Would you buy a Hot Toy's '87 He-man?

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Yes because Conan is so much more straighter looking than He-man. Must be the shoulder pads.

I think the term, doth protest too much is applicable to some here.

Need I point out that we are on a board that talk about toys with real clothes, kinda like dolls.

Not sure anybody in any position to be chucking around gay remarks about anything here.

Hmm....I don't think it's the shoulder pads.....i think it might be the mullet.:monkey3
I'd wait until the next-generation He-Man live action flick.. Hot Toys can create whoever stars in that movie. :) It'll probably be much better considering the technology & new level of creativity we are now seeing at the movies.

For the '87 He-Man, an absolute no. :(
Yes because Conan is so much more straighter looking than He-man. Must be the shoulder pads.

I think the term, doth protest too much is applicable to some here.

Need I point out that we are on a board that talk about toys with real clothes, kinda like dolls.

Not sure anybody in any position to be chucking around gay remarks about anything here.

I agree, that was a little out of line.

Not to mention coming off a little hypocritical! But then again, I can see why someone would want to keep the oily, muscled figures on the shelf to a minimum! ;)
At the end of the day we all collect dolls, call em what you like but THEY ARE DOLLS !
I do find it rather suspect getting into the semantics of how one doll is more macho and there for hetrosexualy acceptable than another pretty hilarious.
Sadly I can't display my Tom of Finland doll anymore (I have two small daughters who would ask too many questions about his packet) but for the record my wife loved his interchangeable Peni (is that the collective term?).
I freely admit I see pretty much all 1/6th as a pop art form, so if something is done well, or is what I deem to be important because of subject matter, then I'm in!

It is a matter of subjective taste and perceptions. Yes, these are essentially all dolls, and certainly they are toys that are things typically made for children based on children's comic books and cartoons and we are all immature and overly nostalgic, etc. etc. etc.

But most of the board members here, I would dare to wager, would not buy or pose Barbies or Tonner dolls with their Sideshow and Hot Toys figures. Why? Because it crosses a line of some kind. A subjective line that only exists in the mind of those collectors (myself included)? Perhaps, but there is a line somewhere for most of us. Similarly, there is a line that many refuse to cross regarding buying those scantily clad anime figures that look like pre-teens. I find those disturbing, and would never get one of those. Does that mean people who collect them are all weirdo perverts? Not necessarily, though some (many) probably are.

Do He-Man and the Gladiator look like something male homosexuals would find desirable? Though I'm not a homosexual, I would assume so. And personally, I would not feel comfortable having that on my shelf, because it is a bit creepy to me having some extremely realistic, nearly naked, roided up guy on my shelf. I've got nothing against homosexuals. I actually do have homosexual friends and co-workers. But I don't want Tom of Finland or the lesbian dolls with dildos or Leonidas in his gay male fantasy suit on my display. Again, I can understand some people loving the movie and all that, and that's fine, but this is my perspective and it is just as legitimate as anyone's. I don't think it is hypocritical to collect dolls yet not want overly gay looking dolls on your display.
"Looking gay":rolleyes:

It's all about intention.
Tom from finland is listed as a gay doll and was created by gays and for gays.

Leonidas is not. He's not a gay character. It's not a gay movie.

If these thing were made for or by homoseexuals, then folks would have a point.

These characters being depicted as gay becuase of hetro hang ups and maculine insecurity.

If Leonidas (or He-man for that matter) is not your bag then fine, say it's not your bag.
But by saying these figures or characters are gay just because you thinks so, well then anyone with any kind of logic would think that folks who do protest too much have some issues.
Sounds to me like you are the one getting a bit too defensive here. You shouldn't be jumping on my back for having a certain opinion. If you really feel confident about this toy, then it seems like you should be able to accept some criticism.

