Was it love at first sight???

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Sep 14, 2005
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It was over three years ago. I was taking a walk at night in Barcelona's old quarters. It was a beautiful night: warm, full moon and a subtle breeze was caressing me and... there it was. Those piercing eyes were staring at me from inside a box in a store window...... It was the first time a vinyl figure looked at me that way. I went home and thought about that figure all night long. The next day I had to go to the store and get The Vampyre home. Then I logged into SS web page and that was it, I fell in love with all their stuff. That's how I got hooked to SS, what about you???
Those piercing eyes were staring at me from inside a box in a store window...... It was the first time a vinyl figure looked at me that way. I went home and thought about that figure all night long.



But I found out about by searching on ebay and figuring out who made the LOTR Weta Ringwraith and Steed.
Saw Franky at Toys R Us. Quickly discovered how cool and poseable he was. Decided to take him along on a roadtrip ( I always take one figure with me). Later I saw the Phantom in a record store. That was it for me. I was so impressed by how those realistic hands could hold the vilin and bow, looking like he was actually playing. Unheard of quality.

The fact that everyone is so damned nice is icing and has me coming back for more and more.
Customikey said:
Saw Franky at Toys R Us. Quickly discovered how cool and poseable he was. Decided to take him along on a roadtrip ( I always take one figure with me). Later I saw the Phantom in a record store. That was it for me. I was so impressed by how those realistic hands could hold the vilin and bow, looking like he was actually playing. Unheard of quality.

The fact that everyone is so damned nice is icing and has me coming back for more and more.

Nearly excactly like me. I also saw Frank at TRU and then Phantom, Wolfman, etc. at Suncoast and Media Play. It wasn't unitl the 14" Jaws figure that I started buying other lines from Sideshow and then I was doomed :eek:
I actually discovered SS, like many others, through the LOTR collectors edition gift set. After receiving all three movies on my B-day 2 years ago, I found a coupon for Minas Morgul and decided to check it out. After going through the list of the Weta products, I "fell in love." Of course, the Minas Morgul environment was sold out but I discovered a lot of other statues and busts that I have purchased over the years. Now, all I buy is pretty much SS with the exception of some Weta and GG stuff.
The Universal Monsters 8" line started it for me. It's been a great relationship since then.
I discovered SS/W through the collectors box of the FOTR. As I was working in a CD/DVD distribution centre, I was one of the first to get my hands on it. In it was a flyer, and I liked what I saw and immediately ordered a Balrog through a local retail store. They did not give me a price estimate. When it arrived, they called me and said it was about $350. I was like WHAT? For a collectible? Of course I had at that point never seen one SS/W piece, except Argonath, in real life.

Later, the store had a display with some pieces, and of course I realised the beauty of them and hit myself for cancelling that Balrog. They had a Moria Orc Swordsman on display, at eyesight, and I immediately fell in love with the detail. It even had these life-like little eyes peeking back at me from underneath its helm! I wanted it so bad, but still was not used to spending so much money on a collectible. So I kept coming back to the store to look at it, until my (now ex-) boyfriend finally decided to get it for my birthday. It was one of the best presents ever, and the start of my financial ruin! ;)
I found out exactly the same way "The Witchking" did.... I was so impressed with the Ringwraith on Steed statue I bought via EBAY, I looked up Sideshow and the rest is history.
I was buying a life size Jack Skellington NECCA bust on eBay. I checked out the sellers other items and saw the SideShow Sauron. Within a week I had purchased Sauron, King o' The Dead, Morgul Lord and the Witch King o' Angmar. I have since got the entire Marvel VS exclusives line (not the Grey Hulk...), and a few of the Star Wars PF exclusives (Vader is King!). I have collected quite a variety of stuff over the years, and next to my signed movie posters, the SideShow stuff is the only non expendable collectables I now own.
I saw the 8" Universal figures at Suncoast and thought "these would be great if they were 1/6 scale clothed figures" - and then they released 1/6 Frankenstein and soon after announced the Buffy and Bond lines. I was dead meat.:monkey1
for me it was an accident really. my girlfriend and i were walking around the stores at comic con until we saw the booth of Michel Gagne. She purchased the Insanely Twisted rabbit book and as for me I was staring at the Demon Dog rabbit prototype at the table as well. michel told me that I can purchase it at SS and when I got home checked SS out and hooked me ever since. :chew
I was yahoo searching about 5 years ago and typed in monster collectibles and SSC web address was first on the list...At the time I was really into McFarlane Movie Maniacs line, but was looking for something larger and more articulated....I was one SS homepage for about 5 minutes and already had 3 figures on order....and the rest is history....
I saw the Highlander figures on the Darkhorizons Movie website - and then got into Buffy, Bond, X-files, Star Wars & LOTR.

