The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

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No they're not at all. You can literally press Pause and the in game menu has all of the combos and fatalities for that specific character you are playing.
So I read up on the last few pages a bit and I have got to say that I don?t care for future sequels. Not in the vein of actually being, like, stoked and looking forward to. That last tooth was pulled by DF. I stick to my love of T1 and 2 and that?s also where these news now come in.

Yes, this is a short advertisement for my channel, but for THIS I am super hyped and even A-Dev quit is long Facebook hiatus to acknowledge and like that post. So here goes:

I will be sitting down with the one, the only, Brad Fiedel this sunday, on my channel, during the next special of my little Crate Hangouts. We will be talking about his new musical and of course a lot of Terminator music. I received a few questions already, if you got any, put?em in here. Dunno how much time we got, but...there it is.
So mark your calenders:
Sunday, May 31st, 20:15 CET/ 2:15PM EST, 11:15 PST.
Subscribe and click on notification so you won?t miss it. See you then.

If you don?t want to miss it, here?s my channel. Button to the left also works:

TCH_Special_03_Brad Fiedel.jpg
Yes, this is a short advertisement for my channel, but for THIS I am super hyped and even A-Dev quit is long Facebook hiatus to acknowledge and like that post.

:lol I did indeed. I really couldn't not acknowledge that, good score for your channel.

Well, I'm sure you already have in mind to ask him about the complete T2 score and if it can ever be released in an official capacity - although I'm pretty happy with what Python Blue (was that the name of the youtube guy?) and you yourself did.

Other questions for him..hmmm...maybe ask him what he thinks of later Terminator scores, if indeed he listened to them. Marco Beltrami did T3, Danny Elfman did Salvation, Lorne Balfe did Genisys and Junkie XL did Dark Fate (wasn't sure about the last two, had to google)

And please relay our love and appreciation not just for the famous main title Terminator theme (the 2 versions of same, from T1 and T2) but also the individual themes for the T-800 in each film and the T-1000. They really set the tone well during the movies and don't get enough play in Terminator-related media.
This franchise is so DONE. Cameron will soon admit it wasn't a wise move to do anymore films past T2. NO one can say this wasn't given plenty of chances with the public … you see how little DF made???????? Wow.
It still amazes me that it was his idea to kill John Connor like that, Mr ''I can't believe what they did to my Hicks and Newt'' Cameron.

That's not an actual quote of his but it's common knowledge he did not like what Alien 3 did to Hicks and Newt.
It still amazes me that it was his idea to kill John Connor like that, Mr ''I can't believe what they did to my Hicks and Newt

It was revenge for Terminator Genysis and a lot of other things. There was nothing we could do about it. Cameron was a made man and John Connor wasn't. We had to sit still and take it. It was among the creatives. It was real greaseball ****. He even shot John in the face so his mother couldn't give him an open coffin at the funeral.
This franchise is so DONE. Cameron will soon admit it wasn't a wise move to do anymore films past T2. NO one can say this wasn't given plenty of chances with the public ? you see how little DF made???????? Wow.

Yes it is and yes it did. Absolutely half-assed attempt at milking something that?s milkable and the one thing that COULD still get people into cinemas, they won?t make. To quote Jeremy Clarkson: "Blithering idiots."

:lol I did indeed. I really couldn't not acknowledge that, good score for your channel.

Well, I'm sure you already have in mind to ask him about the complete T2 score and if it can ever be released in an official capacity - although I'm pretty happy with what Python Blue (was that the name of the youtube guy?) and you yourself did.

Other questions for him..hmmm...maybe ask him what he thinks of later Terminator scores, if indeed he listened to them. Marco Beltrami did T3, Danny Elfman did Salvation, Lorne Balfe did Genisys and Junkie XL did Dark Fate (wasn't sure about the last two, had to google)

And please relay our love and appreciation not just for the famous main title Terminator theme (the 2 versions of same, from T1 and T2) but also the individual themes for the T-800 in each film and the T-1000. They really set the tone well during the movies and don't get enough play in Terminator-related media.

Thank you, man. Yes, it is huge. The biggest I was able to score and I was just going out on a limb. It?s crazy to have actually gotten him to do that, a person I genuinely admire and respect and I listen to his scores every year multiple times. It?s mind blowing and I?m grinning ear to ear, when I think of sunday.

I absolutely will ask him both. First question, first and foremost, of course, in the form similar of: "Do you know, or is there a definitive answer to what happened to the T2 masters and will there ever be a full score? Especially, even if the masters are missing, since fans were able to rip apart the audio track, filter the music and reassemble it as an actual track? Studio should have all the tools to do that, right?"