And the idea that Leonidas is not a gay character (being from a point in history when homosexuality was not uncommon and in some cases was institutionalized) and that 300 is not a gay movie (I think many gay people probably love it for its depiction of skimpy dressed men) is certainly debatable.
NO to He-Man...YES to "I come in Peace"

I would totally buy me some HT Golden Girls Figs!:rock

wow - i didn't think anyone else had seen this movie. it's called "dark angel" here. i used to love this movie when i was young, impressionable and stupid :lol still has some great scenes and a pretty cool idea behind it. gotta love dolph's run - he looks like he's wearing high heels on hot coals.

i'd buy an '87 he-man. when i was a kid, he-man (the figures and cartoons) was my life. while the movie might not be so great now, it was for me back then. i think as a 5yr old, that didn't make me gay. if i want the figure now does that make me gay or someone who craves something nostalgiac from their youth?

i'm with wookster on this one. for a bunch of internet toy-collecting geekboys that we ALL are, it always surprises me when people label each other for their tastes.
i'm with wookster on this one. for a bunch of internet toy-collecting geekboys that we ALL are, it always surprises me when people label each other for their tastes.
Looks to me like the members getting labeled are the ones with a different opinion on the toy. Personally, I am criticizing the toy, not the collector, which some people have difficulty doing.
wow - i didn't think anyone else had seen this movie. it's called "dark angel" here. i used to love this movie when i was young, impressionable and stupid :lol still has some great scenes and a pretty cool idea behind it. gotta love dolph's run - he looks like he's wearing high heels on hot coals.

I haven't seen it either.

i'd buy an '87 he-man. when i was a kid, he-man (the figures and cartoons) was my life. while the movie might not be so great now, it was for me back then. i think as a 5yr old, that didn't make me gay. if i want the figure now does that make me gay or someone who craves something nostalgiac from their youth?

Agreed. I only just recently bought the DVD. I always use to have it taped on VHS. I always loved seeing it at Christmas. Usually on boxing day. The film brings back great memories for me.

i'm with wookster on this one. for a bunch of internet toy-collecting geekboys that we ALL are, it always surprises me when people label each other for their tastes.

Hello dolly!

Nah seriously, while I agree the pic wook posted is a doll, Hot Toys are not. Everytime I read someone state these are just dolls then I read sometime later on forums other people breaking these with hardly any effort or something tears/shears or snaps.

Dolls are robust. Hot Toys figures are not robust. Thats why it says collectible on the box. Look at the amount of people that has snapped wrists/ankles/knees or a whole leg. Or complaining about things perishing in the future. Asking around for replacement parts. I've lost count the amount of times this has popped up. Even when they have to contact Hot Toys about it. Some hardly even touched these and it broke. Even some arrived delivered damaged. Or disjointed.

I would definitely buy a Dolph He-Man and Langella Skeletor. The white mask Skeletor is ace unlike the yellow cartoon mask. I never really liked the cartoon Skeletor.

I love the whole reaper look that the movie Skeletor has with the huge hood.


Then other times when I see him it reminds me of the new alien end of Alien Resurrection. It has that seriously creepy look.


Sadly I always thought there was going to be a sequel when he said at the end after the credits in that red water, that he'll be back.
yeah, shame that the masters of the universe craze just died out. i can't remember the timeline exactly but i read somewhere that even by the time this movie came out, he-man was peetering out. so the chance of a sequel was kinda slim. i have high hopes for the new one. let's hope they do it justice. they will no doubt change he-man's background, but hopefully in a good way.

eamon - i remember the last line from that film, and the spinning predator like disc. :lol that's about it. oh, also that it reminded me a lot of cobra. i actually looked for this on VHS years back and couldn't find it. then picked up a second hand ex-rental at a dodgy little electronics shop. i think only half of it worked.
"i come in peace"
"you go in pieces". classic.
Never know. Hasbro let SS make GIJoe figures.

You never know, I bet a lot of people thought that about GI Joe and Hasbro...

Come on people... we're talking Mattel here... :D

Yes because Conan is so much more straighter looking than He-man. Must be the shoulder pads.

I think the term, doth protest too much is applicable to some here.

Need I point out that we are on a board that talk about toys with real clothes, kinda like dolls.

Not sure anybody in any position to be chucking around gay remarks about anything here.

I know!!! it's funny... :lol
Unlike muscular men with tights or a green semi-naked oversized fella?...