XM Studio 1/4 Avenger Iron Man Mark VII

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Either Marvel or fans complained.

Marvel...it wasn't approved.

I think grey concrete shards in an 'impact crater' arrangement would be heaps better...the Mark VII having just landed hard and/or lifting off from the landing crater in flight mode (with a concealed post up through the foot).

Combination of these two...


Plain grey will make the suit details and colour stand out more.
Yep... base fail

It looks fine for what it is. What it is just isn't too exciting.

I think I mentioned this earlier, but I really didn't like the Koto War Machine piece where he's leaning against a similar looking base. To go from the original base to this bland, construction-area scene is brutal. I understand Marvel axed the original but I'd much prefer XM push the PO for this back 3 months or more and brain storm on a completely new base that's as innovative as their original concept. I've gone from being certain I'd purchase two of these to questioning if I'm going to purchase even one, and actually looking forward to the SSC Mk 7 offering now. Le sigh.
This. I really don't love the "NYC rubble" idea for every damn piece, but it is what it is. The original base was awesome so this is kind of a let down.

Well I'm only getting this one statue and if we can't have the Stark base then I'd personally prefer the smashed concrete to a bloody great girder.

Sure it may be predictable but at least it's neutral and doesn't compete with the figure.
This. I really don't love the "NYC rubble" idea for every damn piece, but it is what it is. The original base was awesome so this is kind of a let down.

"NYC rubble" is made so the Avengers can fit between themselves. It's surely better than random rocky bases or round bases with a big "A" stamped on it.
I think that how the flying pose is implemented will make the piece.
"NYC rubble" is made so the Avengers can fit between themselves. It's surely better than random rocky bases or round bases with a big "A" stamped on it.
I think that how the flying pose is implemented will make the piece.

That's only for the comic based statues. This is movie based so those don't have any connection to this piece. I agree it's better than a random A or a random rock, but it's also nothing too inspiring.

Not cool imo

Yea I don't really care for that. It's like a balance beam.

The cool thing about the STARK base is that it works for the flying pose. STARK almost become just a symbol (or comic title) and you can imagine IM detached from the base and he does seem like he's flying. As soon as a base is a real object, beam/concrete/pipes/cab, his flying pose seems grounded. Too bad it got rejected as I thought it was ingenious.
Absolutely no one cares. No one.

Why wouldn't Marvel approve the original base?

It's possible that the license doesn't cover a couple things, like "Stark" or "Tony Stark". Happens, they could have a copyright on their own.
Then again, Sideshow can't offer frames for Marvel prints because Marvel doesn't want them to... which is crazy. Sometimes licensing things really get weird.
I think the new base is ok. Not great, not bad but just ok. wasn't a fan of the original base either if I'm honest.

I love the figure itself but if XM feel this new base is getting a lot of hate I'm sure they will scrap it and make another. Just like what they did with Thanos
xm is way to expensive for what they give, I will never buy their statues ever. what makes them think they can charge more then double then sideshow...pathetic