Who wants to see Batman's new suit...Spoilers!!!

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I have to say that I'm not too crazy about the new more armored look. Too many lines and breaks within the overall silhoutte. That being said, I trust Nolan completely at this point and I'm pretty sure the costume will be fine within the context of the movie.

I'm sure that under certain circumstances, the traditional spandex look could work, it's just that the Nolan movies are not the circumstances in which that would work. The Nolan movies are trying to be as serious and realistic as possible about the (honestly) ludicrous concept of a traumatized man dressing up in a bat outfit to fight crime. Given the choice, would you take the advanced combat armor or the somewhat sexualy deviant SM spandex outfit that offers no protection?
Oh, and you'll also be fighting in a cape.
i agree with ambac. truthfully, i think this suit will make it easier for bale AND wayne to manuever in. reason why i said bale and wayne is cuz, the first suit in BB, while great to look at imo, was said that it restricted a certain amount of movement in real life. of course, through movie magic, batman is able to move like a ninja. for some reason though, i can see this new suit being more agile, whilst packing a good amount of protection.

maybe it's because of the new/cowl design, allowing the actor and character more freedom when it comes to moving his head.

does this new design move away from the comics more so than BB? well, all things considered, probably not. the older movies moved away from the original batman design as well. granted, the 3rd and 4th movies were...ah well, they sucked arse...but nipples? then that all gray look? with so much padding for muscles and...groinage area?

nolan's films are gritty and realistic. therefore, the new suit makes sense. batman is out to fight this war, he needs an outfit for that. hence the tumbler and now...this new suit.


i love batman. he is my all time favorite superhero. the grey tights work in comics and cartoon...but in real life...well, not so much.

i know it's ridiculous to say real life. i mean, it's a dude wearing a costume with bat ears and a cape fighting criminals. but that's the beauty of the idea. nolan is making this surreal concept and making it real. which is why i LOVE batman begins.

those that still dislike the new look, well, there WILL be a 3rd movie. who's to say that there won't be another re-design. afterall, WB wants to sell more toys...regardless, you never know. maybe the 3rd design will be more like the comics. less armor and more fabric. like he's reached the point that he's nigh un-touchable and is confident that no one and no bullet can harm him. let's not forget...nolans films are of batman's beginnings. the 3rd movie will probably finally establish batman as the badass he will become.

personally, if they made the 3rd outfit ALL fabric like the comics, i'll be dissappointed. unless they find a middle ground. but as of now, i like this new design. it's bold and different. for purpose of the story, it makes sense.
Don't like it. Too techno. I know, I know "real life" BUT it's still a comic book movie, and it just looks bad to me. It looks way too bulky. How can he pull off half the acrobatics that the Bat does in that thing?

I hate the casting choice for Joker too, so this movie was already ruined for me before this. A suit won't ruin a movie for me though. A bad actor miscast will.
all i can say PBK...give it a chance.

think about it, what were the things said about B89?

"michael keaton? micha...keaton? beetlejuice? they got ******* beetlejuice to be batman?? oh give me a break!! wtf???"

then what happened?


this is how i feel...

"I believe in Chris Nolan..."
But Keaton could always act:rotfl

I want to believe in Nolan too, BB was awesome (minus the casting for scarecrow imo, but he was a small role) but when they take your fav. villain and cast some d.bag it's hard. I'll see the movie no doubt, and I'm always one to step up when I've talked trash, saw something and changed my mind too. It's just Joker is TOO big of a character to experiment with, I already hate the ICP scared clown look. But Ledger is the icing on the cake for me.

I do agree on the matter of the cloth suit. What I think they should have done, but didn't have time for in the first one, was have him have it for like 1 scene, get stabbed or shot and than re-think it. Just for fun, to see the learning process and the suit for a second. I like the 1st suit in the Begins series though.
PosterBoyKelly said:
But Keaton could always act:rotfl

I want to believe in Nolan too, BB was awesome (minus the casting for scarecrow imo, but he was a small role) but when they take your fav. villain and cast some d.bag it's hard. I'll see the movie no doubt, and I'm always one to step up when I've talked trash, saw something and changed my mind too. It's just Joker is TOO big of a character to experiment with, I already hate the ICP scared clown look. But Ledger is the icing on the cake for me.

I do agree on the matter of the cloth suit. What I think they should have done, but didn't have time for in the first one, was have him have it for like 1 scene, get stabbed or shot and than re-think it. Just for fun, to see the learning process and the suit for a second. I like the 1st suit in the Begins series though.

oh of course keaton could act. but the initial response for him as THE BATMAN?? truthfully, i never heard of keaton till i saw him in batman, then i started to follow his career. so my response to seeing him as batman in the trailers was...well, i just thought the overall package was well done. but before the trailer, i've heard that EVERYONE was scratching their heads.

and i'm surprised that you didn't like scarecrow in BB. aside from bale as bats, i also loved cillian as crane. he was scarier without the mask!

and ledger...i think he's a great actor, and i can't wait to see his take as the joker. but like keaton, there are those that are holding their breath. we'll all find out if he can take the joker some place we haven't seen on screen yet.

and as for the suit, yeah, it was great in BB...but like your example...i think you're gonna see that in TDK. think about it...he's going up against the joker. it's known that he changes the suit midway of the film. some crazy **** must've happened for bats to get into that armored suit.

like transformers...TDK is the most anticipated movie for me. can't wait!
OK, I get the suit than if it changes half way through. I was 8 when the first Bats came out, but knew who Mr.Mom was, just didn't care I guess, I was 8:lol

Like I said, I'll give it a chance no doubt, and I HOPE I'm proven wrong, but we'll see.

