James Bond vs. Indiana Jones

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Which series is better overall (or had the better films)?

  • Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark to Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade)

    Votes: 72 65.5%
  • James Bond (Dr. No to Casino Royale)

    Votes: 25 22.7%
  • Too hard to decide. Both are good!

    Votes: 13 11.8%

  • Total voters


Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
I watched the Indiana Jones movies alot on VHS when I was little, but hadn't really watched a whole one in about five years. So I went out, bought the Widescreen DVD set and gave it another shot last night.

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK was by far one of the greatest movie experiences of my LIFE! It really doesn't get much better than this. I remembered it being kind of long, but I was surprised at how fast and action-packed the story was. ROTLA clocks in at just under two hours, but the movie went by like it was only 45 minutes.

By the time the Ark-opening climax came around, I couldn't believe how much more shocking and violent it was then I remembered. By the time the credits rolled, I felt like standing up in my bedroom and giving it a standing ovation.

Defintitely one of the greatest adventure films ever made, the greatest 1930's serial ever made (even though it was released in 1981) and probably one of the top 3, or 4 greatest films ever made, period. Sorry, but CASABLANCA don't have **** on RAIDERS.

And as good as the original Star Wars movies are, I'm surprised they have a larger fanbase than the equally entertaining, if not superior INDIANA JONES films.

I really wasn't a Bond fan until 2002 when I saw DAD in theaters. It prompted me in rewatching the rest of the 007 films and I became a huge fan ever since. I can quote most of the Bond films backwards and fowards and as big a fan as they come. But rewatching RAIDERS in such along time really made me realize what a truly great film it is.

Now there is no doubt of the obvious influence Bond has had on the Indiana Jones character and series. The most two often cited and biggest influences on ROTLA were the adventure serials of the 1930's and 40's and of course the 007 films. So in the sense that Flash Gordon was the father of Luke Skywalker; James Bond was the father of Indiana Jones (years before Bond literally became Indy's father in THE LAST CRUSADE.)

Also, both series are essentially blood brothers: Sean Connery was Indy's father, TLD's General Pushkin John Rhy Davies was Indy's goodfriend Sallah, AVTAK Bond girl Alison Doody was Indy's love interest in IJ&TLC, a young Daniel Craig appeared in an episode of the THE YOUNG INDIANA JONES CHRONICLES, and both series have been copying each other's action scenes and content ever since the beginning.

Now, while I love all of the Bond films, and find them all entertaining, it pains me to admit that ROTLA is a much better film than most of them. Sorry, but as much as I love them, IMHO CR and OHMSS don't have **** on ROTLA.

Am I the only one who feels this way? Now I am currently rewatching INDIANA JONES and the TEMPLE OF DOOM and will later revisit INDIANA JONES and the LAST CRUSADE, but to me, ROTLA alone makes the Indy series just that much better than the Bond series.
Such a hard decision.... ROTLA is probably one of my top 3 films ever made, just insanely great. Temple is very high on my list as well, my favorite of the series when I was a kid. Crusade was great as well, loved it.

Bond had it's ups and downs for me, I still love the entire series and every single actor who ever wore that famous tux. But it doesn't have the sheer enjoyment value that Indy does. It's Bond and it's the best spy series ever made, that's for sure. And it is one of my favorite series of all time, but Indy is still top contender. Far and away, best Action/adventure film in history. :rock
Never been much of an Indy fan , it honestly doesn't thrill me all that much like 007....I guess the second one is my fav even though it's hated by many.
Indy by a mile, but the reboot gives much hope for heavy hitting, raw Bond action! (Did I just say raw Bond action? :monkey1 )
As someone who has actually seen all of the Bond films and the Indy films I give it to OO7.
Maybe the most influential character of the 20th century in both movies and books, without James Bond there would be no Jack Bauer, no Jack Ryan, no Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake, no Sam Fisher, no Austin Powers, no Jason Bourne AND of course, NO Indiana Jones.

