The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

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I'll say a few positives about it.

- I wasn't bored watching it
- Grace, subject of so much ridicule when initial pics came out, was actually pretty cool
- It was great to see Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor again
- Arnie is always watchable and this was a cool look for him
- The opening scene de-aging looked fantastic and it was a great scene in itself (if it had been an alternate nightmare sequence for Sarah in T2)
- I actually liked the brawl at the end minus some of the Kryptonian strength and physics

On the negative side

- I reject their whole story premise immediately making it a non-canon movie to me. Other criticisms seem moot given that but I'll add some more anyway
- The plane sequence and the underwater HumVee stuff was overblown crap and visual noise. Sarah and Dani would most certainly not have survived this but they do, thereby showing off their plot armor. You lose investment when that happens. And it's impossible to think of scenes like these occurring in T1 or even T2 so that's another disconnect.
-Dani. Poor Natalia Reyes coming in for so much criticism. It's not her fault she's so tiny and cute but there it is. There's just no way humanity would follow and rest its hopes on this tiny girl. As Chaver put it, they're going for the cliched American Idol dream where anybody can be somebody. Now that said, present day Edward Furlong wouldn't have been very believable either frankly.

I kinda want this as an actual movie now. :lol

Seriously. You can see a real following for short films like this that tell the stories the way they should have gone... minus the $200m stupid movie sequences like a Hummer droppiing from a plane that happens to land at a massive dam so the chase can continue.
Dark Fate was awful. For fans of T1 and T2, don't waste your time. It's just that terrible.

I do agree: Grace was great and Linda Hamilton back was the main reason I saw it. That said, the plot takes a giant dump on t1 and t2, and for that reason, I have two words for everyone involved:

**** you
That first 30 seconds where he just lets them drown. :lol

That was hilarious. He totally could have just held them under siege and waited for them to drown, mission accomplished. But maybe he was so shocked that they managed to survive him crashing his plane into theirs midair that he just didn't have faith that they were capable of drowning either.

Seriously. You can see a real following for short films like this that tell the stories the way they should have gone... minus the $200m stupid movie sequences like a Hummer droppiing from a plane that happens to land at a massive dam so the chase can continue.

I guess I just seem to hate when Terminator goes airborne with its chases. Hated it in Genisys, hated it in Dark Fate. Terminators in space would be the next escalation.

The plot takes a giant dump on t1 and t2, and for that reason, I have two words for everyone involved:

**** you

and the Moto-Terminator you rode in on.
Ok sorry wasn't clear: Those two words directed to those responsible for the story. FX team was awesome, etc

I thought this franchise was dead now? Haven’t the last four movies been bombs?

More or less, yes. Dark Fate was the 'Cement' that was placed on top of the smoldering carcass that was the Terminator franchise
Not all bombs but all not good.

Most Terminator fans haven't even asked for more films. Those that did have always been pretty explicit about what they want to see

- a full length Cameron-style future war movie depicting the 2029 events that lead up to (back to) The Terminator and Terminator 2 in a nice tidy loop
- or if they must remake the usual 'time travel back to the present-day' format then at least return to the sci-fi/horror roots of the original film

those fans are apparently ignored and the new films keep failing, quel surprise.
As much as we like the neatly wrapped T2 ending of stopping judgement day, in a way, that movie made a mistake that sequels are dealing with and trying to work past. Cinematically, it was a great end, the enemy is defeated, but with what that enemy is, and how it was defeated, the inevitability of it still happening, maybe just under different circumstances, is real.

You can't stop a technological society from eventually developing a Skynet, the ideas and attitudes and ambitions that could ever lead to such a thing would always exist. Blowing up Cyberdyne R&D and killing one man isn't going to end it forever. To truly end it, you'd have to sway a united nations or something to pass bills that no government will ever link up such a thing and all governments will work to develop safeguards against people trying outside of them, etc., but that's not very cinematic.

