WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (book SPOILERS)

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Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

I guarantee you that a large portion of the people that made, say, Dan Brown a best-selling author wouldn't even be able to comprehend WATCHMEN. Hell, even the beloved J.K. Rowling couldn't light a candle to Moore's stuff.

Just because it has accompanying sequential artwork doesn't make it any less of an achievement in literature than many, many books.
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

Sorry but this is not a book. This is a graphic novel (amazing, but just a glorified comic book). It's actually more sad they they are picking this up instead of a book.


ah, but you see Watchmen is considered one the top 100 greatest novels ever, an amazing distinction since it is in fact a "glorified comic".

WATCHMEN is more than "just a glorified comic book" and I'd dare say better and more important than tons of actual novels out there.


The themes of this "NOVEL" are so strong, so well done, that it is better than some of the books you read nowadays.
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

I was speaking more on the fact of graphic novels, not Watchmen in particular. And yes this is a piece of art, I whole heartly agree with that.

And I love my slip-case one. And my Miller Slip-case Sin City!!!
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

On chapter 3, loving it so far.

TOTALLY not what I was expecting!

Gets even better the deeper down the rabbit hole you go. :banana

And comic books can be just as stimulating, well written, intellectual and "high art" as any novel out there, as can films, poetry, etc.
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

I'm surprised there are as many genre fans as there are who haven't read this yet.

For me this book is a masterpiece of modern literature, hell any era.

I remember the interminable wait for issue 12 like it was yesterday and I will always, always treasure my dog-eared battered copy of issue two.

Please take your time with it, there will be things that you miss. I've read it literally 30-40 times and there is still stuff that I pick up on.

This is the film I have the most excitement (yet trepidation) for ever.

Quite simply, if you have put off reading this for whatever reason, may I urge you to run, not walk down to your bookstore and crack open that very first page marvelling at the composition, the art, the colour and most of all the story.

It isn't a sequential read, you constantly find yourself flicking back through the chapters and the appendices as you go.

It works on so many levels, it's a whodunnit, a no-frills adventure, a deep look at the nature of costumes and my favourite book ever.
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

Got my novel today, will start reading ASAP! I also bought The Killing Joke, which I also found out to be written by Alan Moore as well. It was unintentional, but very awesome nonetheless! :D
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

Did you guys dL the iTunes Watchmen web comic? I did haven't watched it yet but it was $free.99 so that's cool. I love this story so much I have a regular tpb and the ABSOLUTE version, pretty cool.
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

Did you guys dL the iTunes Watchmen web comic? I did haven't watched it yet but it was $free.99 so that's cool. I love this story so much I have a regular tpb and the ABSOLUTE version, pretty cool.

DL it today! It's fantastic! :rock Can't wait for chapter 2!
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

Not sure what chapter I'm on (book at home, me at work - and I won't say what's just happened as that would be a spoiler for those still reading) but I will say that I am enthralled and can't wait to see how the story turns out.

And already know that I'll be re-reading it when completed. I'm so wrapped up in "what's going to happen" that I know I'm reading it faster than I should. Will read it more slowly next time through.

You can count me among the Watchmen fans now, that's for certain.
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)



Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

FINALLY saw the trailer today! I cannot believe they used that cool unused song from Batman & Robin from Smashing Pumpkins. GREAT song and perfect for this one!
Movie looks amazing. Cannot believe it is real! There is really gonna be a FAITHFUL looking film of Watchmen! And I may live to see it!

Can't wait!
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

Finished Watchmen earlier today. Great read. I am more excited to see the movie now that I understand what all the hype is about.

I kinda rushed through, so I am gonna go back and reread and take my time with it.

I have to admit I am a bit concerned that the movie wont touch on half the graphic novel, there is a CRAP load of stuff packed in there. Either way, I just hope it is faithful to the basic story and represents the characters well.
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

Finished Watchmen earlier today. Great read. I am more excited to see the movie now that I understand what all the hype is about.

I kinda rushed through, so I am gonna go back and reread and take my time with it.

I have to admit I am a bit concerned that the movie wont touch on half the graphic novel, there is a CRAP load of stuff packed in there. Either way, I just hope it is faithful to the basic story and represents the characters well.

I heard the director say it was a three hour movie with the Black Freighter.

Two hours with out it.
Re: WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS)

I heard the director say it was a three hour movie with the Black Freighter.

Two hours with out it.

I heard 4 1/2 hrs extended cut with the Black Freighter. Synder wants 3 without, though the studio will make him cut it to 2 hrs & 20-40 min I suspect. though with TDK doing so well at 2 1/2 hrs, I bet we'll see more in a theatrical Watchmen not less. :joy 300 and TDK have really paved the way for Watchmen to be as kick ass as it can be.