What to do when family is criticizing your collecting hobby?

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I actually only keep one doll in my bedroom out and my action figures are behind a curtain on the top shelf of my bookshelf.
I carefully box what isnt going to be desplayed for that month. That way i slow the oxidation and inadvertant sunlight exposure.
Right now i live with roomates and dont trust them enough to keep more than one figure out.

One day someone picked one up and it took me two hours to find the shuriken for scarlett. So to limit the temptation I do that. Im making my room boyfriend friendly. Sometimes guys feel intimidated to know you have probably more comics and figures than he ever did.

Since i shifted my goals and only collect vintage or reproduction barbies especially francie. and im extreamly picky with action figures now that im narrowing it down to 1/6 figures. as soon as i sell of the 6" figures ill build up my collection better.

I think the problem that people who claim their normal have with people like us it isn't the fact we collect but it's the idea we collect something of a child like appearing collection. people view dolls and action figures with children. it's discrimination totally because we want the toys we loved as a child but version 2.0 and they cant see adult collecting in an adult matter because they only see it as a doll point blank period.

Ill probably meet my future husband at a comic book con. or sci fi/horror com.

I cant date a guy who hates horror films especially a michael myers movie

You say that likes it's a bad thing. :dunno

I had over 100 Barbie dolls when I first met my husband in 1991. It didn't seem to phase him or any of his Navy buddies. I think Barbie often gets a worse rap than action figures. I haven't seen too many torches and pitchforks, here (on the Sideshow Freaks forum). You may want to keep your hobby under wraps when meeting new people or a new guy, but how do you feel about doing that? Certainly if a guy can't accept your hobby, or eventually come to understand it, then he isn't the right

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Me and my wife collect ONLY 1:6 Fetts. So that doesn't have any adverse affects on our stability, nor our relationship. Except when it takes me awhile to find a good deal on a 1:6 Fett, boy does she love Fett!. Happy wife, happy life!
I think the problem that people who claim their normal have with people like us it isn't the fact we collect but it's the idea we collect something of a child like appearing collection. people view dolls and action figures with children. it's discrimination totally because we want the toys we loved as a child but version 2.0 and they cant see adult collecting in an adult matter because they only see it as a doll point blank period.

My oldest brother who is 34 still plays with GI Joes and he still collects them, and yes he plays with them. He recently got married and his wife doesn't judge him. I can't see how anyone can judge others for what they love to do, as long as they're not harming anyone or themselves let them be. My family for the most part is cool with my collecting and they admire the pieces themselves. I may occasionally have my mother bring up how much I spent on one, which can be a bit vexing.. That was my fault for telling her.

I cant date a guy who hates horror films especially a michael myers movie

I would love to be with someone who shares my love in collecting and LOTR, lol.
Im not familiar with LOTR what does that mean is that lord of the rings if so i love that movie and book. my middle name is arwen
My wife got me into my adult collecting, most of my family accept my collecting as normal, and even most of my nephews seem to choose a least one part of my hobby to collect themselves, if your friends aren't accepting they probably aren't your real friends. Most people I know either, eat, drink, smoke, gamble or party there spare and sometimes more away.....really is that anymore mature?

My Nephews can't afford 1/6 or Statues but do love my collection. I also like Lego which is fun to share in with them.
I think a big problem is that some people get too obsessive with the hobby. They can't be happy with just a Batman figure, they have to have 3 different Jokers, two face, the scarecrow, and even the Tumbler.

They can't just enjoy Captain America and Iron Man. Thy have to get all the Avengers, including multiple versions. They have to get ALL the Iron Man suits. Or ALL the Predators.

If you cut back, say less is more, it's the best of both worlds. Less clutter, more space to admire what you really like, and more money in your wallet.
I think a big problem is that some people get too obsessive with the hobby. They can't be happy with just a Batman figure, they have to have 3 different Jokers, two face, the scarecrow, and even the Tumbler.

