X-Men: Days of Future Past

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Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

I imagine time travel could be used to fudge all sorts of things. Star Trek was becoming too inaccessible until they sent Eric Bana back in time to blow up Vulcan and then you are fresh with no mistakes. I'm guessing some fudging with the time-space continuum will render certain things as have never ever happened.
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

I didn't like the destruction of Vulcan. On one hand it does drive home this is a seperate universe. But VULCAN!?! I almost feel like Abrams doesn't get how much potential he just p-ssed away.

I'm guessing some fudging with the time-space continuum will render certain things as have never ever happened.

We have no guarantee about any of the 24th century stuff.

I remember having a discussion with some friends about how over-used time travel had become in ST. One idea we agreed on was to tell a story where the Guardian of Forever is destroyed. We would then learn all time travel had been possible in a string theory way because of the Guardian's existance and there could be no more time travel with it gone.
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

Singer has a history of ignoring sequels he doesn't like (Superman 3 and 4).

If he feels painted into a corner by Ratner he might just choose to pretend X3 doesn't exist.

Yeah, X3 and SR are sitting next to each other on my galactic shelf of non-existence. Here's to seeing Singer back on top of his game! :duff
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

Bryan Singer Talks X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST; Says They've Cracked the Time-Travel, Adapting the Comic, and More | Collider

“We’ve cracked it in a way that it makes sense. I had a two-hour conversation with James Cameron about time travel, string theory, multiverses and all that. You have to create your rules and stick wtih them. That’s why Terminator and Back To The Future work so well. And there are certain mechanisms in X-Men, certain powers, perceptions, and characters that make this possible.”

“It has a lot of aspects of the comic. The actual comic of Days Of Future Past had a whole ton of stuff going on, so it’s like any of these things; you have to distill it. But I think the fans will be pleased that some of the most exciting parts of Days Of Future Past are going to be connected to this movie.”

“I’m taking into account every movie – I’m not just grabbing my first two movies and First Class and smashing them together. I’m taking into account the entire universe as it’s been laid out so far on the screen, and really respecting it and trying to work with that. People took things in various directions, so there’s some clean-up. But ultimately I’m not just ignoring them either.”

I like that except including X3 and origins :slap

Hope they keep the time-travel restricted to only going backwards.

Singer has a history of ignoring sequels he doesn't like (Superman 3 and 4).

If he feels painted into a corner by Ratner he might just choose to pretend X3 doesn't exist.

Wish they'd just ignore them and keep X1-X2 and FC as the canon, it makes better sense. Why try to fix them when you could just tell a better story by ignoring them.

So is this story line being introduced as a way to fix all the continuity errors created by the previous X-Men related movies. Like a teenage Emma Frost in X-Men Origins: Wolverine or Professor X being paralyzed in the 60's when he still had hair, but walking around in the 80's and still working with Magneto in the flashback scene in Last Stand.

Pretty sure she was never called Emma Frost on-screen in XMO, she was just a blonde mutant with diamond powers.

I wonder if Charles' Paralysis is slow transgressing, perhap they could have him walking with a limp that gets worse over time leading to no use of his legs.
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Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

Looking forward to seeing Anna back as Rogue, love her in True Blood

She looks great in true blood never really cared for her as rogue im interested to see her now .
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

source: Comicbook Movie

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST To Be Set Over 10 Years After The Events Of FIRST CLASS

A casting call for Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past reveals that the sequel to Matthew Vaughn's X-Men: First Class will be set over a decade after the events of that movie. Hit the jump for further details on the movie!

Josh Wilding - 1/30/2013

Thanks to a tip from Twitter's @tvchiquita, we have a screengrab of the following casting call for X-Men: Days of Future Past. As you can see, the production company will be going under the name of "HK Productions" and the majority of casting will be taking place in Montreal. However, far more interesting than that is the fact that the majority of the sequel will take place over TEN years later than those of X-Men: First Class. This more than likely means that JFK's assassination (a sequence that Matthew Vaughn once said he would like to include in a sequel) won't be the reason for mutants from the future travelling back to the past to change the course of history. However, a ten year gap would allow for certain characters not being brought back (such as January Jones' 'Emma Frost' or Rose Byrne's 'Moira MacTaggert') and James McAvoy's Professor Xavier no longer having his hair! Check out the casting call below and be sure to sound off with your thoughts below.

Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

Shame about the JFK assassination, that would've been Epic.

A ten year jump is quite a bit though, Magneto and his brotherhood would've got up to alot of mischief that we'll never see.

I wonder if Xavier will be bald from the get go.

That Casting notice does say MOST of the film will be set in 1973, so that looks good for the First Class crew getting the majority of the story
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

Interesting, but I must admit part of what I enjoyed about the first one was the 60s setting. It was a little more innocent and naive time. I think they could have spent more time there. The early 70s seem so dirty and sleazy to me.

Purely a subjective opinion. I'm not going to boycott the movie because of it.

However, I think Kennedy's assassination could have been great as the event that changed everything for mutants. How awesome would it be that the good X-Men have to make sure Kennedy dies in order to ensure the future is not ruined? The Brotherhood is actually trying to save Kennedy, thinking he's the best hope for mutantkind, without realizing it will ultimately bring about the enslavement and eradication of mutants?
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

The 70's are no sleazier than any other period, but they are easy to get wrong on film. Argo did a great job of never letting the clothes and hair become a joke. Most other films go straight for the Brady Bunch hair or platform shoes and extreme bellbottoms. I hope they avoid that trap (but if they throw in a Chevy Nova or a Corvette Stingray that's OK.)

First Class didn't go over the top with the 60's, so we'll see.
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

10 years? Maybe the film can open at the X-Mansion with Xavier rolling through dimly lit halls in his wheelchair shooting arrows at random guests while framed pictures of his hair and legs adorn the walls.
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

I'm probably one of the few who want January Jones as Emma back, but whatever... :lol I do!!
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

I'm probably one of the few who want January Jones as Emma back, but whatever... :lol I do!!

Nah, you're not alone, I really like Emma Frost, loved her character in grant morrisons run in the comics and would have been cool to see her back. No pun intended. :lol
Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

10 years? Maybe the film can open at the X-Mansion with Xavier rolling through dimly lit halls in his wheelchair shooting arrows at random guests while framed pictures of his hair and legs adorn the walls.

Re: Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past

January Jones had no charisma. I thought she gave a bland performance and was one of the weakest part of the film. If they need to shed some characters or move them to the far background she should be one.