The Blacklist

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Was this leaked or an educated guess?

He is either her dad or a very devoted uncle. He has to be her dad. I agree with 316what's opinion. The mystery is why he left.
The most obvious reason is to protect his daughter from his business. He had to keep her secret, or he and she would be vulnerable to the people he deals with. I'm guessing he was fairly small time when he had her, but was in too deep to get out, so he continued his business and then shielded her from it, wanting her to have a normal life.
He probably didn't have a normal life.
He probably grew up with an abusive father.

One interesting twist would be if Lizzie's husband is actually her brother, which is why Reddington doesn't want them together, and lucky for them they can't have children.
Then she would HAVE to leave her husband. :lol:lol
Thats a good question and I agree that is almost too obvious but ya never know.
Maybe he killed her Dad?

Yeah, they could go the obvious route but I hope not.

He's her dad.....the mystery is why he left her and the family.

Same question as joda76. They've only danced around the subject making the audience think the obvious but they've never confirmed it in any episode. That's kinda why I don't think he is.
i am loving this show so far, spader is excellent and just makes me more excited for how he is going to play Ultron
What a great episode, can't believe its not even the season finale; this show puts so many others to shame.
Somehow this show tops itself every week

Its the writing or acting or a combo of both, either way except for the commercials I was totally drawn in. This episode had a very movie like quality to it. For his entourage not being main characters, I was very moved by their deaths most of all.

Plus the sheer blood volumes. :lol
I love this show. Easily one of my favorites. Every episodes is like watching a one hour movie. Great production and script. That said, I was a little let down by the season finale. Was hoping for more background on Red and Berlin.

Oh well! Means I've got more to look forward to next season.:lol
I don't watch this show but my sister and her boyfriend do. Last night they were disappointed, said it 'jumped the shark'. What happened?
I didn't get a jumped the shark vibe at all. It didn't answer all the questions but it sure was interesting... can't wait for next season.
Spoilers ahead...

I thought the finale was kind of flat, to be honest. After all this back and forth all season, the finale kind of felt like a non-event. Killing off Meera didn't get us much of anything. She's barely existed as a character. If it would have been Ressler it would have had a bit more impact, since at least we've got to know him a bit. I wasn't seriously worried about Cooper at all.

As for Berlin, it's impossible to say how effective he'l be as a villain since we barely saw him. I can't say I found him terribly imposing in the one shot we got of him. Do we think the story about his daughter is true? Is it possible Red is the one responsible for such a reprehensible thing? Is that why he's got his sights set on Red?

We got perhaps our biggest clue yet that Red is Liz's father, with the final shot of his burns. I don't know how to feel about that. One one hand, it's seems so predictable. On the other hand, I'm not sure anything else would be that emotionally satisfying.

I've enjoyed The Blacklist overall, but I can't say that the finale really had me excited to watch another season, in the end, though I'm glad it's coming back. I would have liked more of a resolution, with a newer, fresher arc for season 2. Spader is great. But after watching a whole season, I definitely feel like they need to build a better show around him.

Either they need to just do away with all the extraneous characters by disbanding the task force and really focus on Red/Keen, who would then use more "freelance" resources, or they need to make it more of an ensemble with some more interesting characters. Right now, I feel like they are kind of playing the middle of the line and it's leaving me a little unsatisfied. Part of it is that the agents seem SO inept sometimes. They are always showing up too late, after someone's been killed. I understand some of that is necessary to make sure Red shines. But there's a point where they look so bungling you wonder how they have a job. It's especially bad when Liz herself seems a bit slow. There are time when she stares at a pile of papers and deduces something, but that doesn't feel all that earned.
Man, if you think they're agents look inept with the amount of shootouts and hand to hand won this season, don't ever watch that show with Kevin Bacon cause 3 toothed Hill jacks outshoot, outfight, and out think the federal agents in that show in almost a SNL manner. :lol

This didn't seem as a true finale, but more of a preview... The assaulting the FBI facility at midpoint was pretty hard to beat, it raised a high bar for the rest.
This didn't seem as a true finale, but more of a preview... The assaulting the FBI facility at midpoint was pretty hard to beat, it raised a high bar for the rest.

Yeah, that two parter kept coming to mind. It was such a great set of episodes. I guess that's on par with what I expected here.