That's not just my opinion, that's a fact.
If Indy 2 or 3 were half the film that number 1 was, I might give it to Indy. And if the question was, is there one single Bond film as good as Raiders of the Lost Arc, I'd give it to Indy. But franchise to franchise it's not even close... 007 > Indy.
As someone who has actually seen all of the Bond films and the Indy films I give it to OO7.
Maybe the most influential character of the 20th century in both movies and books, without James Bond there would be no Jack Bauer, no Jack Ryan, no Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake, no Sam Fisher, no Austin Powers, no Jason Bourne AND of course, NO Indiana Jones.

That's not just my opinion, that's a fact.

indiana jones was supposed to have been based on a 1930's serial character (doc savage) among other influences. none of which are 007, unless you consider spielberg always wanting to direct a 007 film.

from wikipedia:
'He was envisioned as an amalgam of several characters - most notably treasure hunter Fred C. Dobbs (as played by Humphrey Bogart in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre), and adventurer Harry Steele (as played by Charlton Heston in Secret of the Incas).'

and except for jack ryan, all the others you mentioned were either spoofs (austin powers), lame actors (sutherland and damon), not popular to the point of not being heard of in the US (Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake) or a video game character. (splinter cell)

me suggests you read about the true origins of indy, a true american action hero.

indiana jones was supposed to have been based on a 1930's serial character (doc savage) among other influences. none of which are 007, unless you consider spielberg always wanting to direct a 007 film.

from wikipedia:
'He was envisioned as an amalgam of several characters - most notably treasure hunter Fred C. Dobbs (as played by Humphrey Bogart in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre), and adventurer Harry Steele (as played by Charlton Heston in Secret of the Incas).'

and except for jack ryan, all the others you mentioned were either spoofs (austin powers), lame actors (sutherland and damon), not popular to the point of not being heard of in the US (Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake) or a video game character. (splinter cell)

me suggests you read about the true origins of indy, a true american action hero.


Good call tyler!!! :clap
indiana jones was supposed to have been based on a 1930's serial character (doc savage) among other influences. none of which are 007, unless you consider spielberg always wanting to direct a 007 film.

from wikipedia:
'He was envisioned as an amalgam of several characters - most notably treasure hunter Fred C. Dobbs (as played by Humphrey Bogart in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre), and adventurer Harry Steele (as played by Charlton Heston in Secret of the Incas).'

and except for jack ryan, all the others you mentioned were either spoofs (austin powers), lame actors (sutherland and damon), not popular to the point of not being heard of in the US (Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake) or a video game character. (splinter cell)

me suggests you read about the true origins of indy, a true american action hero.


You must be joking because I'm laughing. :rotfl

Nobody is calling him out on this comment?
Tyler, man, you never heard of Solid, Liquid or Naked Snake? Have you ever heard of the video game series known as Metal Gear Solid? It is a very popular series about an American secret agent. Well, very popular in the US anyway. The original Metal Gear game goes back to the original Nintendo Entertainment System.

Whatever your opinion be about the characters I named, including Indiana Jones, they all would not be here without James Bond.

Please do not quote me Wikipedia because I might hit you with this:

"George Lucas has said on various occasions that Sean Connery's portrayal of Bond was one of the primary inspirations for the Indiana Jones character, a reason Connery was chosen for the role of Indiana's father in the third film of that series."

Tyler, I apologize if you were just joking by your response. But, if you weren't joking, what were you thinking, man?
funny how the influence of bond was never mentioned in the indiana jones wikipedia description. seems that the information on wikipedia is contradictory, which either makes both of us right or both of us wrong. your choice. but to say your statements are downright fact may cause everyone to think what you were you thinking. i have heard indy compared to a 1930's old movie serial several times and only to bond once. guess it will never be settled unless you can find more information than a one line blurb in wikipedia. find some links for us to explore.
funny how the influence of bond was never mentioned in the indiana jones wikipedia description. seems that the information on wikipedia is contradictory, which either makes both of us right or both of us wrong. your choice. but to say your statements are downright fact may cause everyone to think what you were you thinking. i have heard indy compared to a 1930's old movie serial several times and only to bond once. guess it will never be settled unless you can find more information than a one line blurb in wikipedia. find some links for us to explore.

Hey now there are interviews with George Lucas stating James Bond inspired Indy. Now if Lucas is saying it then are you going to argue with Lucas? Could it be that 1930's serials and Bond inspired Lucas to make Indy?

