Xbox One System Discussion

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"The PS4 won't make us change anything with Xbox One."

Microsoft’s Major Nelson said in an interview recently that Sony’s PS4 console isn’t going to make them change anything about their Xbox One system.

The PS4 pretty much beat out the Xbox One in positive press this week with it’s lack of used game DRM, lack of 24-hour check-ins, and price tag. When asked if these announcements by Sony will influence Microsoft and make them change what they’re doing with Xbox One he had this to say:

“I don’t think,… I mean we’re really not going to change anything we’ve done with Xbox One. We’re very happy,… did you see the games on stage during our briefing? Did you see the exclusives? I mean we’re really really proud of the system and the games that are coming out. When you look at games like TitanFall,… have you gone through Titanfall yet? Enough said. Conversation over. We’re really happy with what we showed on stage as well as what we’re showing here in the booth so I think it is uh,… it’s safe to say that we’re confident where we’re going. We’re also confident that gamers are going to love our vision of the future and what we’re going to offer for gaming”

Nelson seems a bit on the defensive here and I feel sympathy for him. I’ve always liked him personally and his job just got a lot harder with all the controversial policies of the Xbox One.

Of course, even if Microsoft planned to change something about the Xbox One in response to Sony’s PS4 they wouldn’t make that decision so quickly and wouldn’t admit it was Sony that influenced it. Still, they seem very proud of everything they’re doing with the Xbox One and hopefully when the system releases they tweak a few of their policies for the better.
Xbox One Games At E3 Were Running On Windows 7 With Nvidia GTX Cards?

Posted this at the other Xbox thread

Don't know of this was posted or not but its quite fascinated .... Or in this case not for Microsoft...

Here is the link to it. There are pics too

[Update: PS4 developers state that their games were running on actual PS4 dev kits, not high-end PCs]

You know how EA's COO Peter Moore told Geoff Keighley during the post-conference interview at E3 that the games they were showing off on stage were running on comparable dev kit specs to the actual home consoles? Well...that's not really true. What is true, however, is that to get the best performance on home console games, Microsoft made sure that they were running on the most stable system specs available on the market and in some cases that may have been an HP powered, Windows 7 system with Nvidia's 700 series GTX GPU.

Thanks to the guys on the HFBoards, they put together a nice little cache of information on the Xbox One and PS4, strangely they had some fairly unflattering evidence of some Xbox One games not even running on Xbox One dev kits or, as Peter Moore put it, comparable specs... unless switching from AMD cards to Nvidia cards in a last ditch effort to raise the price of manufacturing the console?

Anyway, Julian Rignall from US Gamers had an interesting Tweet to share, which on its own is quite harmless, noting...

Well, that's just some possible guesswork and speculation from one person encountering an error on an Xbox One and there's no way that any of that can remotely be proven because why would Microsoft not trust their own dev kits or comparable specs to run high-end games when... BAM! This showed up on HF Boards...

Oh dayum!

And wait for it, wait for!

Money shot!

If true, none of this should be a surprise to most people given that all E3 demos run their games on high-end PCs; it's a smoke and mirrors circus to sell the idea of the game, sort of like how pro wrestling sells the idea of fighting despite being scripted. We should all be used to it by now and it's just common practice [from most studios] given that the dev kits or comparable specs aren't usually finalized at this point.

However, in this particular case it does make it seem like Microsoft didn't even trust their latest Windows 8 operating system. As many people questioned on Twitter, why not Windows 8? Heck, Windows 8 is what one of the Xbox One's operating systems is based on. Opting for Windows 7 during E3 seems like Microsoft may not have had the confidence in their latest OS to put on the show they required or demo the games in the best of light.

I suppose the only real damning thing about this kind of exposure is that Microsoft didn't even use “comparable specs" from the company providing them with video cards in their home console. For those of you who don't know the Xbox One will run on a modified AMD GPU that, according to Extreme Tech, is on the level of a mid-ranged Radeon 7790. I guess the 7790 wasn't powerful enough for the Xbox One's E3 games eh? They needed a real manly card like the GTX 780, eh?

I guess it's like that old saying: If you want to dazzle on the grand stage you go GTX or you go home.

Also.. .poor, poor Windows 8; even Microsoft doesn't like you.

I wouldn't consider myself a "fanboy" of either console, but having the original xbox, and the 360 and my gold acc for 8+ years, I can't see myself picking up X1 ever. They just dropped the ball IMO.

The only reason to own an xbox now is for Halo. I play Halo, but not heavily since H3 (since that was the last good game bungie put out). I can live without it.

I bought my first ps3 a couple months back, have been using it 10x's more then my Xbox. Picking up a PS4 when I can and canceling my Gold acc once I have one.

I was hoping Microsoft would learn from their mistakes over the last year and really surprise people with a great console. This just doesn't do it for me.

Yeah, I guess I would have never described myself as a fanboy, either. All I know is that I owned a 360 and never even considered getting a PS3. When I think of PS3 games I can't help but think of RPS and crap like God of War (I really don't like that genre of game, whatever it's called). Yeah, I know there's other stuff, but I guess I was satisfied by Halo and Gears of War when it came to the exclusive stuff...

I think at this point, though, it'd be a mistake to invest in the new XBox... personal preferences aside, it really sounds like it's going to completely bomb at this point.