I only collect the 12" stuff - no room or $'s for the Premium formats I'm afraid :monkey4
I saw the part 3 Jason when it was first released and had to check out their other lines.
I found them by accident too.... When I went to the Celebration III convention I got my little bag as I arrived and did not really pay any attention to it... that is.. until I ended up in a really really long line. Which... if anyone went... you know that long lines were the order of the day.

While I sat in line, I saw the Sideshow catalog and started to browse. I am a huge Jason fan, so when I saw what they did with Jason VII, I had to have one. And with the recent announcement of their Star Wars 12 inch line... I was hooked before even buying one.

When I got home I found my very own Jason VII on ebay and since then I have been a SSC nut. Most of my other collectibles have since gone away, to fund my Sideshow habit, and I could not be happier... :D
I first found Sideshow with the Universal Monsters 8" line. I was really impressed with the figures because not only did they look great but they were actually well articulated, something that was missing a lot of times in action figures then (and now). However, for some reason I only ever picked up the Creature figure.

After awhile I found out that they were making 12" figures. I was skeptical at first, but as soon as I saw the Vampyre figure in person (and at only $20) my fate was sealed... 30 or so figures later and I'm happy as a collector can be, but broke as a joke:duh
I found out about SS through the LOTR two Towers companion DVD about Gollum. It had lots of the SS/Weta statues on display. I logged onto the website and am now a collectorfreak :rotfl I bought the ROAS statue off ebay for a reasonable £280 2 days later. Now SS is my homepage whenever I put on the computer:chew :chew :chew
I knew about Sideshow for a while before I 'took the plunge'. I'd checked out the Buffy & Gentleman figures and the Army of Darkness stuff but it didn't really hit me until I bought the FOTR DVD box with the Argonath. A year later a picked up the TTT box and watched the DVD.


Several busts and figures later I devour all of the X-Files, Horror, Buffy figures and now LOTR and SW.

What's a boy to do?

And to think I used to be all about the 6 inches. Now it's 12 or nothing...
abstractharmony said:
And to think I used to be all about the 6 inches. Now it's 12 or nothing...

Yeah, once you've had a 12 incher it's hard to enjoy anything smaller. :monkey1

My first Sideshow figure was an Ash I bought a few years ago at Suncoast, but I didn't officially start collecting their stuff until I saw the Highlander figures.
I remember Sideshow from the TRU days as well. I always wanted to pick up the 12" Frankie (if nothing else but to seee the articulation) but I never could free up the funds to buy him. Besides, I wasn't a big horror fan. And since Sideshow seemed to be soundedly rooted in that genre so I figured that I would watch the company from a far, admire their sculpts but in the end, not really purchase anything. Boy was I wrong.

I came REAL close to picking up a Sideshow product when they announced their Spinal Tap figures. I was SO excited about those guys... but I finally saw them in stores their strange expressions and pale skin tones sort of turned me off. But I was close though... I thought of how cool they would look displayed together. VERY close. But it proved to me that Sideshow was going to be more than just horror. :D

Being a BIG Bruce Campbell fan, my first official Sideshow purchase was the Army of Darkness line. I have al three of them. It was the start of something big.

Then of course came the 12" Planet of the Apes line. It was through waiting for that line to ship that I fell in love with Sideshow as a company. I got to peruse through their catalogs, courtesy of my local toy collector shop. I loved the movie Hellboy and their 12" figure line. I bought all of those. By the time the Apes were shipping, I was a Sideshow Freak board member. :monkey3 :monkey3

Since then I've become a HUGE Buffy and Angel fan (I have been frantically buying the back catalog on Ebay) and have pre-ordered ALL of the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings 12"ers. Roughly 95% of my collector funds now go to this company. :lol :rotfl :lol