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I was actually surprised at how emotional I got toward the end. The part that got to me more than the finale was actually

Spoiler Spoiler:

That really got me too. I heard the ending was a tearjerker, so I was thinking that might have been it!
Saw it today and I guess I had huge expectations from the over the top reviews. I thought it was great, very much equal to the first one (although 2 remains my favorite) and very emotional and touching.

Some great voice acting - I knew I recognized Ken but I didn't get it until the credits that it was Michael Keaton. And that disco suit with the frayed vest - I had that outfit on a Ken as a kid (my grandmother was confused, because I liked GI Joe she would get me Ken dolls thinking it was the same thing. I remember that Christmas like it was yesterday. Kungfu grip Joe did enjoy the vest though...)

But no one has mentioned the short - Day & Night - I thought it was brilliant in a way no cartoon has ever been brilliant. Really using the 3D technology in a unique and artistic way - well worth the price of admission for that short alone.
Toy Story 3 was beautiful, I LOVED it. Pixar have crafted yet another Masterpiece, bravo.

I was unable to hold back the tears, it was very emotional and I was very satisfied with the ending. :)
I loved it 10/10.I'm satisfied with the ending,but does anyone think pixar'll make sequels?

The characters will be back in a short film attached to Cars 2.

I really loved the "Night & Day" short in front of Toy Story 3. I don't think they gave the audience enough credit for getting the point--it was too explicitly didactic in the final moments. I loved that it was making its point without words/dialogue, but then (just like in WALL-E) they second guessed themselves and spelled things out for us. But that didn't keep it from being incredibly creative and well executed--it deserves to get the Animated Short Oscar next year.
But no one has mentioned the short - Day & Night - I thought it was brilliant in a way no cartoon has ever been brilliant. Really using the 3D technology in a unique and artistic way - well worth the price of admission for that short alone.

POST #125!!!!!!!


definitely my favorite of all the shorts so far...

right before the one with the sheep(Boundin ?) and "For the Birds!"
Seen it earlier a great film. I agree a few parts that were crazy sad. Overall great film, its a must see for sure.

@ Darklord Dave - yeah day and night was fantastic. I thought it was really different than there usual short films Pixar does.
Oh, and the movie FINALLY got some bad reviews! :monkey1
Why am I not surprised that one of them is from Armond White? :rotfl
I mean, did he watch the movie? He mentions Hamm the piggy bank as one of the antagonists!

armond white is a bloody idiot and a troll of the lowest kind. let's not give him any more attention than he is seeking by talking about him and his "reviews".

btw, i loved the small Star Wars reference. :) it wasn't quite like Zurg in TS2 but cute.

is it my imagination, or was
Spoiler Spoiler:
a nod to return of the jedi? if u know the scene i'm referring to then the sw reference must be correct!

I really loved the "Night & Day" short in front of Toy Story 3. I don't think they gave the audience enough credit for getting the point--it was too explicitly didactic in the final moments.

totally, agree. i think the audience got the point about "accepting/rejecting the unfamiliar" without having to resort to that voiceover. still, a brilliant combination of 2D and 3D animation. very cool concept.
My family went to see it yesterday and I think it was harder on me emotionally as I was sitting behind my almost 11 year old son and realizing just how fast they grow.

Home run of a movie, but not the sort of film you want to watch if you're looking for belly laughs, although the scenes are funny and enjoyable.

Now I just wish they would make another Incredibles film.
My cousin and I went to see it together on Friday. Her best friend just moved away so it was very emotional for her. And since I got teary a few times too. Hell I teared up in the beginning when they played You've Got a Friend in Me. :lol I didn't care too much for the ending though. I had something else in mind that I wanted to see.

This movie definitely had some creepy toys. Chuckles, Big Baby, that freakin' monkey...

I had to really keep it in there at the end. If I had been alone in the theater, I would have let the tears flow. I guess it might come from the fact I'm just as attached, if not more so, as Andy is to his toys. I've always wondered if Toys had feelings or thoughts so Toy Story has always hit home for me. It certainly was a bittersweet ending though. Certainly wrapped up the trilogy nicely. Hopefully they can wrap up the Cars trilogy just as nicely (you know they'll have to do a third one if they are doing a second!).

I feel the same way. I had a cabbage patch doll growing up that was like Woody for me. He was my best friend and went everywhere with me.

armond white is a bloody idiot and a troll of the lowest kind. let's not give him any more attention than he is seeking by talking about him and his "reviews".

is it my imagination, or was
Spoiler Spoiler:
a nod to return of the jedi? if u know the scene i'm referring to then the sw reference must be correct!

totally, agree. i think the audience got the point about "accepting/rejecting the unfamiliar" without having to resort to that voiceover. still, a brilliant combination of 2D and 3D animation. very cool concept.

I definitely think it was a Star Wars nod. It is exactly what it made me think of.
Just got back from it, there's nothing that I can say that hasn't already been said. I enjoyed it immensely! :hi5:
I was just checking out IMDB and it says that Sid (from the 1st Toy Story) was in part 3. When and Where was he in the movie?

All I can think of is the trash truck driver but that dosn't make sense. HELP!