What Hot Toys have you pre-ordered/bought in 2016? Considering? Will buy?

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On preorder:
Batman Returns

Stan Lee

If they make it I'll buy it:
Doc (BTTF)
Lone Ranger
Rhino (Spider-man 2)
John Carter
Ghostbusters (the old, not the new)
Jack Burton
Bladerunner (the old)
Just Rick Grimes from ThreeZero so far.

Considering the exoskeleton from Terminator Genisys though (just to complete the Terminator stuff I have already). Instant pre-order would be Doc Brown, beyond that. Nothing else thus far.
On Pre-Order

Rey & BB-8
Boba Fett Deluxe


Mark 45
Bought so far in 2016:

Hot Toys Batman from Batman Returns
ASMUS Toys Saruman
ThreeA Dark of the Moon Megatron

On Pre-Order:

Hot Toys Hulkbuster
Hot Toys Ultron Prime
Hot Toys Ironman Mark 45
Hot Toys Princess Leia
ThreeA Dark of the Moon Optimus Prime


Hot Toys Nick Fury
Hot Toys Deadpool
ASMUS Toys The Mouth of Sauron w/ Steed
Hot Toys GotG Drax

Would buy if they made them:

Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman 1/6 scale figure (not statue)
Emperor Palpatine
Infinity War Thanos
A GOOD Gandalf the Grey

I currently own ZERO statues but I just pre-orderd my first one: Kier from Court of the Dead - that line is sick!
This year I've preordered Rey & BB8, and I'm keeping an eye on the X-Men figures from CGL. I've already purchased Kylo Ren. This year will be an expensive year for me!
Nothing for me right now. I'm waiting on Scarlet Witch, and that's it. If they announce Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn I'll get those; and I'm hoping at some point they announce Ripley. But frankly, I'm losing interest in the regurgitation machine that is HT. Too many other companies are doing far more interesting licenses.

I hear you, *cough* Mezco One:12 collection *cough*. I recently scaled back some of my orders after some rethinking.

Pre-ordered/Bought In 2016:
Ironman mk43 diecast
Captain America (Age of Ultron)
War Machine mk1 diecast
Rey & BB8
Kylo Ren
Captain America (Civil War)
Winter Soldier (Civil War)
War Machine mk3 diecast

Considering Buying In 2016:
Ironman mk46 diecast

Will Buy If Released:
Poe Dameron (if he comes with a good amount of accessories)
Han Solo (from Episode 7)
Colossus (preferably diecast)
Mr. Sinister
Currently on Pre-order
HT Leia ex
HT Black Chrome Armored Bats
HT Quicksilver

Planning on preordering:
HT Batman vs Superman ex set

Will order with coupon when released/shipping:
HT Rey & BB8
HT Deadpool
HT RotJ Boba Fett
HT Antman
HT Drax
HT Nick Fury WS version
HT scarlet witch avengers version
HT Terminator Genisys Endoskeleton

HT Mark 45
Last edited:
All Star Wars

But very caution on all other HT due to discounts and falling prices.
I have Leia and Rey on preorder.
I'll pick up the Fin/Trooper set ( keep picking up the two pack trooper set but only want one- so I'll wait)
The Supes vs Bats figures are a must ..

And I will have to get a Marty McFly thus week.
Probably means getting them at discount after they've been released. No point in preordering most figures when they get 10% off or more only a few months after release.
Most HT now will discounted. I am preorder Robocop Diecast and chair for $320 and a year later heavily discounted. Marvel stuff relatively stay in price because high demand unless they made a flop one like Cap Stealth. If its a bad release with jarring flaws, the price will definitely going down
All Star Wars so far this year.

Darth Vader
Luke Skywalker
Sand Trooper
Space Trooper


Only Princess Leia, I'm passing on Boba Fett

Can't decide yet between Batman Returns or Armored Batman (Black Chrome) might end up with both :lol
A couple weeks ago I cut my "Want" list by a dozen figures because I'm moving later this year. I even cancelled a couple pre-orders. Right now I have Deadpool, Batman, and Superman on P.O. (I used $200 in Rewards Points on Deadpool so I can get him no matter what). The only figures I'm considering beyond that are Wonder Woman and Black Panther (patiently awaiting the reveals) and maybe Civil War Cap if I sell my Winter Soldier version.
The only hot toys I have right now is the genysis endoskeleton and maybe some batman vs superman depending on how I like the movie
Well I bought Batman Returns, ended up buying Guardian T-800 and I guess having done that I'll likely buy the Genisys Endoskeleton so that'll be 3 sure figures this year. Though according to the ETA on the Endo it could be in 2017.
Absolutely nothing. Bought Batman returns set with the $100 free RP that SSC gave away last year, but I didn't really want it. Sold it immediately for a bit less than retail, and still made my money back and then some.

Nothing doll related interests me anymore.
Cutting back on the sixth scale figures. Lately been selling basically my whole collection and I think I have 8 figures left over that are not going anywhere but my one pre-order I have is the Hot Toys Deadpool. I'm tempted by CW Captain America, Ant-Man and T-800 Guardian though but as of right now I shifted into other things I wanted. Sixth Scale stuff is getting too expensive for my taste. So once a year I will get a couple but no more buying a bunch.
I'd really go for some new HT Schwarzenegger or Alien stuff right now. You can overdose on comic figures.