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Super Freak
Feb 14, 2008
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How's the WETA line? Is it worth to start collecting them or should I finish my SSW PF and LS models first? WETA have some really cool figures but some of them are nearly impossible to find nowadays... Please help me out :)
i think the weta line is definitely worth it, even if you start late... just be ready to shell out some big bucks.

i started within the last 6 months and already finished the fellowship plus many 'grail' pieces. just know exactly what you want and be ready to pull the trigger when they become available or you'll be kicking yourself later.
Well if you have a strong love for middle earth and have the funds for it, I would. I don't think sideshow will ever get quite as diverse with the characters as the weta line did. No, not all statues were perfect in likeness, but many of them were. Again, this late in the game is going to cost you big bucks. I would start out getting the RWOS statue. In my opinion thats the best Weta statue they produced. (never owned the cave troll) If you like it go from there :emperor
I like all the expensive stuff you know :) Gandalf,Nazgul on steed and trolls.

Whats th RWOS statue? Im not so familliar by the terms, only been in this hobby for 3 weeks :)

Are the statues more intruiging to collect then the scaled helmets and small busts? I feel like wasting 150bucks on a small helm is not totally worth it.
I like all the expensive stuff you know :) Gandalf,Nazgul on steed and trolls.

Whats th RWOS statue? Im not so familliar by the terms, only been in this hobby for 3 weeks :)

Are the statues more intruiging to collect then the scaled helmets and small busts? I feel like wasting 150bucks on a small helm is not totally worth it.

RWOS = Ringwraith on Steed. Very nice statue but also very pricey :monkey2
Then the steed it is that will decide if I ought to collect weta.

Whats a average price on it? Seen it for 700 bucks....I have like 550 bucks to spend :(
RWOS - ringwraith on steed

I personally never really got into the helms. More of a statue guy myself. The real completist bought anything and everything! :google

I owned the trolls and still hate the fact that I traded them.... desperate times...

Anyway, when you get bored waiting for a new sideshow PF you can get these to pass the time. :lol
Whats a average price on it? Seen it for 700 bucks....I have like 550 bucks to spend :(

To be honest they vary. One actually just sold on ebay over the weekend for $500, I just didnt have the cash to pull the trigger on it or I would have. Anything under 600 is a decent price IMO
personally, the helms and busts do nothing for me... i mean, a hat or a head vs. a full figure?

my favorite two pieces so far are bilbo and the stone trolls because they both carry over from the hobbit.
Ah okay, With trolls I meant the battle troll of mordor with a gondorian soldier in his grip, found that one for 150 bucks.
Ah the stone troll from weta, thats a nice piece...Bloddy good looking to be honest...Must not spend....urge...
if you keep your eye on ebay, you'll find it for less than 150... cool statue, not sure why it wasn't more popular
Yeah, I look everyday on the bay but I dont have an account and the guy who buys for me is on vacation in mexico :)

I saw legolas and gimli on horse too and boy, that looked very good too.

My top three list is:

Legolas and Gimli on horse
Gandalf on shadowfax(gandalf is my fav char and I ahve him in PF too, #63/500)
Nazgûl on steed
if Gandalf is your favorite character. I would buy Gandalf on Shadowfax first.

I have about 75 Weta pieces, and its my favorite.

Yes, even over RWoS.
if Gandalf is your favorite character. I would buy Gandalf on Shadowfax first.

I have about 75 Weta pieces, and its my favorite.

Yes, even over RWoS.

He has bad taste though so I would take what he says with a grain of salt!!

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

JK bro!
Hehe, I love him.

But maybe all three would be a possible buy in the future, need to see what Mesascott can offer me first though :)