men
  • The First Avenger for Captain America
  • The Dark World for Thor
  • Batman Begins for Batman
  • Iron Man MKV for Iron Man
  • The Superman: The Motion Picture for Superman
  • Green Lanterns was Excellent.
  • Blade 2 for Blade
There is no best, but...

Like most realistic? Most comic accurate? Just cool? ???

I liked the Nolan Batsuits, but they didn't evoke an omg cool Batman suit as much as cool tactical suit feeling to me.

I really like the Watchmen costumes onscreen. The new Spidey costume is probably just going to be so jaw droppingly awesome, its amazing (haha) how some of the small details like the larger eyes can just homerun a suit.

I'm with you, I have yet to really see a on-screen Batsuit that looks stealthy, flexible and tactical. They all look overly armored and heavy. And I'm not counting the fabric fan-film suits from ones like Dead End.

If they do a Batman reboot, I do hope they work on achieving a suit that gives the actor a realistic sense of flexibility while portraying Bats in his suit as we know him in the comics.
:lol at everyone freaking out in the comments.

Since CBM reported that Normies' head was in a jar just 22 hrs ago and now it's not i'll take most of this "news" as bull***t.

Feore will make a good Vulture, but it won't happen in this movie they're just building him up
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:lol at everyone freaking out in the comments.

Since CBM reported that Normies' head was in a jar just 22 hrs ago and now it's not i'll take this "news" as bull****ting.

Feore will make a good Vulture, but it won't happen in this movie.

They'll probably introdue Toomes and not the Vulture. The final scene will probably end in a cliffhanger, with the Goblin appearing out of nowhere and grabbing Gwen leading to her death.
Hope Norman takes a central role throughout the movie so when he

Spoiler Spoiler:

It impacts more than just a "surpise i'm the real villain" cameo

That'd be the best. To flesh him out as a character and show his falling to insanity but have the goblin appear near the end or the next movie.
Only thing about building up to a Sinister Six crescendo in ASM3, is that all of the founding members were defeated multiple times by Spider-Man before they acknowledged that they couldn't beat him on their own. Them all just aligning lickity-split seems rushed and movies with more than one or maybe two villains tend to suck. Only one I can think of that did it well was The Dark Knight. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
Don't see how it did him "wrong" aside from the alchohol it's all adpted well.

Marvel character bio said:
Curtis Connors is noted geneticist who lost his right arm under unrevealed circumstances, he dedicated himself to finding a means of restoring lost limbs, studying the regenerative capabilities of reptiles; however, after five years without major breakthroughs, his sponsors were on the verge of cutting his funding. Drowning his disappointment with alcohol, the drunken Conners injected himself with an experimental serum in a desperate attempt to achieve results. The serum regenerated his right arm but also transformed Connors into an inhuman reptilian creature. Seeking refuge in the sewers, he became an urban legend, dubbed “The Lizard” by the press.
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Batman Returns handled 3 well, so did X2

But them doing a team up for that reason (couldn't defeat him alone so a team can surely get the job done) is ideal.
Hated Batman Returns. X2 to me is different, too, because you've got teams of people vs other teams. It's not a team of six distinct villains vs one protagonist. And no matter what, it waters down the screen time of each character so that you can only the most basic impression of them. I've I were Sony, I'd look at ASM as an on-going franchise and save Sinister Six for like the fifth movie in. I'd like to see at most one or two villains per movie. Give each one room to breathe and get humbled good by Spidey (their ego needs to be flattened before they'd agree to give up personal glory and notoriety of killing Spidey themselves), then join-up out of frustration.

ASM couldn't even do one villain justice. :lol
Yep, was a pretty weak version of Lizard.
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I've I were Sony, I'd look at ASM as an on-going franchise and save Sinister Six for like the fifth movie in.

Agreed, space it out a bit.

We still don't know what they're plan is. Lizard is tucked away for future use. Rhino and Electro probably will be too. Toomes is being set up for future use.

I'd imagine that ASM3 will either be just Goblin (which would be ideal) or Goblin and Toomes.

With ASM4 being a Sinister Six movie.
Ah, OK, yeah, I could get onboard with that. I think I read a while back that Sony was looking to serialize ASM, so hopefully that is the case. If it's all got to be contained within a trilogy, though, then I think it's too much to pack in.