... Unless you're a really hardcore gamer type, I suppose (i.e. bought a Neo Geo, Saturn, etc.). :)
Yeah, I guess I would have never described myself as a fanboy, either. All I know is that I owned a 360 and never even considered getting a PS3. When I think of PS3 games I can't help but think of RPS and crap like God of War (I really don't like that genre of game, whatever it's called). Yeah, I know there's other stuff, but I guess I was satisfied by Halo and Gears of War when it came to the exclusive stuff...

I think at this point, though, it'd be a mistake to invest in the new XBox... personal preferences aside, it really sounds like it's going to completely bomb at this point.

... Unless you're a really hardcore gamer type, I suppose (i.e. bought a Neo Geo, Saturn, etc.). :)

I was certain to get an Xbox One but I've gone with the Ps4 1st. My biggest worry is that it's going to bomb. I really hope it doesn't because it's vital that Playstation always has an equal competitor.
I don't know why Microsoft isn't pushing their 10 person sharing thing more, that's an AWESOME feature and it's barely gotten any attention.
I dont understand all the xbox one hate I think its going to be a great sytem I preordered 1 as soon as it went up with dead rising 3 and forza 5 will prob get ryse and killer instinct launch too. I will also be getting ps4 but not at launch prob closer to when infamous comes out for it.
No I'm actually rather serious. I think it's pretty neat.

It's explained well in that picture. I think that's cool, especially because now my dad and I share games on two different consoles.

I'll have to take a look at this after work (can't see it due to firewalls). Never heard of it. :)

I dont understand all the xbox one hate I think its going to be a great sytem I preordered 1 as soon as it went up with dead rising 3 and forza 5 will prob get ryse and killer instinct launch too. I will also be getting ps4 but not at launch prob closer to when infamous comes out for it.

I don't know what's so difficult to understand, to be quite honest, what with all the restrictions, though I'm not supporting trolling or anything stupid like that. Personally, I don't think I'm a "hater" per se (can't speak for everyone, of course), but I am not planning on getting one now.

Restrictions and what not aside, polls (unscientific, admittedly) are predicting a lot of doom and gloom - what happens if it's a bomb and developers don't see a profit in producing games? It's happened before...
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I dont understand all the xbox one hate I think its going to be a great sytem I preordered 1 as soon as it went up with dead rising 3 and forza 5 will prob get ryse and killer instinct launch too. I will also be getting ps4 but not at launch prob closer to when infamous comes out for it.

To some degree, I agree. Love my 360 and fully expected the Xbox One too, then E3 hit. For myself, just can't support their approach to DRM and the Kinect camera requirement; that and the $100 price point are the biggest beefs

I fully expect them to backpedal on Kinect eventually, and release $399 version minus it at least.
To some degree, I agree. Love my 360 and fully expected the Xbox One too, then E3 hit. For myself, just can't support their approach to DRM and the Kinect camera requirement; that and the $100 price point are the biggest beefs

I fully expect them to backpedal on Kinect eventually, and release $399 version minus it at least.

I don't think so. The Kinect by all accounts seems to be the driving force behind a lot of the advances in technology for this system. I believe MS think the future is in the Kinect and I'd be inclined to agree. Extremely accurate voice commands and gestures has always been a vision of the future from back in the day.

$500 is not a big ask considering the price we paid for the old systems (PS4 was more from memory) and the current climate.

They will stand firm IMO. The early release gives them a bit of slack on that too.
I'll have to take a look at this after work (can't see it due to firewalls). Never heard of it. :)

I don't know what's so difficult to understand, to be quite honest, what with all the restrictions, though I'm not supporting trolling or anything stupid like that. Personally, I don't think I'm a "hater" per se (can't speak for everyone, of course), but I am not planning on getting one now.

Restrictions and what not aside, polls (unscientific, admittedly) are predicting a lot of doom and gloom - what happens if it's a bomb and developers don't see a profit in producing games? It's happened before...

The simple version is, you Buy a game. you can then "share" virtual copies of that game with up to 10 people, on 10 different consoles.
YOu can even play with those people you're sharing with, as far as I can tell.

I'm also fascinating with teh " persistant virtual worlds" concept in a single player game. The idea of, for example, multiplayer maps constantly changing and evolving is incredably awesome. as well as DEv's being able to make live changes to it while you play. There is some REALLY cool stuff in there.

Yes, these fetaures necessitate some.... uncomfortable changes to how we play. But I'm starting to think they might be worth it.

here, read this, if you haven't already.
No I'm actually rather serious. I think it's pretty neat.

It's explained well in that picture. I think that's cool, especially because now my dad and I share games on two different consoles.
That doesn't make a lot of sense to me, considering that other changes by XBox seem driven by software companies. With this system, you could just hook up with a small group of friends, and set up a network where folks could have access to all the games produced for the system without having to buy anything yourself. The only catch being, apparently, that only up to two people (second having to be the owner) would be able to play a game at a given time. So I guess the more popular games would be harder to get access to. There must be a catch.
Paranoia my friend. The Camera can be switched off.

Don't feed it after midnight though or get it wet.

I don't want it on while I am using a console and playing a game that has nothing to do with motion ****. If I am watching a movie or netflix, I shouldn't need that thing on.

Although now I am reading it can potentially be paused? Either way, I am still not digging the new Xbox.
That doesn't make a lot of sense to me, considering that other changes by XBox seem driven by software companies. With this system, you could just hook up with a small group of friends, and set up a network where folks could have access to all the games produced for the system without having to buy anything yourself. The only catch being, apparently, that only up to two people (second having to be the owner) would be able to play a game at a given time. So I guess the more popular games would be harder to get access to. There must be a catch.

Possibly. Possibly not. We won't know for certian untill people get them in hand.