Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Heroic Age]

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Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

New Avengers 53:

  • Madamn Masque is taken down
  • Hood and Son of Satan fight it out when "Brudda Voodo" shows up wearing the Eye of Agamotto so I am assuming he is the new Sorcerer Supreme
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Brother Voodoo!?...sorcerer supreme!??......oh, the humanity!!!!!!:slap
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Dark Avengers #5
  • Norman does a staged interview in response to Hawkeye's 'outing' him as the Green Goblin
  • Sentry seems to be losing his mental edge and the "Bob" personality is missing
  • Ares smacks Bullseye
  • Moonstone and Noh-Varr get their groove on
  • An alien attack hits New York in the middle of the interview when the questions are getting tough

I see Bullseye knocking down Norman's whole house of cards by going on a killing spree. He has now told Mac Gargan that he is a deadman and, after getting ^^^^^ slapped by Ares, he is probably planning on killing Ares as well. There were a few very telling shots in this issue.

The guards tell Norman's "Avengers" to take their medicine and Bullseye looks at his...allies...before popping his pill VERY stoically. I thought it was interesting that Bendis spent four panels to show that. Also, after Moonstone and Noh-Varr sneak off, Bullseye is standing in the shadows watching them; again, VERY stoically.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Dark Avengers #5
  • Norman does a staged interview in response to Hawkeye's 'outing' him as the Green Goblin
  • Sentry seems to be losing his mental edge and the "Bob" personality is missing
  • Ares smacks Bullseye
  • Moonstone and Noh-Varr get their groove on
  • An alien attack hits New York in the middle of the interview when the questions are getting tough

I see Bullseye knocking down Norman's whole house of cards by going on a killing spree. He has now told Mac Gargan that he is a deadman and, after getting ^^^^^ slapped by Ares, he is probably planning on killing Ares as well. There were a few very telling shots in this issue.

The guards tell Norman's "Avengers" to take their medicine and Bullseye looks at his...allies...before popping his pill VERY stoically. I thought it was interesting that Bendis spent four panels to show that. Also, after Moonstone and Noh-Varr sneak off, Bullseye is standing in the shadows watching them; again, VERY stoically.

Didn't seem all that stoic to me that Bullseye was standing there in the hallway brushing his teeth and watching Moonstone. As we saw in the latest Deadpool issue, the man prides himself on doing what he does with a smile, feeding his own sense of humor. He already went on that killing spree in his own Dark Reign series and was caught on camera by a news crew. Norman sent in HAMMER agents to confiscate all equipment and footage at the studio, and black-bagged all of the staff in an effort to keep things quiet.

Bullseye is definitely a loose cannon right now, but since Marvel is planning DR events straight through next year and they're spending a lot of time showing Bullseye's unrest this early on, I don't think it's going to come down to him as the loose cog in the machine. Particularly since Bullseye really drank the Kool Aid here; he heartily gets off by dressing like a super hero not only to drive the heroes out of their minds but to commit heinous acts in costume. Bullseye is one of my favorite characters going right now. It's a lot of fun to see him sent out as Gargan's babysitter, keeping watch for him while Gargan patrols the NYC alleyways to kill and eat prostitutes :lol ; all of this Norman not only knows about but sanctions. It's his Avengers' definition of r&r. Another thing we know is that Norman sends Bullseye on black ops missions from time to time, allowing him to slake his love of carnage with blood. A question I have is how this medication works for the Avengers, being that they all seem very much themselves and not doped up all the time. I for one wouldn't want to read a book where all of my favorite characters were out of character due to pill-popping so as to stay on an even keel. If that were the case, then it becomes a divergence from personality to solely plot devices. Oh, and those beings at the end of the issue looked to be Atlantean to me. That'll definitely be a cool direction in which to take the book.

The team is bound together extremely tenuously. Moonstone just revealed to Noh-Varr that practically everyone on the team is a criminal brought on board for their loyalty to Norman, his faith in their combat abilities, or because some of them are already simply used to taking orders from him. That being said, they aren't easily cowed. Ares views combat as honorable and being a warrior as the greatest thing an individual could aspire to. Noh-Varr seems to have legitimately believed they were there to do a good thing, and may very well go astray by the next issue. Bullseye can only be kept in line for so long; the man has a peerless appetite and aptitude for dealing death and destruction. Speaking of appetites, Venom's will likely be his downfall, though Mac is definitely in line with Norman's long-term plans. Moonstone and Daken are probably the least threatening to the stability of the team. Moonstone is getting what she wants - team leader second to Norman and one hell of a hefty paycheck; she was very rebellious with Norman for some time, but now seems to be one of the members who is benefiting the most and, while she may not always trust him, stands by Norman's side (better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path). She's a thorough opportunist and does whatever she can to benefit from a situation. As long as Norman keeps throwing profit her way, she'll stay where is. Daken, likewise, will get what he wants soon enough - to kill mutants and piss off his dad. Then there's the Sentry... his relationship with Norman is by far the most compelling aspect for me in the Dark Avengers series.