What really shocked me was your statement about Metal Gear Solid. I am not trying to be abusive or make someone look bad but saying Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake are not popular enough for the US was just stupid. Sorry, misinformed.

I don't know what you like or how much you have been exposed to Bond, I mean the guy who started the thread admitted he didn't get into Bond until 2002, but you are talking about James Bond. The action film genre owes ALOT to James Bond.

Challenge my "fact" statement all you want but:
Up is up
Down is down
Without Bond there would be no Indy.
Hey now there are interviews with George Lucas stating James Bond inspired Indy. Now if Lucas is saying it then are you going to argue with Lucas? Could it be that 1930's serials and Bond inspired Lucas to make Indy?

What really shocked me was your statement about Metal Gear Solid. I am not trying to be abusive or make someone look bad but saying Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake are not popular enough for the US was just stupid. Sorry, misinformed.

I don't know what you like or how much you have been exposed to Bond, I mean the guy who started the thread admitted he didn't get into Bond until 2002, but you are talking about James Bond. The action film genre owes ALOT to James Bond.

Challenge my "fact" statement all you want but:
Up is up
Down is down
Without Bond there would be no Indy.

i googled Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake and found alot of foreign links. sorry, guess i'm not as international as some. excuse me for my lack of knowledge but what exactly is it?

as far as lucas being inspired by bond, it may be so. however the character was not solely based on bond and it's presumtous to think so. since the 1930's serials that lucas and spielberg watched came before james bond ever appeared, i have to go on believing that although there may be some bond in indy, the character is not based on bond which still makes him an american action hero. this is just my opinion so please don't take my comments personally. people see things different ways.

by the way, daniel craig is the best bond since connery. without him, the franchise would have died. and if you watched craig in cr, he is more american action than british sauve. so has bond come around full circle?
i googled Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake and found alot of foreign links. sorry, guess i'm not as international as some. excuse me for my lack of knowledge but what exactly is it?

as far as lucas being inspired by bond, it may be so. however the character was not solely based on bond and it's presumtous to think so. since the 1930's serials that lucas and spielberg watched came before james bond ever appeared, i have to go on believing that although there may be some bond in indy, the character is not based on bond which still makes him an american action hero. this is just my opinion so please don't take my comments personally. people see things different ways.

by the way, daniel craig is the best bond since connery. without him, the franchise would have died. and if you watched craig in cr, he is more american action than british sauve. so has bond come around full circle?

Metal Gear Solid is a video game series about a super secret agent with the code name "Snake." There are actually many Snakes but the most popular are:
1 - Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 and possibly 4.
2 - Liquid Snake, one of the main villains in Metal Gear Solid 1 and to a lesser extent in 2.
3 - Naked Snake, the star of Metal Gear Solid 3 Snakeeater and the future villain Big Boss. Naked Snake is, in the game reguarded as the greatest soldier ever. Solid and Liquid are supposed to be clones of Naked Snake.

No hard feelings but your statement:
"me suggests you read about the true origins of indy, a true american action hero."
when you obviously needed to do some research yourself was comical.

What sucks about these boards is that we can't see each other face to face. For you to have to Google Solid Snake makes me question if you are older and not into video games from the last 10 years or really young and you haven't been around long enough to have heard of one of the most popular video game series ever.
Here is a link about Metal Gear Solid from our favorite website Wikipedia:

Oh, I also sense a hint of American bias in your remarks. If you are thinking of Bond vs Indy in terms of America vs Great Britain then I feel sorry for you. The 2 aren't mutually exclusive, you can't have one without the other.

Just a thought, enjoy reading about Metal Gear, yes, I know it is by a Japanese company, but don't worry, Snake is All-American.
thanks for the link. i don't play many video games. last ones i played was diablo and prey. i like to get out and hike in the woods, or get in the car and roam mostly. i do feel that most everything has influences from different cultures, however there's nothing wrong with being a proud american. especially when we are taking black eyes left and right from other people and cultures around the world almost daily. more people should take pride in american culture. :monkey3

btw, the eagles suck!! :lol i have a friend that's pro eagle and she gets disappointed year after year. :monkey2