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No kidding. I let go of caring about what's "officially canon" as soon as George started screwing with the OT (which I'm guessing is before TheDucky was even born. ;)) Like I'm all of a sudden gonna throw a fit if they retcon the ST, lol. They can do whatever they want as long as I get to watch the Saga that *I* want on physical disc.

Did you watch the Russo bros/MM 2 part interview with Hamill!

I think a Russo bros SW movie is going to be announced soon.

RO2 lol

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They would still figure out a way to srew Hulk over.

Senator Hulk after getting ***** slapped by Palpatine, lol.

Ummmmm I noticed that it was not the usual three that kept this thread alive for the past few weeks :)

I know I know.. Only bring in numbers if it suits your argument ;)

After the PT was all done... Things got quiet also.... All the high end collectibles were still popular as much as a niche hobby can be.. But Its not like the PT was popular at all when each film got released. I did not even hate the release of each film but I remember the threads and the bitching that went on there.

In fact I did not start hearing people sing the praises of the PT until the ST started coming out. Hell I was one of them :lol Because I recognized that those films at least had more imagination the TFA and TLJ.. The Nostalgia Critic even did a video on the phenomenon. I know the movies had its supporters but I will say it again.. A lot of those fans just finally grew up and could use a computer.

Also while the ROTS did make more then AOTC it did not come close to TPM and lets face it.. it should have been bigger then it was... But TPM and AOTC hurt that film also.. I mean it was the return of Vader for god sake.. But a subpar movie and subpar earlier movies hurt its box office..

I agree that SW seems to be dead now.. Of course Disney is not doing much with it either. Who knows if a Animated series about the future of Rey would do well? I would watch it and if it was good I would continue with it just like i did TCW.. But Disney got scared by the backlash of TLJ and the poor outing of Solo...

Its probably not a bad thing.. A movie every year may have been a bit much.. Especially with KK in charge..

I am happy that she may be on her way out.. Cant stand her and how much she has bungled this whole thing.. Even though I liked RO and TROS I know that the ST most likely could have and would have been better if it was in the hands of JF or KF.

My point about the numbers is that the ST was plenty popular... But TLJ really divided people and it was that film alone IMO that killed peoples interest in SW and I 100% get it.. After the subpar PT and TFA and TLJ I was all but done with SW.. Even the OT lost its luster :(

But I am now repeating myself. But I can understand why people may have checked out of Star Wars if they did not like the TROS and were not fans of the other two.. the ST is a cluster **** because of the lack of a planned out story. I just happened to be lucky and found enjoyment our of the last film.

We all agree that RO was a pretty solid film.. I think most would agree that its better then the ST and PT (except for some ROTS fans) but I am not sure how well anything sells there either.. Which goes along with my "should Disney be trying to sell this world to the girls if its the boys who by all the toys? "

But as pointed out The Mandalorian (aka the baby yoda chronicles) is proving that people still like Star Wars.. Even average SW... If they made another quality stand alone film like RO and had it take place around the time of the OT or between the PT and OT or between the OT and ST then I think it would be Huge..

ST is not popular now.. It may never be... But it didn't kill SW.. If Disney would just make a quality film it would do great I would put money on that one.

Yea PT got popular cause people didn?t think it could get worse than that and it did. Sad to say. Also yes the original 3 are keeping this thread alive. It can?t reach the bottom without one of you saying something.

Also the reason ROTS didn?t make the money tpm did was cause aotc was a bad movie. People hated that movie and before TLJ it was the worst Star Wars film. So there is that.

Also yea ST didn?t kill Star Wars but it was super close than the PT ever did. Idc what you say. Star Wars was still strong when it ended
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No kidding. I let go of caring about what's "officially canon" as soon as George started screwing with the OT (which I'm guessing is before TheDucky was even born. ;)) Like I'm all of a sudden gonna throw a fit if they retcon the ST, lol. They can do whatever they want as long as I get to watch the Saga that *I* want on physical disc.

He says before he cries into his rey body pillow.

Then after he puts on the doomcock mask and rants about how he hates the ST
Damn JAWS is killing it with one great post after another.

You guys are being slayed lol

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Please stop being a cheerleader. He?s not slaying anyone. He?s just as mad as the both of you the ST is being buried. I bet you and him and khev are starting a petition right now to stop that from happening.
Yea PT got popular cause people didn?t think it could get worse than that and it did. Sad to say. Also yes the original 3 are keeping this thread alive. It can?t reach the bottom without one of you saying something

Actually it got pretty quiet in terms of the ST.. It was all about TCW, and then Lukes black shirt, then the feminization of Luke in comics, then it was the rumors of the ST being erased from the SW timeline.. There has not been too much of Jye and Khev praising the ST.. Thread seems to be kept alive more by the haters right now.. I have joined in as I find it funny.

First I was told there was no way I could really like the ST and now I am told I will be angry if it is erased. :lol

Also the reason ROTS didn?t make the money tpm did was cause aotc was a bad movie. People hated that movie and before TLJ it was the worst Star Wars film. So there is that.