The team is kept together by threads, most of which could snap at any moment and echo across the Marvel U. The Avengers is just the Thunderbolts on a larger scale. That being said, I much preferred it when Warren Ellis was writing. ;) Nothing against BMB, I think he's a fine writer. Warren Ellis is just my preference with comic writing. He made most of these characters who they currently are, and I just think it would be nice to have him still at the helm.

I have yet to see the direction Thunderbolts will go in, but with the team going up against Songbird in this issue, hopefully we'll see a recall to what Andy Diggle was doing with the book before the Deadpool crossover, *shudder*. He has a flair for storytelling and depicting action, but the Deadpool cross... it just shouldn't have happened. Just my opinion. These T-Bolts are supposed to be a team of tough nuts and hard cases who get into the situation, take out the target(s), and get out without leaving a trail. The "Burning Down the House" and "Hammer Down" arcs were spectacular. The T-Bolts just don't lend themselves well to the light-hearted tone of the Deadpool books, which was definitely the problem in throwing all of those characters together. Diggle looks to be going back to the plan with the next arc, thank God.

Secret Warriors is just on fire right now. The next issue wherein the Howling Commandos go up against Hydra and HAMMER... now that's something I want to see. Fury vs. Strucker vs. Osborn. The book has such a dark tone, and the gritty, muted color scheme for the art is a fantastic choice plays upon the bleak atmosphere. It's one of those books where you really notice the color choices and the role that it plays in the storytelling. Hydra is once again evolving into a gargantuan presence and a threat that without equal. What happens when you have an organization like that go head to head with not only the new despotic global policing regime headed by one of the Marvel U's most infamous villains, but also Nick Fury... who needs no elaboration at this point; saying his name alone should speak for itself. A book of huge potential and it certainly deserves all of the praise it's garnering.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Dark Avengers #5
  • Norman does a staged interview in response to Hawkeye's 'outing' him as the Green Goblin
  • Sentry seems to be losing his mental edge and the "Bob" personality is missing
  • Ares smacks Bullseye
  • Moonstone and Noh-Varr get their groove on
  • An alien attack hits New York in the middle of the interview when the questions are getting tough

I see Bullseye knocking down Norman's whole house of cards by going on a killing spree. He has now told Mac Gargan that he is a deadman and, after getting ^^^^^ slapped by Ares, he is probably planning on killing Ares as well. There were a few very telling shots in this issue.

The guards tell Norman's "Avengers" to take their medicine and Bullseye looks at his...allies...before popping his pill VERY stoically. I thought it was interesting that Bendis spent four panels to show that. Also, after Moonstone and Noh-Varr sneak off, Bullseye is standing in the shadows watching them; again, VERY stoically.

Killing Ares? Really?

C'mon Kibishii I think way too much credit is being given to Norman Osborn and this little... exercise he's carrying out. Ares is a god, he took down Amatsu Mikaboshi -- one of the most powerful gods of the japanese pantheon, and a real bad-ass from Japanese myth -- and Ares, like all the other members of the Greek pantheon, is immortal. There isn't the slightest chance that Bullseye can, in any way, harm him.

Forget about the missing chapters of the Iliad, and the "Deeds of Diomedes", Ares is invulnerable to physical weapons and is just below the top 3 of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades in Greek Myth, ranked higher than even Hera or Pallas [Athena].

Just had to get that off my chest.

Dark Reign for me is getting too tedious, or at least the storyline is... War of Kings is far, far, far better imo :monkey3
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Killing Ares? Really?

C'mon Kibishii I think way too much credit is being given to Norman Osborn and this little... exercise he's carrying out. Ares is a god, he took down Amatsu Mikaboshi -- one of the most powerful gods of the japanese pantheon, and a real bad-ass from Japanese myth -- and Ares, like all the other members of the Greek pantheon, is immortal. There isn't the slightest chance that Bullseye can, in any way, harm him.

Forget about the missing chapters of the Iliad, and the "Deeds of Diomedes", Ares is invulnerable to physical weapons and is just below the top 3 of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades in Greek Myth, ranked higher than even Hera or Pallas [Athena].

Just had to get that off my chest.