Rather than having people be like, oh great, we didn't really stop judgement day, they need to just make sequels embrace the idea that you can't stop it, all you can do is be prepared for it and perhaps explore that.
As much as we like the neatly wrapped T2 ending of stopping judgement day, in a way, that movie made a mistake that sequels are dealing with and trying to work past. Cinematically, it was a great end, the enemy is defeated, but with what that enemy is, and how it was defeated, the inevitability of it still happening, maybe just under different circumstances, is real.

You can't stop a technological society from eventually developing a Skynet, the ideas and attitudes and ambitions that could ever lead to such a thing would always exist. Blowing up Cyberdyne R&D and killing one man isn't going to end it forever. To truly end it, you'd have to sway a united nations or something to pass bills that no government will ever link up such a thing and all governments will work to develop safeguards against people trying outside of them, etc., but that's not very cinematic.

Rather than having people be like, oh great, we didn't really stop judgement day, they need to just make sequels embrace the idea that you can't stop it, all you can do is be prepared for it and perhaps explore that.

Well that's the premise they keep working with and it's certainly been a handy excuse to keep making the same movie over and over. It's just not what fans want and apparently not what enough casuals want either.

And maybe I wouldn't mind if say, it had just been the pipe dream of Sarah Connor that it could be stopped. You could just say she was wrong. That's actually how I rationalize certain T2 contradictions of what Kyle Reese said in T1. He's just a guy, he doesn't know everything, he can be mistaken about things. But in the reality where Skynet/Legion is inevitable for the reasons you stated - that it's just a matter of when - why didn't Uncle Bob anticipate this probability? An AI himself, he seemed to believe it could all be stopped. There was no indication that he was just humoring Sarah and John's delusion. In fact, having himself terminated at the end - his idea - was supposed to be the final nail in Skynet's coffin, the way to ensure none of it would happen, ever, by melting his CPU.

So the later films have it that not only was Sarah wrong but so was Uncle Bob. I kinda take issue with that. And it's why I'd rather they just go ahead and say they were right, they do indeed stop Judgment Day and the war against the machines and the only story left to tell, if there is one, would then be a prequel. The future war prequel. Done. An original trilogy for Terminator completed.
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Skynet needs to be obliterated by a world scared to death of the coming war.

And its that very disassembling of Skynet that allows another country to develop... Spacenet or whatever... a much more corrupt nation that pushes it all too far, and an even worse Judgment Day is unleashed.

It is at that point that little Skynet is reactivated and joins forces with Man to try and stop the bigger badder machines-o-war.
I guess I just seem to hate when Terminator goes airborne with its chases. Hated it in Genisys, hated it in Dark Fate. Terminators in space would be the next escalation.

Terminators.... in.... SPACE!:lol


Not all bombs but all not good.

Most Terminator fans haven't even asked for more films. Those that did have always been pretty explicit about what they want to see

- a full length Cameron-style future war movie depicting the 2029 events that lead up to (back to) The Terminator and Terminator 2 in a nice tidy loop
- or if they must remake the usual 'time travel back to the present-day' format then at least return to the sci-fi/horror roots of the original film

those fans are apparently ignored and the new films keep failing, quel surprise.

Yeah, both of those arenas would be awesome.

I'd love to see a smaller gritty more horror-esque Terminator movie. There's a creepy kind of intimacy to T1.
I guess it?s pretty safe to say that won?t be happening now. Too bad, but at least Cameron got to bury his baby, even if it wasn?t his intention.
I posted my fuller Dark Fate review in the 'Rate the last movie you watched' thread. Nothing I haven't already said, just a summary really.
The ideas it introduced into the lore did indeed make for some really fun discussion/YouTubing but I'm in no hurry to watch the uninspired retread of the main plot with network television quality cinematography/atmosphere.
I watched it a second time after getting the NECA figures to see which of the guns to put in their hands and felt I could rate it this time.

As far as rankings I'll go

T2 (though I can interchange these)
Dark Fate
Genisys (Silly fun, pretty good T-1000 performance, Emilia Clarke is delectable)
T3 Rise of the Machines (I can probably interchange with Salvation, but I far prefer Bale as an older John Connor and Salvation wins a point for breaking the formula)
The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

My order:

1. T2
2. T1
3. T2
4. T1
5. T2
6. T1

Simple really just put yourself into a continuous loop problem solved

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