so I went to the movies....

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Super Freak
Jan 20, 2007
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just got back from the movies again and I wanted to talk about what is basically a worldwide problem. I live in London, England but have been in Washington DC for the past 6 months.

Every time I go to the flicks, I seem to have someone sitting next to me who just wants to talk to their friend loudly throughout the movie, rustle their popcorn or sweetbags real loud, you know, the people that will just keep scrunching that paper or plastic bag to make sure they don't miss a grain of popcorn dust or a bit of m&m shell. Now I have to say, I am a mellow fellow but when this happens, evil thoughts cross my mind. I fell like physically assaulting these people and screaming at them so that they realise how selfish they are!!!!! This happens to me here in Washington and England. I once went to an early showing of Star Wars Ep.3. It was 10 am, I was completely alone in the cinema, I took my seat, relaxed and couldn't believe I had the whole theatre to myself. Two minutes before the trailers start, a group of people walk in, look around, see an empty theatre and then proceed to sit right next to me?????? I couldn't believe it! On top of all that, they were foreign except for one person, who translated every line loudly throughout the film.

My question is, does anyone else become enraged and filled with thoughts of murder when this happens, is it just me???
ANSWER ME DAMMIT!:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor

If someone talks during a movie real low it doesn't bother me, I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing a loud conversation, but I have had idiots answer there phone and proceed to speak as though they have a megaphone strapped to their Pie hole. :mad: But what pisses me off the most and make me wanna break arms and legs is when they kick my F@#kin' seat!! Arrrgghh, I HATE that!!! :cuss I rarely ever have to say anything I usually just thrust my seat backwards in the hopes of snapping their ankles or shoot them a dirty glare!!:emperor
Answer you damnit? who do you think you are? :lol

Im pretty laid back, i could care less if people are eating popcorn or candy (you know the usual stuff that happens at a public theater). I think theaters are just not for you. You may be best staying at home renting a dvd.
Answer you damnit? who do you think you are? :lol

Im pretty laid back, i could care less if people are eating popcorn or candy (you know the usual stuff that happens at a public theater). I think theaters are just not for you. You may be best staying at home renting a dvd.

there's always one person who doesn't quite understand a post! 'Answer me dammit' was put at the end to show how mad this subject makes me. It wasn't an aggressive comment to my fellow freaks. I bet you talk real loud at the cinema dont'cha???? Bet ya even receive cell phone calls from your friends in other theaters?!:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:emperor:emperor:emperor

I can drown out the usual noises of people munching on popcorn, messing with candy wrappers and such at the movies (it's just part of the theatre 'experience'). What I can't stand are people talking during the film, letting cell phones ring and ring during the movies (as if those sitting around them don't know where the ring is coming from), crying/screaming babies (get a sitter or just refrain from going to movies until you're child can sit through a film without screaming) and of course answering a phone and start talking. There's normal theatre noises and then there's just plain being rude.
Over the years I have bounced back and forth on the idea of capital punishment. If we ever do have a thorough system of it the one crime that should be high on the list are people who cannot behave properly in a movie theater.

There should be two small perches installed to the right and left of the screen near the upper regions. Well trainedexpert shots would be locatedthere watching and listening for offenders. People who behave like complete buttwipes will be targeted for humane extermination. A loud shot would ring out and the lights would go up. An usher in full 1950's syle dress uniform complete with braided military coat (and a midget or small person would be a really great touch) would walk down the aisle, locate the dead offender and place a placcard over their neck with one word on it. The second part of the word would be HOLE. You can supply the first three letters. The body would be photographed using a high resolution digital camera and copies would be blown up really big and placed in the lobby.

I do not pay money to hear anyone else talk about the film. Anyone would be greatly offended if somebody is a restaurant came over and sat down and started eating off your plate. Poor behavior in a theater is exactly the same thing. Kill em.
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I once went to an early showing of Star Wars Ep.3. It was 10 am, I was completely alone in the cinema, I took my seat, relaxed and couldn't believe I had the whole theatre to myself. Two minutes before the trailers start, a group of people walk in, look around, see an empty theatre and then proceed to sit right next to me?????? I couldn't believe it! On top of all that, they were foreign except for one person, who translated every line loudly throughout the film.


yeah, I get theater rage too.
because of the average person's theater etiquette I very rarely go see movies on opening weekends anymore.
I usually wait til a movie has been out for awhile and then hit the matinee to boot.
Regarding home theater .... yes, its wonderful and I too surrendered to the barbarian hordes and purchased a system costing 5 grand. But this retreat from society has a price in terms of loss of social contact and a decrease in civility. Why do the good people have to give up and surrender the public spaces to the buttwipes of the world?
I am very often a rather laid-back person, but when I had finally had the opportunity to see Pan's Labryinth I was quite excited. About half way through the movie, a group of 5 teenie boppers theatre hop and sit right behind my wife and I. After about three minutes of their incessant "oh my gods," I just HAD to let them have it. :maul

It felt good. :monkey3
Depends on the movie and theater for me. If I KNOW I'm going to some ghetto theater or a movie that there MIGHT be talking (comedies and slasher flicks AWAYS) than I'm not surprised or bugged or anything. I know it's coming.

BUT more serious toned movies, or Super Hero/Sci Fi movies I get pissed at if it goes down! I've never had to tell someone to shut up.

