The Quality of Your Falconer Predator by Hot Toys

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Jan 11, 2014
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
So I got this guy a few days ago...

After checking out his articulation, two straps broke (one on ribcage and one in the back...these things are paper thin.)

I glued them back on with not much trouble...

The piece is beautiful, nicely detailed and I like the mask. However I'm afraid of even touching him and I'm VERY careful where I grab him when I pick him up..

Well today, I noticed one the outermost (and visible) dreads on the side of his head is missing. Clean gone, just an empty hole where a dread should be. It must have come like that since I can't find any evidence in the room where it may have fallen out.

I tried removing one of the dreads from a non-visible spot in the back of his head, but trying to pull it out will only destroy it.

I wonder if it's supposed to be like this? I'm baffled. He was "brand new."

How are your Falconer Predators? Any of the same issue?


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I'm not being nasty, but why don't you try & ask all these questions you have.. in the existing threads? :lol

I've noticed you've started multiple threads across most of the figure sections, have you actually tried search for existing threads first? I realize you're new here, so it's understandable if you haven't worked everything out yet.

I'm surprised a mod hasn't started merging them all yet. :lol
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The existing threads just seem way too large to be relevant to me. When they consist of 100+ pages, I'd rather start something fresh. But I noticed this does bother people...just when I search for existing threads all I seem to get is the first opening of that particular model (sideshow announcement, opening pics, etc). And from there it turns into a rather unorganized thread.

But again, I'll try doing what you said. Thanks.
Better yet, if anyone could tell me what I would type in the search column to find a thread about falconer predator, please do. When I try, I get a pages and pages of irrelevant topics.
If you have trouble finding the thread you are looking for post your question in another existing thread. Example if you can’t find the Falconer thread try asking your question in the Berserker or another HT Predator thread. Most of us own or have done a variety of the Preds out there and would answer if we knew. For some reason some of the HT Predator figure threads are in the statue section. :dunno

It is an awesome figure and sucks to hear your having trouble with it. The straps are very flimsy same as the Berserker chest straps but the dread shouldn’t be missing. If you don’t mind me asking where did you buy it from? It sounds like it has been on display before.
The existing threads just seem way too large to be relevant to me. When they consist of 100+ pages, I'd rather start something fresh.

Why does that matter when you're just asking a question anyways?

As for searching for a thread dedicated to the Hot Toys Falconer Predator...

Advanced Search (top of forum) > select tab Search Single Content Type > under Keyword(s): type falconer > in pull down menu next to it select Search Titles Only > under Additional Options > Search in Forum(s): Aliens & Robots-Action Figures > then Search Now (at bottom)

BOOM! Three results. Last thread is for the Hot Toys Falconer. :cool:
The existing threads just seem way too large to be relevant to me.
Yeah, but as Sachiel previously mentioned, that's irrelevant when you're just popping in to ask a question. :lol
One good way to find some specific info, is to google a SSF topic. 9 times out of 10, it'll bring up a link direct to the thread - which is in fact quicker than a internal SSF board search.

When they consist of 100+ pages, I'd rather start something fresh.
..but that's simply not how forums are supposed to work dude. :lol
An existing thread is there for a reason. Certainly no offense to you (you seem like a nice enough person), but this happens all the time with new members; they start superfluous threads willy nilly in the hope of a quick answer.

Getting a quick answer is fine, but there's an established way to do that, othwerise there'd be 15 threads for every topic - & you can imagine how useless that is to the forum community in general when trying to navigate through a section. :lol

But I noticed this does bother people...just when I search for existing threads all I seem to get is the first opening of that particular model (sideshow announcement, opening pics, etc). And from there it turns into a rather unorganized thread.
Just go the the last page - drop your question, & done.
Again, if an older thread has become buried, try a google search under 'SSF', or Sachiel's search advice there - once you get the hang of it, it'll be second nature. :)

But again, I'll try doing what you said. Thanks.
No probs man, we're happy to help. :duff
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm new to forums, but now I understand the structure and organization of them. From now on I'll follow what you guys have said.

Thanks for being patient with me lol :slap
Hello, JohnFL2119. Sorry to hear about your Falconer's issues. So far I have never experienced missing dreads from any of my Predator figures, however I have first-hand account of those flimsy straps on my Berserker. While the straps on the boots are okay, the straps on the back and chest armor fell off soon after having it taken out of the sealed box.

I had those straps replaced with genuine leather straps from an old handbag and I was very happy with the results. Even the guy who bought my Berserker from me have also heard of the straps problem and was thankful for the mod I did :)


As for what some before me have said, you don't have to go through the trouble of opening a new thread for your concerns :) I bet they'd easily be addressed if you post them on the existing thread of the figure. Your concerns might have been brought up before and some nice guys on here would simply give you a link of the previous discussions :) Whenever I can't find the thread I google (maker - Hot Toys, Enterbay, etc) (Figure name -- Berserker Predator) sideshowcollectors and you're most likely to get the exact thread on top of the search (unless there's no thread existing). HTH!
You're not alone with the issues you described on all the Predators figures. I think the intricate designs on the figure (i.e straps) are naturally vulnerable and their tendency to break away can only be avoided with careful handling. Hot Toys appear to use a relatively weak factory glue on all their figures but it's nothing a bit of super glue can't fix :) The single biggest problem I've encountered on the Predators line is glue / paint over spill on the joints, making them fixed and prone to snapping.
Those dreads.... I predict they might start to disintegrate after a while. That rubber is not really meant to last