Thor alteration suggestions.

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Super Freak
Sep 20, 2005
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Dana is a huge Thor fan and asked me to post this.

Dana P. said:
To Whom It May Concern:

I am a moderator on as well as a fan of your wonderful product. The 1/4 scale Premium Format figures that are produced by Sideshow Collectibles are of particular interest to me.

That being said, I was one of many who, on the night of Thursday, March 20th, eagerly put in his order for the incredible Thor Premium Format Figure.

Everyone who was anticipating this piece knew that they were in for something special; however, little did they know that they would be treated to a truly magnificent work of art.

That being said, many fans – myself included – began discussing the pictures of the Thor PF Figure immediately upon their premiere on Sideshow’s web site. While a few collectors articulated their preference for the angle of the head being tilted down a bit, the overwhelming majority of fans who posted their opinions on on that date and since have expressed with extreme passion their hope that the fine folks at Sideshow would listen to them with regard to their one major concern. This detail, we strongly believe, would take the Thor PF Figure to heights beyond anything we ever dreamed.

The point in question is the material used for the upper part of Thor’s costume. We realize that Sideshow utilizes dual material/mixed media for their Premium Format Figures. However, we are strongly urging that you consider one of two things in lieu of the cloth material used for Thor’s tunic. These suggestions/alternate materials are:

1. Keep the upper part of Thor simply sculpted and painted

2. Use a leather/faux leather

Therefore, even if Thor’s upper body was of polystone, and Thor’s “pants” retained the cloth material, the “mixed media” factor remains intact. This would be similar to the brilliant Captain America PF Figure in that Cap’s upper body is sculpted/painted, but only his pants are of a cloth material.

All of those who voiced their opinions overwhelmingly preferred that Thor’s torso be kept sculpted and painted, with no material present. If this cannot be done, their second preference is to use the leather/faux leather material instead of the cloth. Simply put, the cloth that is evident in the photos is simply unlike anything that the character wore, and it’s the one thing that is keeping the piece from gaining the truly outstanding level of appreciation that it could obtain.

Thank you for your time, and we at truly hope that you take under consideration these heartfelt suggestions.

Sincerely, and with much appreciation,

Dana P. and the hundreds of Sideshow Premium Format Figure collectors at
Actually I would have prefered more mixed Media on this statue...the cape should have been cloth....The folks at statue forum are such statue lovers, most of them are anti- mixed media.PREMIUM FORMAT..aint statues..they are mixed Media statue...Therefore I'm against this petition.I hope Sideshow wont listen.
I think thats alittle unfair S. Most of the the collectors there appreciate what SS is doing. And there is certainly a stronger element of Marvel and DC fans there too.
I think thats alittle unfair S. Most of the the collectors there appreciate what SS is doing. And there is certainly a stronger element of Marvel and DC fans there too.

But whats the problem they find with the chest area? I havent read the thread at SF.
I don't see the problem with the cloth there but some are looking for a fully sculpted torso like Cap. To tell you the truth I was amazed to see the cape sculpted. I was sure we would see a cloth and wire effort like Aragorn PF.
"second preference is to use the leather/faux leather material instead of the cloth"

I agree with that
I also think the cape should have been cloth or something with wires in it to pose at will.
I got no beef with Thor's torso. I love the mixed media approach and don't think it should be changed at all. The leads me to wonder if the suggestions for altering the torso might stem from the unease of some with Thor's torso being a bit thick because if that's the case then I am even less for the all sculpted upper torso. Thor in my mind is not lithe and nimble as a willow branch but sturdy and solid like an oak tree. He is the son of Midgard (Earth) after all.
I agree that a faux leather needs to used and the head tilted forward would make it so ther sculpt could be seen at eye level and not have it be looking at Odinson's neck while in a standard pose...
I for one DON'T like the head angle being changed. The pose is Thor looking up to the sky!! It's a dynamic pose and shouldn't be changed!!! If you lower his head you might as well lower his arm and change the pose all together!!!!!!

I hope SS doesn't listen to that suggestion!

The materials I'm on the fence about... but not a big deal.
Not to be a shill for Sideshow but I think the angle of Thor's head is perfect considering the pose. It's bold enough to stand out yet ambigious enough to leave what's going on to the viewer's imagination. Thor honors his father on high or beckons Mjolnir to take him to the sky. Thor might be doing all or none of these things. Changing the tilt of the head could ruin the spontaneity of the pose in my opinion.
They're probably using that same crappy cloth that they used on Cap (that tore real easily...EVEN FROM THE BELT RUBBING UP AGAINST IT! :monkey4 ).

I'm curious to see what a leather would look could be better. :monkey1
They're probably using that smae crappy cloth that they used on Cap (that tore real easily...EVEN FROM THE BELT RUBBING UP AGAINST IT! :monkey4 ).

I'm curious to see what a leather would look could be better. :monkey1

I wasn't a fan of the cloth used on Captain America either. It didn't seem to suit the character very well.
Has Sideshow ever in the past listened to and implemented the suggestions of a formal request like this in the past? I don't think they have, and now that the picture is publicly released, there's no way they will change it, because inevitably someone will complain that they liked the "old" way better.

Personally, I think a faux leather tunic and a real (high quality material) cape would have been better choices, as well as improving his belt, but I don't think anything is changing on this guy.
I would 100% object to making the torso fully sculpted and they couldn't do it anyway and keep the cloth on the legs. However I've said from the beginning that I'd like to see the top changed to more faux leather - so I'd support that and I've told SSC.
I for one like the shirt in cloth form.

My only gripe about the statue is that we should be able to see his rib cage area. Just me though.