If they're sitting in front of me, their chair gets a kick, I was crossing my legs:monkey3

Next to me, I'll wriggle around a lot on just make it uncomfortable to sit next to me:monkey3

Behind me, well I'm a tall guy:D

If none of this works and they don't get the picture, I just go tell on them, screw those jerks. I sometimes get my money back, sometimes by the time I get back to my seat they realized to shut the hell up. What I hate MOST though, are ****** bags who bring their little kids/babies to movies you SHOULD NOT!!! Drives me NUTS! Hire a baby sitter, get your friend to watch the kid OR DON'T GO TO SEE "LAND OF THE DEAD" WITH A F'N BABY!!!
I'm 24 right when I went to see Peter Jackson's King Kong with my girlfriend a few years back...imagine how it was when I was the one who had to tell the couple in their 50's to shut up.They were whispering throughout the whole movie and comparing it to the original!

I also told some teenage girls to shut up during Spider-man 3...they were talking on their damn cellphone during the film...and I had waited a long time to see it.

I'm usually polite about it though. :monkey3
When I used to go to the pictures the sweet chewing and talking didnt really bother me.
The only thing that really got on my nerves to point of losing my temper was the person who kept kicking the back of my seat, either that or they would try rest their feet on the top of mine!!!!
I used to have a few choice words to some people if they did that, which was more often that not, somehow I almost always ended up with someone like that sat behind me.
Very frustrating :banghead
yeah, theaters aren't my thing. not opening weekends in theaters. The smells of the food usually make me nauseous, the lack of consideration from the people around you agitates me, the ADULTS (not kids mind you) who kick your chair and the noise polution from the little conversations can just spoil the experience. I enjoy seeing movies with friends, but I like to chat about it after the fact, or during credits.

I hear you.

I hate theaters these days.

Teenagers texting all the time on their phones. <sigh> That bright cell phone screen is a major distraction for me.

The talking and "smacking" of food also drives me crazy.

I've had to tell a lot of people to be quiet and have almost been in a couple of fights because of it. Ridiculus.

There are so many commercials these days too. God...

As P1 said, home theaters are the way to go now.

I only leave mine when it's a big movie like Transformers or Spiderman.

I will watch everything else in my home theater. It looks and sounds better than most theaters too.
What pisses me off is when someone behind me is sick and keeps coughing and sneezing through the whole movie. And they don't even cover their mouth, so I feel the spray on the back of my neck and arms. :monkey4 This happened to me while watching Transformers.
My question is, does anyone else become enraged and filled with thoughts of murder when this happens, is it just me???
ANSWER ME DAMMIT!:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor


murder? you may want to seek a professional to help with your anger management issue. if you were kidding, it didn't seem like it. have you seen mr. brooks?

basically if someone is being rude or loud, tell them politely yet firmly to be quiet or you'll report them to management. if they continue, report them and demand a refund from management. at that point you can decide to stay for free or go. unfortunately many are just that way, having zero consideration for others, which makes the movie experience less and less enjoyable.
There's normal theatre noises and then there's just plain being rude.

Very well summed up.

A lot of movies have been ruined because of the people in the theater just can't seem to act civilized around others. During SWIII I was blinded by cell phone screens as the 'younglings' had to write text messages during the whole thing. It was at the premiere - midnight showing. sigh

Happy Feet was totally ruined by a 10 year old and his father crying, whining and talking real loud in the cellphone - throughout the freaking whole movie. I don't care what the reason for him being upset, but he should think of the people around him, get up and leave.

Was at Transformers today. No phones, no shouting teens or crying babies. My best experience in the cinema this summer! yay
I find some of the smaller noises (popcorn eating, candy crunching and etc.) don't bother me much. However one thing I hate is peoples stupid comments. Examples would be during Superman Returns some a-hole was adding his own crappy commentary by calling Lois Lane a slut and other rude comments thankfully though someone directly told him to shut up and keep his commentary to himself and I didn't hear anything more form him. Also during Spiderman 3 someone called Mary Jane a slut or something and the stupid audience reacted in a positive way to his comment so of course next thing you know the guys dumb a** friends were making stupid comments to try to get and audience reaction but luckily they didn't. Stuff like this is what upsets me the most.
Depends on the movie and theater for me. If I KNOW I'm going to some ghetto theater or a movie that there MIGHT be talking (comedies and slasher flicks AWAYS) than I'm not surprised or bugged or anything. I know it's coming.

BUT more serious toned movies, or Super Hero/Sci Fi movies I get pissed at if it goes down! I've never had to tell someone to shut up.

If they're sitting in front of me, their chair gets a kick, I was crossing my legs:monkey3

Next to me, I'll wriggle around a lot on just make it uncomfortable to sit next to me:monkey3

Behind me, well I'm a tall guy:D

If none of this works and they don't get the picture, I just go tell on them, screw those jerks. I sometimes get my money back, sometimes by the time I get back to my seat they realized to shut the hell up. What I hate MOST though, are ****** bags who bring their little kids/babies to movies you SHOULD NOT!!! Drives me NUTS! Hire a baby sitter, get your friend to watch the kid OR DON'T GO TO SEE "LAND OF THE DEAD" WITH A F'N BABY!!!