While I agree that TLJ is at least tied for the worst if not the worst SW film... All the fan polls all have TPM and AOTC as the worst two SW films... The fans still see those films as complete failures.. I for one really don't agree when it comes to TPM.

Also.. Even though TPM and AOTC were not fan favorites I think that if ROTS was a better movie it would have still made more bank. Like I said it was the film we had been waiting forever for.

Also yea ST didn?t kill Star Wars but it was super close than the PT ever did. Idc what you say. Star Wars was still strong when it ended

Maybe... I am older then you and perhaps I was not as close to the post PT fandom as you where... I completely checked out.. LOTR was the new kid on the block that just kept reminding me how awful the PT was in terms of quality.

I did watch TCW and just was amazed that a kids cartoon was better then the films... But other then some statues coming out I really don't remember much about SW during the gap of time between ROTS and TFA.

As I said I did not hate any of the PT when they first came to theaters but repeat viewing really killed it there for a while

TFA made me appreciate the imagination they had. TLJ too me back to how I was feeling a few years after the PT had ended (despair) and TROS made me like them all... Well accept for AOTC and TLJ :lol

Anyways.. SW is not dead.. Erasing the ST wont really do anything in terms of the success of the next films IMO. It will all depend on the quality of the new films. Erased ST or not.

I still say erase the ST and remake the PT. That would be the best case scenario.
I still say erase the ST and remake the PT. That would be the best case scenario.

Personally I put remaking the PT into the same camp as a Terminator movie giving us the proper Future War we always wanted. I just don't care anymore and don't see my previous excitement for the possibility of seeing those time periods play out "properly" ever being rekindled. The current PT is what it is. Some days I'm fine with it being canon other days I ignore it. True SW for me is OT + ST with RO filling in as a quality prequel.
Personally I put remaking the PT into the same camp as a Terminator movie giving us the proper Future War we always wanted. I just don't care anymore and don't see my previous excitement for the possibility of seeing those time periods play out "properly" ever being rekindled. The current PT is what it is. Some days I'm fine with it being canon other days I ignore it. True SW for me is OT + ST with RO filling in as a quality prequel.

Haha true star wars for me starts with episode 3 and ends at 6 with rogue one sprinkled in between them. I also like the clone wars so maybe my opinion doesn't count lol
Personally I put remaking the PT into the same camp as a Terminator movie giving us the proper Future War we always wanted. I just don't care anymore and don't see my previous excitement for the possibility of seeing those time periods play out "properly" ever being rekindled. The current PT is what it is. Some days I'm fine with it being canon other days I ignore it. True SW for me is OT + ST with RO filling in as a quality prequel.

If I fully embrace the ST.. I have no problem fully embracing the PT.. At one point I was going to ignore them all and then TROS came walking by :) :) :)
If I fully embrace the ST.. I have no problem fully embracing the PT.. At one point I was going to ignore them all and then TROS came walking by :) :) :)

The only pt movie worth Embracing is sith, the only st movie thats passable is TFA- it went to **** fast after that

Phantom menace is more like a music video to me only the darth maul scense are worth watching. I fast forward thru most of it, atoc is complete trash even the end fight with yoda sucked. Forget about Tlj and rise they are both terrible although not quite as bad as ph and atoc. Clone wars is way better than both of those prequels and the st for the most part. It feels like star wars and stories are decent if atoc actually included more of anakins story that we see in clone wars it would have been way better. Nothing happens in atoc cept for hayden whining and staring at padma like a creep

Actually it got pretty quiet in terms of the ST.. It was all about TCW, and then Lukes black shirt, then the feminization of Luke in comics, then it was the rumors of the ST being erased from the SW timeline.. There has not been too much of Jye and Khev praising the ST.. Thread seems to be kept alive more by the haters right now.. I have joined in as I find it funny.

First I was told there was no way I could really like the ST and now I am told I will be angry if it is erased. :lol

While I agree that TLJ is at least tied for the worst if not the worst SW film... All the fan polls all have TPM and AOTC as the worst two SW films... The fans still see those films as complete failures.. I for one really don't agree when it comes to TPM.

Also.. Even though TPM and AOTC were not fan favorites I think that if ROTS was a better movie it would have still made more bank. Like I said it was the film we had been waiting forever for.

Maybe... I am older then you and perhaps I was not as close to the post PT fandom as you where... I completely checked out.. LOTR was the new kid on the block that just kept reminding me how awful the PT was in terms of quality.

I did watch TCW and just was amazed that a kids cartoon was better then the films... But other then some statues coming out I really don't remember much about SW during the gap of time between ROTS and TFA.

As I said I did not hate any of the PT when they first came to theaters but repeat viewing really killed it there for a while

TFA made me appreciate the imagination they had. TLJ too me back to how I was feeling a few years after the PT had ended (despair) and TROS made me like them all... Well accept for AOTC and TLJ :lol

Anyways.. SW is not dead.. Erasing the ST wont really do anything in terms of the success of the next films IMO. It will all depend on the quality of the new films. Erased ST or not.

I still say erase the ST and remake the PT. That would be the best case scenario.

I mean idk you would say that. But wait you don?t like TLJ?