They can't just enjoy Captain America and Iron Man. Thy have to get all the Avengers, including multiple versions. They have to get ALL the Iron Man suits. Or ALL the Predators.

If you cut back, say less is more, it's the best of both worlds. Less clutter, more space to admire what you really like, and more money in your wallet.


100% agreed.

Too much simply makes each less special looking
I think a big problem is that some people get too obsessive with the hobby. They can't be happy with just a Batman figure, they have to have 3 different Jokers, two face, the scarecrow, and even the Tumbler.

They can't just enjoy Captain America and Iron Man. Thy have to get all the Avengers, including multiple versions. They have to get ALL the Iron Man suits. Or ALL the Predators.

If you cut back, say less is more, it's the best of both worlds. Less clutter, more space to admire what you really like, and more money in your wallet.

:exactly: :goodpost:
Boba has just one other costume variant. There are 4 "true" 1:6 Boba Fett figures out there. 2 from Medicom, 1 Marmit, and the recent SSC Fett. Excluding Hasbro trash of course. It's pretty cheap to collect one character with one costume variant.
"when you could be saving up to go travel the world and gain life experience"

Tell you the truth : I'm a bit tired of travelling , been travelling to cons or WrestleMania for several yrs , went to WM 4 yrs in a row 2009-12.....went to LFCC in July , Cherry Hill in Aug & Bham U.K in Sept. Even though it's nice to travel I'm starting to feel a bit drained ;)

I spent 1300 euros recently restoring old movie posters , money well spent imo as they needed preservation & I've been postponing it for a long time.
To confirm are you saying you spent $5000 in collectables in a year and a half? If so I do think your family has a reason to be concerned. I’m sure they are looking out for your best intentions. They might fear that this “bug” is blinding you on your path from A to B. And It could be anything to have distracted you not collectables.
I myself do occasionally get too absorb with the hobby and I'm glad you're aware of your spending habits and sensitive towards those around you, TC. A little humility goes along way. :clap
I agree saving money to move out should be your top priority right now.
This thread's first post was 18 months ago.
I'd be interested in an update!

Has he moved out?
Has he spent another $5000 or burnt out and sold everything?

We must know the answer to these questions!
Let your Sideshow Freak flag fly!

Head for the hills & take all your collectibles with you.

Don't use credit cards or money you don't have to support your hobby. Always make sure your wife gets the stuff she wants first. Only spend disposable income. Do all those things and nobody will ever complain about it unless you sleep with them.
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I read this thread and with smile I would say I got the same problem in the past. My dad never liked my hobby instead he keep saying: "GET REAL AND DOWN TO YOUR JOB MORE." But now I got 2 kids and a wife who knows I got a POSITIVE hobby but of course you have to maintain which figures you need.
I guess all of us need hobbies. I do not think USD 5,000 in 1, 5yrs is a big money because if you can calculate if we spending on gadget, CD, watching movies, a bit of club, a bit of alcohol, social lives with bunch of boys: naughty clubs, etc it will cost more than that in a year and figures can be your small investment too. I cant buy a fancy car, I cant buy a stock, I cant buy fancy watches so this what I do.

You need to explain to them that this is part of your hobby and can sell the figure when the time is right and earning some money but when we talk about business, a loss happening too. For myself, a family man who loves my job, my family, hobbies and activities, I am a responsible man that will take part when my family is in trouble and I will stand by them especially my parents.
I never think of moving, quarreling or pick a fight with my brother. EXPLAIN it! So they will understand. A family especially parents, what matter to us. They will understand. We kind of different, we love figures. Most people do not and finding it too expensive.
We need to work, and we need to spend on something FOR OURSELVES but if our things are something that can be sold in the future? Isn't it better?
But again, be wise on your collections. When something we absorb to much, the outcome will be always fatal unless you are a Bill Gate's son or some Super businessman.

By the way, we will not loyal to figures, sooner or later we will slow down and only collecting few of them. Ah, watches is a good business for small investment. I am thinking of that :)

Good luck.