The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Bottom line, the characters are chose to serve the story, hopefully, as they've been used in the first 2 films, so if Nolan feels Bane and Selina Kyle are right for this film, I'm sure he has a good purpose for that. I wish I was familiar with Bane outside of Batman & Robin and BTAS to know what Nolan could see in the character to want to use him, because those sources don't make much sense to the story Nolan's been weaving.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Nolan is 2 for 2 with Batman, he's earned my trust.

Just like Schumaker has earned me throwing poo on him like a rabid outbreak monkey.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I trust him too, I like where he's taken the things and with 2 films now, I'm confident that his decisions will have a quality film in mind behind them and not some sell out junk.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

For the hell of it..


Stock: Catwoman 48 by Adam Hughes
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

For the hell of it..


Stock: Catwoman 48 by Adam Hughes


I don't really get why people poo-poo a movie they've not seen yet. I mean there isn't any trailers yet people are crapping on the film, and I don't mean just here, it's everywhere online. Just don't get it. :dunno
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm really shocked about the casting just like everyone else here. I think this is a good thing, though. Looking back at everything, I've have come to appreciate Nolan's Batman films more and more, every year that goes by. I was always a major fan of the 89' Batman film as well as Returns, and even Forever, since I was very little. I had never read the comics growing up, so I didn't know of Batman's origin story. Funny thing was, I loved Batman Begins when it came out, but I hated how Joe Chill (the villain responsible for the Wayne's deaths in the comics) was the murderer of Bruce Wayne's parents in the film, instead of The Joker (which was written in the 89 script). It was just so naiive of me to think, at the time, that Nolan was trying to "re-write" or do a spin off of the original Batman film of 89, and left out an important character like the Joker, LOL.

Many years later, after doing a little research, and a sequel (with the Joker) I found that Nolan's Batman films WERE authentic adaptions of the comic books :slap. Not only that, but much more grittier, and awe-inspiring than the originals made by Burton and Schumacher (even though I still love the 89' film)

And for whatever reason, I didn't care much about the hype for the Dark Knight, I thought Ledger would never out-perform Jack Nicholson. I went to the movies that night, and I was blown away, just as every other Batman fan probably was by Ledger's performance. I knew right then and there, we'd have a wonderful alternative to Burton's classics, and I also knew we'd have another Batman franchise on our hands. The only questions I kept asking myself, after walking out of that theatre in 2008 were "Why did they kill off Two-Face?? And What will happen to The Joker?? and Batman too!!??" I thought about this long and hard, and then I stopped over-evaluating everything, and just accepted Nolan's take on the Batman franchise. Batman's fate would be revealed in the sequel, and obviously I knew they couldn't bring back the Joker, but I kept pondering of the possibility with Two-Face...I mean, it seemed natural for Two-Face to be the next leading villain of the sequel, WHY DID THEY KILL HIM OFF?? So, that was that.

Now, as for TDKR, we know what's going down. The results from casting are finally in. I think Hathaway is a beautiful actress, capable of pulling off the Selina Kyle look, but I'm not a big fan of hers in the acting realm (not saying she's bad at acting, I'm just saying I'm not a big fan of her movie choices). I personally would have preferred Knightley over Hathaway, but Nolan knows his stuff, so I can't argue there. I'm also a little disappointed to hear that Bane is our new Villain. I expected Killer Croc, Clay Face, or even Scarface for crying out loud. But we got...Bane. Once again, I trust Nolan. I'm sure he will knock our socks off with this third installment. It will probably be one of those things, were you least expect it, and there's nothing but pure adrenaline pumping in you for 2 hours, just like the Dark Knight effect. He won't leave the fans without something to remember, I'm almost positive that he'll give us a great film, and he'll do anything to avoid a cliched ending. If this is Christopher Nolan's final Batman film, well, what does that tell you? You think he's going cheat us with poor performances, bad villains, and corny dialogue...I think not. The Dark Knight WILL...rise in 2012, like it or not, and yeah, I'm pretty confident, we'll get the ending we've been over-due since 1997. So haters, pucker up!
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think the casting is fine... though it is unfair and borderline racist that Nolan casts white British actors in originally ethnic roles. Tom Hardy would be a great Bane, except Bane is Latino. Same with an Irishman playing the Arab Ra's Al Ghul. Not that it's a big deal since they mostly fit the character, just unfair in a genre of white-bread characters to overlook hardworking non-Anglo actors in roles they could possibly be used for.

But, my biggest beef is the fact that we're getting two villains that have already been done! Even though it was a reboot, Batman Begins was refreshing in that it used two villains who were new to the film franchise. And, I understand The Dark Knight needed to be the "definitive" modern Batman movie and get heavy-hitters Joker and Two Face out of the way. Fair enough...

So instead of bringing in one new villain from the comics and pairing it up with a Nolanized classic character, we're just getting two redos of previous villains? I actually liked the Hugo Strange/Talia rumors, since they'd at least be something we hadn't seen before. Having Catwoman/Hugo Strange/Killer Croc, or Bane/Talia/Black Mask would be much more satisfactory. But having just Catwoman and Bane?

I understand Bane was FUBAR in B&R, and deserves a second chance, but throwing Catwoman in the mixed gives this a sense of "been there, done that." I'm sure Nolan will do it well, but it seems like playing it safe. Kind of an interesting pattern though. TDK reinvents Burton's first villain (Joker) and Schumacher's first (Two-Face,) and TDKR reuses villains from Tim Burton and Schumacher's second Bat-films (Returns/& Robin.)
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm really very happy to see Bane being cast in the third movie. But for Anna as Catwoman... I'm not really so sure I'm keen in that. But having said that the female lead dies off in the 2nd movie. This could explain why Nolan wanted to bring back some love interests for the bat.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think the casting is fine... though it is unfair and borderline racist that Nolan casts white British actors in originally ethnic roles. Tom Hardy would be a great Bane, except Bane is Latino.


Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Actually it did strike me that Hardy and Anne are both white where both the characters are actually latino. Well based on things Nolan drew from Selina could go either way. But I doubt its due to any racism or was Nolan being unfair.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It's true. There are lots of hard-working Hispanic actors out there. I'm sure Hardy will pull it off, it's just unfair that there aren't very many good roles in major comic book/fantasy films for them, and when there are, a non-Latino gets it (except for Jimmy Smitts and the inappropriate casting of Alba in FF) But that's just the way it is.

If there is a good part for a Mexican or South American, it might go to a Spaniard if we're lucky (Banderas, Cruz, Bardem) maybe a Puerto Rican. Or if there is need for a bad-ass convict or thug (which is usually the case,) there's Danny Trejo. Not much significant work in huge blockbusters for Mexican Americans or other people of Hispanic descent.

I'm sure it isn't intentional racism, just Hollywood choosing big/up and coming stars for a major film. Still goes to show there aren't enough huge Latino stars working in that genre (in a wide-variety of roles) to even be considered.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think its absurd to suggest racism in Nolan's casting decisions.

It's pretty clear to me his casting is based on 'who will be best for this role' - and that's how it should be.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You guys are really starting to creep me out with this 'trust Nolan' stuff.

Not that I disagree, it's're being creepy. :monkey1
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