TNS Figures Legit?

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Super Freak
Aug 10, 2013
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On your left.
Anyone ordered from TNS Figures? How was the experience/customer service, etc? Are they legit and safe to buy from?

I ordered from them before and all went well. (this summer)

Over the weekend, I pre-ordered the 3rd party Indiana Jones figure from them as well.

Should be good to go.
Totally legit. I’ve ordered a couple figures before without a problem and have a few things on preorder with them right now.
Yup, they are good. Just got a Pop Toys body from them. Got it FAST, like a week to AZ.
They are absolutely a horrible company. They charged me the full amount and then cancelled a preorder of mine and total me the item had been cancelled in wasn't being released any more. Then months later, people got their items from the same site.

I emailed them, no response. I messaged them on facebook. No response AND they blocked me.

Do NOT buy from this piece of **** company.
I pre-ordered an item back in the fall from them; it shipped end of November and finally arrived late last week. They were okay, but I wouldn't do business with them in the future. Stick with places like KG or OSK, etc. if at all possible.
I ordered Quicksilver from back around March last year. I tried to contact them through email about shipping but never heard back. I finally had to contact them via FB Messenger, and they tried to pressure me to spend extra for faster shipping. I declined and didn't get the figure until much later. Granted, there was a lot going on, and I don't blame them at all for the wait, but I didn't like having to talk business over Facebook. I wouldn't go out of my way to avoid them, but I'd prob try other companies before I ordered from them again.
I have ordered 2 times from them for things that were in stock. Before the pandemic I got the Soul Ghost Red Skull and just last week got the Green Goblin Fiend. Both were great prices, free super fast shipping, and no tax which all adds up. So, they did great by me and also protected their packages as well.
Damn, there seems to be a lot of mixed reviews, haha.

I wanted to buy an exclusive limited edition statue from them because it is sold out on most other sites and I want to avoid aftermarket prices but I'm worried about customer service if there are issues since that seems to be the major issue with them in previous posts.

Another site I'm trying to look into is primocollectibles, located in Malaysia. They have a youtube channel for statue reveals and they look legit, but I can't get a shipping quote without creating an account with personal information so I want to confirm they are legitimate first.
Okay, found this thread. Bought figure from them 3 days ago. It was weird that item was still in stock as was released few years back and sold out everywhere, so I risked as payed with paypal and can get money back. No update... should I panic? I know 3 days aren't much but after all the info online , reviews are pretty mixed so Idk what to expect now.
I have never had any problems with them. Just got an invoice to pay for my Soosootoys Gambit. I expect all will go well.
No update on my order and as I can see they don't even have a direct customer service email? Can't find it on their website and I sent a message on FB. I guess I a victim lol I ordered Atlan King Of Altantis Aquaman figure, it was released few years ago and was surprised that it was still in stock for retail... But if it's a glitch why they keep him up on the webiste then. Idk.

UPDATE: So they responded me on FB and said bc of Omicron there are Hong Kong post restrictions and asked me exra 20$ for DHL shipping. I said OK and asked to send me an invoice. Lets see how things go.

UPDATE: So they shipped my order without problems. I just freaked out. Only thing what I can say is that their communication isn't greatest. Never got reply on my email but on fb they replied, slowly but did. Hope figure comes complete and safe!
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they have e-mail
[email protected]
I have a situation with them, they have several of my pre-orders with a deposit and fully paid figures
but they have not responded for several weeks not to messages on Facebook not to e-mail, I hope they read this forum, and want to continue to do this business, since with this attitude, no one will simply contact them
they have e-mail
[email protected]
I have a situation with them, they have several of my pre-orders with a deposit and fully paid figures
but they have not responded for several weeks not to messages on Facebook not to e-mail, I hope they read this forum, and want to continue to do this business, since with this attitude, no one will simply contact them
Their legit have bought many items from them, anything not in stock is out of their control, once item is available they will send you an email and ship it out..
As for the no responses, probably dealing with current restrictions.
no, they have these goods in stock and I have been fully paid for, I have already written them dozens of messages, I have requested an invoice for payment of a delivery supplement for $25, for each package, and in response, silence and so on has been for many weeks

if someone has a similar situation now, please write,
I hope the store appreciates its reputation and will contact me, but in the meantime draw conclusions
I have bad info about tnsfigures. And I'm NOT the only one who is in such situation curently! Few people answered me about having the same issues with mentioned seller!
I tried to get some help from the community, but my posts about tns were removed both from the OSR groups (One Sixth Republic and One Sixth Republic BST) on facebook after a day of being on top. I do believe that some of those group's admins is a mate of tnsfigures, cause my post actually did not violate any rule of the mentioned groups (and even links to external resources were not present in my original post, so this point of possible rules violation is not applicable to my post - I added links only here, in forum post, for your convenience). I just asked for help and described current situation with evidences. And the funniest thing is that one of OSR group admins contacted directly tnsfigures and they answer him that they are ignoring me cause I've been "rude and threaten them". Ofc, this is a bull.hit and shows that tns are just trying to make some excuse for stealing my money and to present the whole case to the public as "not a straightforward", as that admin written to me. Well, you can check this yourself - from mail/fb_messenger screenshots how "rude" I was ) And if tns had any issues with me they could just do a refund (or send me my items) and forget about me once and forever, don't they?.. Especially after they written to me that they, I'm quotating, - "After all these paid item are sorted out, we dont wish to accept anymore new pre orders from you. Thanks." This was written to me on Mar 31, 2021. And I got ZERO items and ZERO refunds since than on items which were not anymore under PayPal protection! Luckily, i was able to refund 490 USD more of the final payments on orders were protection was still up. It was only 4 out of 14 orders and tns did NOT write even a single line either to me or to PayPal when I opened those cases and when escalated them to PayPal. NO reaction at all, all the way! Thus, currently my total loses to tns are 620 USD (instead of being 620+490)!