Dark Reign for me is getting too tedious, or at least the storyline is... War of Kings is far, far, far better imo :monkey3

Feh, the characters in War of Kings read far too much like the Star Wars prequels for my taste. It has far-reaching consequences but the lofty tones are irksome in such a consistency without being broken up by the parlance of the common man. To each his own. I understand why people like it, but if I have a choice between reading Ronan's tiresome sermonizing or Nick Fury's gruff, brusque cynicism, I gotta go with Fury.

The proposal that Bullseye has it out for Ares doesn't even have anything to do with Norman. :lol I think Norman would find the prospect of attacking a god peerlessly foolish. He has gone to great lengths to keep Ares at his right hand; that being said, perhaps a bit too much credit is being given to Ares in a certain respect. After all, he is being strung along by a mere mortal right now. ;)

I liked Ares putting Bullseye in his place, but Bullseye has been on the receiving end of everyone's BS for a bit too long at this point. I think he's realizing that as the world's greatest assassin, he deserves a bit more regard. Since donning the Hawkeye garb, he's been treated with benign neglect by his colleagues. Rather than fear and awe he's been relegated by his teammates to a second-class citizen. All because he's not wrapped that tight. Such a shame. :rolleyes: That's definitely going to make ill feelings roil. Exciting stuff.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Killing Ares? Really?

C'mon Kibishii I think way too much credit is being given to Norman Osborn and this little... exercise he's carrying out. Ares is a god, he took down Amatsu Mikaboshi -- one of the most powerful gods of the japanese pantheon, and a real bad-ass from Japanese myth -- and Ares, like all the other members of the Greek pantheon, is immortal. There isn't the slightest chance that Bullseye can, in any way, harm him.

Forget about the missing chapters of the Iliad, and the "Deeds of Diomedes", Ares is invulnerable to physical weapons and is just below the top 3 of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades in Greek Myth, ranked higher than even Hera or Pallas [Athena].

Oh, I agree that a mortal fighting a god seems silly, but this is the MU. C'mon, Rulk took out Thor like he was cake and Hulk easily defeated Ares during WWH. Hell, NAMOR even defeated Ares. There is a long list of villains who have bested Thor. So the arguement that, "He is a god" really doesn't fly in comic books. Again, I think it is SILLY, but it wouldn't surprise me if Bullseye finds some strange technology or magical weapon to try and assassinate Ares.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Oh, I agree that a mortal fighting a god seems silly, but this is the MU. C'mon, Rulk took out Thor like he was cake and Hulk easily defeated Ares during WWH. Hell, NAMOR even defeated Ares. There is a long list of villains who have bested Thor. So the arguement that, "He is a god" really doesn't fly in comic books. Again, I think it is SILLY, but it wouldn't surprise me if Bullseye finds some strange technology or magical weapon to try and assassinate Ares.

Same here. Just because he's lethal doesn't make him stupid. When we see Bullseye eyeing people from across the room, that's not just a warning glare, he's sizing them up. There aren't many mainstream characters Bullseye couldn't take out if given the chance... and a paperclip or something. :emperor
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Yeah, this is Bullseye we're talking about here. When it comes to killing people, well there's really nobody better in the MU.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

I'm still waiting for the trade before reading anything Dark Reign.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Anyone see Marvel using the Dark Reign/Dark X-Men event to split Cyclops and Emma and bring Jean Grey back?
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Anyone see Marvel using the Dark Reign/Dark X-Men event to split Cyclops and Emma and bring Jean Grey back?

Very excited for this. It's being hyped as when the Marvel U heroes finally fight back against the Dark Reign, and when Norman brings his Dark X-Men onto the scene headed by Namor and Emma. I like the idea of a Namor/Emma team-up. And the art so far is very compelling.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Very excited for this. It's being hyped as when the Marvel U heroes finally fight back against the Dark Reign, and when Norman brings his Dark X-Men onto the scene headed by Namor and Emma. I like the idea of a Namor/Emma team-up. And the art so far is very compelling.

I don't know, I am going to be disappointed if they do a whole resurrection of Jean Grey again; this would be, what, the third resurrection? She is one of my favorite X-Men and an iconic Marvel character, but either stop killing her or leave her dead. Marvel has played out the death/retcon/resurrection of Magneto, Professor X, and Jean Grey until the characters backstories are just plain silly. I really like Emma on the team and how she has helped move the X-Men towards a more militant role.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

I don't know, I am going to be disappointed if they do a whole resurrection of Jean Grey again; this would be, what, the third resurrection? She is one of my favorite X-Men and an iconic Marvel character, but either stop killing her or leave her dead. Marvel has played out the death/retcon/resurrection of Magneto, Professor X, and Jean Grey until the characters backstories are just plain silly. I really like Emma on the team and how she has helped move the X-Men towards a more militant role.

