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(I just hope that the Spanish Buzz Lightyear gag doesn't go on for too long.)

It dosnt. It works fine and only lasts a little while. Also, stay durning the credits. You get some cute additional scenes.

This was the last movie I will see before being a father. My wife is scheduled to have our daughter on Sunday. A memorable Father's Day!
It dosnt. It works fine and only lasts a little while. Also, stay durning the credits. You get some cute additional scenes.

This was the last movie I will see before being a father. My wife is scheduled to have our daughter on Sunday. A memorable Father's Day!

Congrats to you and your family, and what a great Father's Day that will be this weekend!! :clap:clap:yess::yess::hi5:
Also, LOVED!!!! the short cartoon day/night in front of Toy Story 3.

Probably my favorite short cartoon so far... with the sheep cartoon coming in second.
Toy Story 3 is way more hilarious and emotional than both its predecessors. Definitely a worthy sequel that may have topped TS1 and TS2. I cried during the finale, as did a lot of others in the audience. It has a very emotional and moving ending to the Toy Story saga.
this pretty much sums it up for me also. it was definitely "dark" towards the end. some kids in the audience were sort of scared but it's not something terrible that will mess them up for life. well, except for that [beep]. lol

btw, i loved the small Star Wars reference. :) it wasn't quite like Zurg in TS2 but cute.

at first i wasn't too happy with how it ended but i think after watching it a second time i now know why i felt that way. watching it over gave me a better appreciation.

watched ts3 last night. it was a 3D screening, in a packed theatre.

have to say upfront that this isn't as good as the first two films. but it is a very worthy final (i hope!) entry and a perfect cap to the series.

what surprised me the most was how dark this movie is. i know pixar films have always had depth and an underlying subtext (or two) that have made them as much for adults as for kids. but this one kinda caught me off-guard with the maturity of its themes. toy story 3 deals with themes of aging, mortality and letting go.

as a result, it isn't as funny, breezy and gag-laden as the previous 2. the humour is still very much intact, and there are some brilliant gags (though some jokes feel kinda recycled), but part 3 takes on a more sobering tone in much of its story, esp towards the end.

the finale is a truly heart-wrenching experience, in a good way. if u find yourself unmoved by the resolution to the toys' plight, then u have a friggin heart of stone! many people in the audience were in tears, and i myself had a sizable lump in my throat. that's how involving the characters are. but then again, we as an audience have already invested so many years and so much goodwill towards buzz, woody and gang. so our feelings regarding their end is a totally natural thing. like andy, we feel a certain sense of ownership and protectiveness over them. and that is the magic of pixar. they build all these wonderful characters and genuinely bring them to life.

this ranks alongside the a-team as the best films of the summer, and maybe even the year...



Your mom will survive the movie fine if she sees only this one... BUT the movie is MUCH better if she is already familiar with the characters.

Ill tell you one small thing that might help you make up your mind but I am going to put it in a spoiler box... (even though its not much of a spoiler)

Spoiler Spoiler:
Toy Story has been close to my heart for years.

I get teary eyed when I hear you've got a friend in me, god knows how i'm gonna be at the end of the new film going off what i've read.

I'm actually nervous to see it and it only comes out here the middle of next month.
My favorite line:

"Get the tortilla!!"

My kids had tears in their eyes here and there--this was darker and more serious and less flat out funny than the other two. There were certainly laughs throughout, but mixed with more melancholy than before. The climactic moment where the toys wordlessly reach out and resign themselves to their fate together had my kids grabbing their armrests in distress. I guess it shows what a connection we have with these characters--we really identify with their fears and losses and sorrows, and care what happens to them. The early scene with the neglected toys desperate for attention pressed my empathy button and my heart went out to them from then on. In the end, I thought they did a good job resolving the story in a bittersweet but touching way that didn't seem cheap or forced. If this is the end, I think it's an appropriate finish.
I had to really keep it in there at the end. If I had been alone in the theater, I would have let the tears flow. I guess it might come from the fact I'm just as attached, if not more so, as Andy is to his toys. I've always wondered if Toys had feelings or thoughts so Toy Story has always hit home for me. It certainly was a bittersweet ending though. Certainly wrapped up the trilogy nicely. Hopefully they can wrap up the Cars trilogy just as nicely (you know they'll have to do a third one if they are doing a second!).
Your mom will survive the movie fine if she sees only this one... BUT the movie is MUCH better if she is already familiar with the characters.

Ill tell you one small thing that might help you make up your mind but I am going to put it in a spoiler box... (even though its not much of a spoiler)

Spoiler Spoiler:


Well, I'm not sure if we'll be seeing this tomorrow. I hurt my back and I don't know if I could sit in the theater that long. Maybe in the mean time she can get caught up.
I was actually surprised at how emotional I got toward the end. The part that got to me more than the finale was actually

Spoiler Spoiler:
I want a Chuckles toy.

