The Great Pit of Carkoon - Unsung Hero's Customs Thread

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Sadly, unsung hero has been MIA since July 19.

I was waiting eagerly for a set of Weequay hands and the weapons set, including the much wanted Vibro-ax, to accompany my Weequay sculpt and clothing which I did recieve from him just a couple weeks before he disappeared. Hope he's alright and plans to come back.
I'm sure he'll come back eventually... I've been gone twice, for months on end, but I always end up coming back at some point.

Has anyone tried PMing unsung? He might get an email notification for PMs. (I set my account so that I do, at least.)
He was last log in was 7/19/11. I did pay for my stuff already but Im not worried yet. Things like this take a long time to cast and if you run into problems even more so. I think I have his e-mail adress I try to contact him, he might need some help.
Definitely drop him an email and check in to see if all is alright with him. A month on these boards for a regular to be gone is unusual.

I have his address from his last shipment to me, thought in time I might send him a note.
I too have paid for a couple sets of hands and a weapon. Let me know what you guys find out.

Im not worried about getting my stuff yet, I just hope Unsung is okay.
Definitely drop him an email and check in to see if all is alright with him. A month on these boards for a regular to be gone is unusual.

I have his address from his last shipment to me, thought in time I might send him a note.

Cant find his info, if you can send his info to me in a PM and I'll see whats up. If he needs help I let him know I can help cast stuff for him.
Well, no offense Lopie, but I don't feel right about passing his info off without his OK. Let's give it some time and if no word I'll just mail him a note.
Well, no offense Lopie, but I don't feel right about passing his info off without his OK. Let's give it some time and if no word I'll just mail him a note.

No prob I did have it just cant find it, but I'll keep looking for it on my end.
I found that I had Unsung's email so I sent him a note a few days ago. No response back.

Not looking good at this point. First time I've been boned on the boards. Don't like it at all.
Sorry to hear this, guys - but Unsung did say earlier in this thread that he was being slammed with real life stuff, and he also mentioned he recently became a new Dad. I know it's been like six weeks with no word, but I think give him another few weeks before this is declared DOA.

I also think this seems like an odd set-up for a scam - mailing out amazingly sculpted/finished Weequay heads, showing ongoing progress on the vibro axes etc.

I hope you're right. I guess its the absolutely no word that has me nervous now. I don't think its a scam either, not at all. That implies premeditation. But like you said, life gets in the way and sometimes people just walk away.
It's weird that he hasn't had time to at least update on here.
But let's hope nothing bAd has happened to unsung
This is most concerning :( Unsung is a top chap and no news is a wee bit worrying.... If there is still no news from him by the end of this month I will honour his vibro staff orders for free.... Just hope he and his family are ok....
If there is still no news from him by the end of this month I will honour his vibro staff orders for free.... Just hope he and his family are ok....

What!? That's insanely kind of you, Mark. Seriously. I certainly couldn't take it for free, but I'd still love to get one if you have the wherewithall to take it on.

I do hope Unsung is OK as well. When he was here he was very reliable so one wonders if something bad happened. Hope not.