I couldn't agree more. Personally, I'd like it if death actually started to have some weight in comics. I'm as happy as everyone else to hear that Steve Rogers will be resurrected, but part of me still thinks Bucky is doing a fine job and that it's just of superfluous. Death in comics would be taken a lot more seriously if, for once, a major character stayed dead. I'm hoping to see some major shakeups with the Utopia line, but not a return for Jean Grey. It'd be a fine irony as well as an excellent test for Cyclops' X-Men to have them face off against Emma, who is so very responsible for the team being what it is today. Having Namor on the team is a nice touch as well. I always like when he gets thrown into a situation. It adds this nice, arrogant wild card.:lol
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Welp, just picked up my Wednesday issues at the LCS... can't wait to chill tonight and read them. Definitely looking forward to Utopia. :rock
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

I will be avoiding this thread until next Wednesday, lol. I had the comic shop hold them for me until next week.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

I don't know, I am going to be disappointed if they do a whole resurrection of Jean Grey again; this would be, what, the third resurrection? She is one of my favorite X-Men and an iconic Marvel character, but either stop killing her or leave her dead. Marvel has played out the death/retcon/resurrection of Magneto, Professor X, and Jean Grey until the characters backstories are just plain silly. I really like Emma on the team and how she has helped move the X-Men towards a more militant role. would be her third rebirth. I'm with you on this; it's getting tiresome. At first, I had mixed emotions about Emma being on the team and with Scott, but Emma did something for Scott that no other woman he's been with ever did for him - gave him a backbone! Scott isn't the boyscout I grew up with anymore and now, he's got a personality and the ability to stand up for himself, as was shown when he stood up to Xavier in the Messiah Complex. I've come to like Scott and Emma being together and their relationship works.

And Scar, you're not the only one who's happy to see Steve return as Cap. I gave Bucky the chance....but he's really not doing it for me. It almost just seems like....he's "there".

But what I'm also curious about is what they're going to do with Thor now that he's no longer associated with Asgard
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Not so sure about whether or not Jean will be returning. I certainly hope not and I'm starting to think it doubtful. It looks like the biggest thing to come from the Utopia arc will be Norman's Dark X-Men championed by Ema and Namor. Read the first issue this week and it really did blow me away. It had a very epic feel to the way the narrative unfolded. Seems like it's going to play out quite nicely.
Re: Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Dark Reign]

Ok, just read Dark Avengers #6 and X-Men/Dark Avengers Utopia #1. Dark Avengers continues to be a great read, but I was disappointed with Utopia
Dark Avengers:
  • Osborn is continuing to piss his team off; Bullseye and Moonstone in particular.
  • Doom and Loki are working together to undermine Osborn
  • Norman tries to order/yell at Namor resulting in a major clash of personalities and Namor leaving the group. Osborn then orders Sentry to release the Void and kill every Atlantean "terrorist cell" except one to be paraded through the streets to give the public peace of mind...the Atlantean is then fed to Venom.
  • Marvel Boy is missing
  • At the end of the book, Osborn has a conversation with his green mental companion

  • Mutant Rights and Humanity Now groups have riots throughout San Francisco resulting in the Dark Avengers being sent in to enforce order
  • Osborn tells Emma Frost that Cyclops cannot handle the job of being mutantkinds leader and he wants Emma in charge; he then gives her a folder and it eludes that they have sex afterwards (Osborn says, "Think big, real big." Emma replies, "Oh my!" and the next box is her with just a sheet on.)
  • Emma turns into the Black Queen
  • Beast is imprisoned, Venom and Colossus go at it, Bullseye helps out the local police, and Ares and Northstar prepare to fight
  • At the end, a seemingly brainwashed Professor X is telling mutant kind to stand down and do what the government wants (sterilization of mutants)

I really like how Dark Avengers is panning out, but Utopia seems...stretched and rushed to me. I don't like how Trask just shows up in San Francisco with Humanity Now! insisting on sterilization of mutants and instantly the city has riots while Cyclops just seems confused and unable to give commands.

I hate what Marvel is doing with Emma Frost. She has always been...provacative, but now they are just portraying her as a super-whore who is willing to do anything to get by instead of the co-leader of the X-Men who helped Cyclops turn the team more militaristic. C'mon, in the last few months it has been revealed that she has slept with Sebastian Shaw, NAMOR, and now hinted at Norman Osborn? Why does Marvel have ANY villains turn hero if they are just going to retcon or change the character back? Just seems a waste that they have spent the last five years building her as a strong-willed leader just to trash that.

Finally, I think that without the Void, the Dark Avengers do not stand a chance against the combined X-Men teams. Venom vs. Colossus? Colossus stood up to the Hulk (albeit, briefly) during WWH. Ares would cause problems, but I just think it is a bit of a stretch.