I will do all that, man. Be sure of it.
This franchise is so DONE. Cameron will soon admit it wasn't a wise move to do anymore films past T2. NO one can say this wasn't given plenty of chances with the public ? you see how little DF made???????? Wow.

He ****ed the last movie, if He wanted so much control why didnt he just direct it himself? He was a complete ******* to the director, basically wanted him to direct the movie for him, hacked his story to pieces and didnt contribute any ideas or work himself. He would just say no its not right, dont like it fix it. Kept meddling in everything he did, of course dude couldnt make your movie the way you want it, he isnt you do it your ****ing self and get off your stupid smurf train, nobody cares about avatar anymore he waited way to long anyway. Meddling ****s ruin all movies
I don't entirely blame Cameron. I blame the writers. They went full retard by replacing John with Dani. Literally anyone else would've been more believable.
With how often Tim Miller has mentioned butting heads creatively, with the direction of Deadpool 2 and to some extent Dark Fate, I’d be surprised if all of the weird decisions were Cameron’s fault. Cameron is good at marketing his movies, I don’t think he would’ve publicly badmouthed killing John. Most of his focus is likely on Avatar, so maybe he was letting Miller do what he wanted while phoning it in.

Here's Endosickness' interview with Brad Fiedel, very nicely done.

- I completely forgot he did the True Lies score. The main action theme always did stand out and yet for some reason I don't think I ever knew it was Fiedel.

- Regarding the big topic of interest as to why there has never been an official complete score released for T2 - it seems to be twofold

1) a composer chooses the music he deems to be the most important and which makes the most sense as a listening experience independent of the movie and
2) all the recutting and editing that Fiedel himself did not do, and maybe wasn't given a say in, meant that a complete score was never formally compiled in the first place

Even if 2 weren't a factor odds are Fiedel wouldn't have put every piece of music on the soundtrack CD anyway because of the repetitiveness he speaks of - what works in the movie doesn't always work well as a purely listening experience.

So I think I can understand what he was saying - he just underestimates, as he kinda admits himself, the degree to which the uberfans tie themselves to the movie when listening to the soundtrack. We really notice when something is missing or is out of the order we're familiar with in the movie because we're playing the movie in our heads - so for me if I'm listening to the official album and it goes to the main title theme straight away I can't help but think ''wait, hold up'' - I love the main theme as much as the next man but what about the bit at the very start where you see the busy highway and the kids in the playground before the nuclear flash? That's a great little tone-setting piece of music that has always resonated with me from my earliest viewings of the movie when I was a child.

I suppose I can figure out why it never made it onto the OS - because it's a short piece and chronologically in the movie the next bit of music is essentially the Pescadero Chase music with minor differences and Fiedel was saving that for later in the score so as not to have it be repetitive. So, what, do you just have the short opening piece and then immediately go to the main title theme? If I were to guess he probably felt the soundtrack album had to open with more of a bang and so you leave out the pre-judgment day cityscape track altogether.

Interesting that he brought up James Horner and the Aliens score - made me wonder if Cameron ever thought of Fiedel for Aliens. I've never heard one way or another. And with regard to the editing of his music that was out of his hands I wonder did he disagree with any of the decisions Cameron made.

At least Fiedel comes out of the Terminator franchise with legacy fully intact. Sounds like he hasn't watched the later movies and has no particular regrets about not being involved in them.

Those are my disjointed musings for now.

Here's Endosickness' interview with Brad Fiedel, very nicely done.

- I completely forgot he did the True Lies score. The main action theme always did stand out and yet for some reason I don't think I ever knew it was Fiedel.

- Regarding the big topic of interest as to why there has never been an official complete score released for T2 - it seems to be twofold

1) a composer chooses the music he deems to be the most important and which makes the most sense as a listening experience independent of the movie and
2) all the recutting and editing that Fiedel himself did not do, and maybe wasn't given a say in, meant that a complete score was never formally compiled in the first place

Even if 2 weren't a factor odds are Fiedel wouldn't have put every piece of music on the soundtrack CD anyway because of the repetitiveness he speaks of - what works in the movie doesn't always work well as a purely listening experience.

So I think I can understand what he was saying - he just underestimates, as he kinda admits himself, the degree to which the uberfans tie themselves to the movie when listening to the soundtrack. We really notice when something is missing or is out of the order we're familiar with in the movie because we're playing the movie in our heads - so for me if I'm listening to the official album and it goes to the main title theme straight away I can't help but think ''wait, hold up'' - I love the main theme as much as the next man but what about the bit at the very start where you see the busy highway and the kids in the playground before the nuclear flash? That's a great little tone-setting piece of music that has always resonated with me from my earliest viewings of the movie when I was a child.