And now I simply repeat my original "request for help" post here to let you know what is going on (I just should add that nobody from tnsfigures has not contacted me since my post, so total ignore from their's side, which started on Mar 31, 2021 continues). So, here is my post as it was presented to public on Jan 11, 2022 (the same post is still available on smaller groups where admins do not try to launder unfaithful sellers - Phicen Doll Collectors and PHICEN COLLECTORS):

Good day to the community,
I'm sorry to trouble you but it seems that I have no other options left (before informing tnsfigures's suppliers abot this case and applying to HK Police with e-shopping fraud application as the last resort option).
I want to ask for your help in resolving issues with tnsfigures (TNS Figures) seller from Hong Kong. "TNS Figures" and "Toys Beat" owned by Mr. Chris Yeung - real person (info from "Maxnut studio" and another HK seller).
I currently have 3 fully paid orders (421 USD) and 11 pre-orders (199 USD paid as NRD's) on tnsfigures site. Thus, 620 USD in total.
I was trying to contact seller via tnsfigures site, via e-mail and via fb-messenger (Roger Jong, Tik Wai Yuen, Chris Yuen, David Cheng, Kevin NY Lam). No response from them at all!
On Dec 2, 2021 I asked to upgrade shipping for my orders according to "Shipping Notice" information available on tnsfigures site - also no response!
Seller just keeps ignoring me and at the same time do not send me already paid orders and do not send any PayPal invoices for shipping upgrade and/or final payments on pre-orders.

Thus, could someone who is in contact with mentioned seller reason him/them? I've seen dozen of comments that tnsfigures is good and reliable, but this does not apply to my case ( Currently the whole situation for me looks as fraud from seller's side - as seller already got 620 USD from me and do not ship me my items and ignores me, so tnsfigures currently behaves like some noname "seller" on eBay to me :( And I don't understand such behavior as we have here not a noname-seller...
I want either my items shipped OR full refund on all orders (including NRDs as seller shows no will to cooperate). I also informed tnsfigures that I'm ready to pay final payments for orders which is not fully-paid currently in any time when he will be able to ship them to me (or on which I got final payment refund from PayPal - four PO-orders of the mentioned above), so this is a third option. But I need response from seller instead of total ignore which persists since Mar 31, 2021 - since that time selled did not drop me even a single line ( Is this called "reliable customer service"?.. I'm not sure... If seller does not want to cooperate anymore with me - no probs. But he needs to "sort out" current situation as he said in e-mail from Mar 31, 2021. And as for today he shows no will to do that at all :( And seller's travel with my money into the sunset does not look as good "sorting out" thing to me.

P.S. All required evidences available, ofc. I have exported all PayPal transaction details as pdf files from PayPal (I do not post them here cause they have my address - but, ofc, I'll provide them to HK Police if seller keeps ignoring me). I also have screenshots of all my orders from tnsfigures site and also screenshots with my requests where I ask to upgrade shipping (dated Dec 2, 2021, so it is already more than a month passed - no response). Btw, I noticed that by some reason seller has changed all mentioned orders (fully-paid and pre-orders with NRD paid) statuses from "COMPLETED" (which they had on March 31, 2021, when I tried to ask seller for alternate shipping via DHL eCommerce Asia and he responded me via e-mail - you can check his unfriendly response) to "ORDER RECEIVED" statuses (I post here only first screens of my orders page from tnsfigures site for comparison)... I don't know what game tnsfigures plays, but I don't like that game as well as I'm not ready to loose my money just because seller plays these strange games.


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I have to add some info about TNS Figures / Toys Beat. It is related to one "interesting" group...
This info is about SOOSOO FANS facebook group. Currently group has 2.9K members and pretends to be independent group for Soosootoys (one of the 1/6-figures vendor, whos production sells TNS Figures) fans and 1/6-scale fans in general.
But, in reality (personal experience + info from other HK sellers) this is a group, almost (or maybe totally) controlled by TNS.
And today (before I understand what is going on) I wanted to join that group and sent join request. And I was banned totally before I was able to post just anything! Now I understand how funny was for "tns-buddy" admins of SOOSOO FANS group to receive my "join" request ) Ofc, they literally hate me right now as I shared info about their shady business tricks! TNS Figures are really-really shady guys, beware! They have lots of fake accounts, they have mates in admin staff of popular groups (like mentioned in my previous post OSR / OSR BST) and they even fully control some other smaller groups! This is really crazy! As they can sc@m anybody and experience no consequences at all!


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