As far as Crane goes, I dunno....dude seemed a little short and pretty for the role. Not lengthy enough, and I didn't care for his acting either, seemed over-acted. Liam MADE that movie for me (Bale was great too) I think what they should do is make him come back, have a big Lazarus pit plot, slide in another smaller villain (like how scarecrow was his b!tch in BB) for variety sake and give us a good, long lasting villain/hero relationship between Bats and Ras. They rarely do things like that in Superhero movies. It's always "Kill the villain, bring in a new one."
PosterBoyKelly said:
OK, I get the suit than if it changes half way through. I was 8 when the first Bats came out, but knew who Mr.Mom was, just didn't care I guess, I was 8:lol

Like I said, I'll give it a chance no doubt, and I HOPE I'm proven wrong, but we'll see.

As far as Crane goes, I dunno....dude seemed a little short and pretty for the role. Not lengthy enough, and I didn't care for his acting either, seemed over-acted. Liam MADE that movie for me (Bale was great too) I think what they should do is make him come back, have a big Lazarus pit plot, slide in another smaller villain (like how scarecrow was his b!tch in BB) for variety sake and give us a good, long lasting villain/hero relationship between Bats and Ras. They rarely do things like that in Superhero movies. It's always "Kill the villain, bring in a new one."

hehe, i have no doubt you'll be blown away man. and yeah...physically speaking, cillian was a tad short. crane is, from what i remember, lanky. but i thought he was fantastic.

with the realistic approach nolan is doing...unfortunately, i don't think we'll see the lazarus pit. as much as i love nolans vision, i think it's a double edged sword. personally i want to see clayface come to life. croc anyone?

who knows. there were talks of world's finest. if superman can be bought into nolans world, i guess the fantastical elements shouldn't be a problem.

as for lasting villans.

from what i've read....(SPOILERS)

apparently joker lives...and we meet harley quinn at the end of this movie.

end spoilers.
I like the look of the new suit. But as with Bale's first suit, I would have preferred longer ears like the ones on the previous cowls. Batman looks far more menacing that way.

He's going to be filmed at night and in shadows for the most part or moving so fast you won't be able to see the details of the suit through most of the scenes anyway. I'm not thrilled with the new suit, it just seems too busy, I liked the begins one better. I don't imagine it ruining the movie though. Sure the wheels of the marketing hype filled toy machineg must turn, but I think someone like Nolan has enough integrity to either not cave to studio demands to change the suit so we can sell more toys or at least find a plausible enough excuse to make it work on film. Something will happen to bats to make this change necessary. I can't wait to see what it is.

As far as the suit inspiring fear in his villians, the suit alone isn't enough. That was a great post dekadentdave you made with the reasons for the suit and its changes and uses. It's what he does and how he acts in it that helps to inspire the fear though. The fear comes from emerging from the shadows and hit and run attacks such as during the drug bust in Begins....

"where are you!?!"


Most of his foes don't really see much before it's lights out for them, that helps inspire and propagate the fear. Batman is and should be a mystery to the general populace. Go back to Burton's Batman for a moment. " I hear he drinks blood. I hear he ain't human. Is it true he can fly?" All these things enhance and propagate the fear. A guy in a Batsuit alone isn't scary.
TBH Im not a fan of spandex, lets face it has an old stigma attached to it

I prefer this version its modern and practical - afterall he hasnt been bitten by a radio active spider or had a vat of toxic waste poured over him to gain any "super" powers

He's a kick ass ninja with hi tech gadgets and thats the attraction for me anyhow.
My 2 cents...

I have to say that I'm surprised given what I had heard previously about the changes to the costume. From what I had understood, Nolan was moving away from the armour into something a little more 'suity'.

Still, it's one picture, out of context, I'll wait and see how it plays out.


One thing that I have read a lot in this thread is 'If I saw a guy coming at me wearing...'. Now, if you were as big a fan of Batman as you claim to be then you'd know that you wouldn't see him coming at you at all. He'd be a) far too fast and b)would strike at you from someplace hidden.

The best example of this is from the Batman Begins in the shipping yard.

The dude is a ninja, he would act like it.

In my eyes Nolan has never made a bad film-making choice and I therefore trust him all the way. Let's all just wait and see what 'The Dark Knight' has instore for us shall we?
snakebeater said:
trust me, you can look at dead end in two complete different ways..

you can praise it and think this is the only way it can be done.


you can think it's completely ridiculous, and it's nothing more then a fan film.

I still think this is a cool design.

Actually, I look at it as a cool fan film that shows that the traditional black and gray costume can work realistically. To be honest I'd be glad to see the Begins uni done in the black and gray. I think that that could work.
abstractharmony said:
One thing that I have read a lot in this thread is 'If I saw a guy coming at me wearing...'. Now, if you were as big a fan of Batman as you claim to be then you'd know that you wouldn't see him coming at you at all. He'd be a) far too fast and b)would strike at you from someplace hidden.

So then what's the point of the ears? (No pun intended) Yeah, he can come at you like a shadow you never see, but part of the concept is he's supposed to be a terrifying beast that might be a vampire, a giant bat, or some kind of demon. Otherwise he'd just dress like ninja right? Sometimes he wants to be seen, sometimes he doesn't. Just the idea that this "Bat-creature" is out there is supposed to be a deterrent to criminals from even trying to pull something in his town.
JustinLuck said:
I enjoyed this batman.


:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock I've loved this look since I saw it in the theater 18 years ago.