I suppose I can figure out why it never made it onto the OS - because it's a short piece and chronologically in the movie the next bit of music is essentially the Pescadero Chase music with minor differences and Fiedel was saving that for later in the score so as not to have it be repetitive. So, what, do you just have the short opening piece and then immediately go to the main title theme? If I were to guess he probably felt the soundtrack album had to open with more of a bang and so you leave out the pre-judgment day cityscape track altogether.

Interesting that he brought up James Horner and the Aliens score - made me wonder if Cameron ever thought of Fiedel for Aliens. I've never heard one way or another. And with regard to the editing of his music that was out of his hands I wonder did he disagree with any of the decisions Cameron made.

At least Fiedel comes out of the Terminator franchise with legacy fully intact. Sounds like he hasn't watched the later movies and has no particular regrets about not being involved in them.

Those are my disjointed musings for now.

I really saw this post and was like "Awwwww, thanks buddy."
Super glad you enjoyed. Sadly the stream underperforms, cause "The Terminator Fans" got one out on their own, but I feel mine has the better quality.
It's a personal talk with some well laid out questions, with fans in the chat, actual movement and not a 1 hour picture of Brad, standing against a wall.

YT's algorithm is a *****.

Anyway, thanks again for checking it out, man and they're not so disjointed after all. So here goes.

- I had to read up on that too, but specificaly so on Blue Steel and Big Easy. I did NOT know that and I need to listen to those.

- Regarding the full score, this actually makes COMPLETE sense, as the situation, that I teased, with Mick Gordon on Doom Eternal, was pretty much the same, except that (according to the executive producer of the game) he was given multiple prolongings and new schedules to deliver and even said that it's fine that the studio moves forward with this lower bandwidth contributions, in case he wouldn't be able to actually mix the full music properly, for the CE's full score, meaning: there WAS a full score for Doom Eternal, but mixed to lower bandwidth, for usage in the game and the final, powerful mix, just wasn't finished.

What Brad said, to me at least, essentially means that there never was a full score. There were all the tracks, Alan Rose cut the tracks up, to go with the scenes and everything else was left on the cutting floor, exactly like Event Horizon's infamous "blood orgy". They cut it, since people left the theatre vomiting hard and those scenes were nowhere, except for a rough studio cut, that's on VHS, which has been found and is in Anderson's collection and "may" find it's way into a director's cut.

- so back to the actual topic: Brad is a different kind of musical lover, he listens to music different, since he does it on his own. A friend of mine is in a band and has the exact same "problem". I don't know if he had the time to listen to the interview, in full, already, but I'm sure he'd understand Brad just fine and I honestly get him too. Except for a few instances (put into one as it encompases a lot): The Gallerie suite is everything but repetetive and I think this should've been on the score, since it was the first encounter, used later on also, we had the steeldrum part from the arrival & the chase cue from Pescadero. So a big part of the movie was found in this suite alone. But I feel Brad was super honest and fair and square and don't think there was anything held back. :)

- I think Cameron thought of him for sure, same as he thought about Michael Biehn for Quaritch in Avatar at first, but then went with Stephen Lang, but in the end I feel Lang was the better choice as he was in the industry, like active. Biehn not so much anymore.

- In the end I think this was the best of both worlds: Brad was able to use social media, promote his new musical and at the same gave back to Terminator fans, big time and made me a long time admirer of his work, extremely happy and I was able to tell him that, afterwards and he cherrished that, before he hopped off.

This was a true dream come true.

Thanks for sharing this around, A-Dev. :1-1: :hi5:
(damn, it's been a while since I used those smileys :lol )
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Well, if anybody needs a Terminator figure from the last movie, here's one that you would probably have to swap out the head.
It's a bad sign when it doesn't even resemble him with the sunglasses on.

Yes, I agree, but you do at least get the outfit and accessories. From what I remember, there is a pretty nice sculpt out there even if a bit expensive.
I've become a bit of a snob of sorts. Unofficial stuff just doesn't grab my interest anymore. Not enough to buy at least. If Hot Toys made one, maybe. It'd have alternate BD parts one would hope, something to make it more exciting. As it stands this is a pretty boring Terminator.
Holy ***t, I didn't hear anything about this

Linda Hamilton's twin sister died on 22nd August apparently. I was just googling her out of curiosity because T2 was on telly.